
True that man… Wish I didn’t get sucked in by being a noob and wanting a custom stick fast… I feel pretty stupid for buying into BJ’s BS and getting scammed. Oh well, this is the first time this has happened to me in all the time I’ve been buying stuff off the internet so I guess I don’t have a bad track record… Anyways, FUCK YOU BJ! :arazz:

Well, I asked sabre, he said all he can do is see if the IPs from the post match up, not the actual account, so im not sure how good that will actually do, but we will see.

if you want sticks, dont hesitate to buy in from ed at arcade in a box. The stick I got to replace the one im not getting from BJ is from AIAB and it’s top notch, I absolutely love it and the quality is top notch.

the phone number is a cell number,based out of roseville, CA. its unlisted and private number, so he wasnt able to really get much.

Honestly I’ve known BJ for the last 8 years. I would trust this man with my life. This is beyond my understanding why he would neglect such an important part of his life. When he first started ETAC, he had the purest of intentions to bringing a quality product to the market scene. I’m sad to see that it has deteriorated to the point where even his family isn’t in contact with him at this point. I’m not posting this to defend his character. It is beyond that point. I’m stepping in to help mediate and hopefully bring resolution to everyone’s issues.

I personally will be driving two hours to visit BJ this Sunday as I don’t have a means to talk to him like everyone else. I will bring everyone’s complaint directly to him. I will explain the severity of the situation. Hopefully there is an acceptable solution to help remedy everyone who is still waiting for a product or refund.

I ask for only those who are still waiting on a joystick or refund to private message me what product they have yet to receive. I will compile a itemized list so please be clear and concise in the following method:

Hopefully come Sunday there will be some sort of resolution.
I do not have any means to talk to him until I drive to his place on Sunday.

Sunday night / Monday morning I will let everyone know any updates to this situation.

How am I suppose to trust you ? :S

I’m just trying to help bring closure to a bad chapter in everyone’s life. All I’m asking for in terms of personal information is a name and email address of the order. Further information like the ETAC order number are to help find any records in his possession. I can imagine his email account is probably maxed out. Any information of outstanding orders is helpful to retrieve any sort of record he may have been keeping in the flood of information he has. ** I am not** asking for any payment methods or account details.

I don’t understand what you think I can gain out of this outside of helping what was a good friend. I just want to see his life get back on track so he can pursue his real dreams.

So like I said, I don’t know the state of his record keeping. Give me whatever information you feel is adequate or are comfortable giving.

Seems to me like he’s trying to do you all a favor. And there’s really no down side to you sending him an email with a few details of what you’re missing. It’s not like he’s asking for your SS# or credit card info.

Not like he’s asking for your credit card number, which is what I would think BJ would want to verify if this guy is planning on taking your sticks.

You guys DID use a credit card right? Because if you did you wouldn’t even be charged for this currently if you paid without getting a product. Paypal I think has a fraud protection system in place as well.

Thank you!

I was hoping somebody that knew BJ would step in and try to rectify this before the shit truly hit the fan.

I will gladly PM you the info you requested, I would suggest for everybody else to do the same.

I have a few friends who ordered and do not post on SRK, I will include what info I can for them.

And for what its worth, unless hes stopped answering his phone completely, I believe his cell number is listed on either this page or the last if your wanting to call him before you make the long drive.

I was prepared to make the 12 hour drive from phoenix to san jose later this month, but I would much rather spend the weekend with my children then going to san jose.

I know I cant speak for everybody, but all I want is my money back or my stick if its already completed

You know it’s too bad BJ just didn’t man up and give people their money back before this situation got all crazy. I’ve decided to bite the bullet and learn how to build a stick myself just to see if I can. If I screw up, well I’ll place an order with Arcade In A Box. :rofl:

Thank you for doing this KuroShin, for everybody’s sake. I will be PMing you my info shortly.

PMed all the info. Talked to both my friends, one will make an account and PM you, the other I got all the info you requested for and included it with mine.

Good luck to you, hopefully we can gain some closure. I’d like to think for the most part, we’ve all been pretty civil about this considering we’d been digitally robbed.

Let him know that he should step up and he might be surpised, running away is clearly not the best option.Im truly sorry it’s come to this, he seems like he was a helluva guy.

B.J. has just updated his site.

Well, I’m glad that this is coming to an end, I hope…

So apparently pretty much everyone will be getting refunds? I have my paypal account open and am waiting to see my money return.

I’m unsure whether I used my card on my account, or if I just did like a guest sign in thing. If i didn’t use my account, the money won’t go to my account should he do a refund, will it go to my CC company then to me? I have my reciepts but i just don’t know which way I used paypal.

Ya, the card I used to pay for the stick happened to expire at the end of july. They have since re-issued me a new one which is now linked to my pay-pal account, so I’m hoping it will still go to my account and the new card.

In that case they’ll probably just refund the balance to your paypal account, then you can withdraw it.

It is fantastic to hear from him, not so fantastic to hear he is having a rough time :(.

Good thing for everybody that this will all be resolved soon. Hopefully.

Cant wait for my refund and for all this shit to be over.

Hey everyone,

I just signed up for SRK just to respond to this thread. Well, at least it’s been resolved. I am one that had ordered a arcade stick from BJ. And it’s true, he’s really a cool guy, so based on all the complaints, I’m sure he ran into some bad issues in his life to just cut out communication for a while like that with everyone. I got my stick a few months after I ordered it. It worked great, but it has finally broken down, and just like everyone, I was unable to get a hold of BJ. Knowing he’s probably going through a lot, I rather not bother him with the fixing of the stick. And considering I am not working at the moment, I was wondering if anyone knows someone whom can fix my arcade stick instead of me having to buy a whole new one. I’m about to order a new joystick part from xgaming to try to do it myself as I did with the buttons prior (did not work cause I don’t have the right connectors). The joy stick on it currently gave out, and one of the buttons is not connected correctly due to my tampering. I was really annoyed it broke, but I’ve calmed down, played on the controller for a while to build my GP’s up. Now I want to have a stick again as my hand hurts from using the controller. Charge characters can make your hands hurt a lot! Please let me know where I could go to have my arcade stick fixed. I’m going to hold off on ordering the replacement stick for now to wait for some response if any. Thanks.

P.S. I live in San Jose.

www.arcadeinabox.com ed fix’s sticks as well, not sure what he charges though cause he usually fix’s hiw own sticks if there are repairs to be made. he’s a really cool guy so i’m sure he would be glad to help you.

just curious, how was the quality on your stick before it broke?