
Copy that. And for the record, I never felt that they themselves were scammers, it was more of just a means to an end. I will however say that there was definatley a small hint of guilt by association for me, considering the way BJ to me made it seem like there was a “team” behind his stick building.

In one of my emails, he actually says “my team and I are working hard to get through these orders”

That being said, I hold BJ and only BJ responsible for his actions. But as I stated, any “friends” might want to give him a heads up, or simply ask him to pull his head out of his ass.

Yup I thought the exact same thing.

I’d like some proof too.

I wouldnt hold my breath

All I can say is ho-lee-shizz, I can’t believe this thing is still playing out. I’m not holding my tongue any more. I’m almost sorry we followed the rules & waited the proper time to post up our own stick building thread, unlike certain board members. At least some of you guys could have been playing with quality sticks by now.

Well I hope at the end of this roller coaster ride, if we don’t end up with a stick or a refund, we at least get some answers…

Well, I heard back from the Inernet crimes dept., said they are currently investigating this case. they also said the more cases filed agaisnt him the better.

I recommend anybody who has not yet already to file a police report with internet crimes division, seems like we may get better/faster results if we have multiple files. My 2 friends that also ordered are supposed to be filing their reports tonight.

august 22 and 23rd I am going to san jose to SJSU, if anybody else that got burned can make it, I suggest going as well, the more of us there are the better.

almost 5 months later, this is fucking rediculous.

Edit: Nvm found it: BJ Wooden; San Jose California.

Can canadians file complaints as well?

Pretty sure you can, it asks what country you’re from, and what country the business is in. Just google IC3 and you’ll find the site.

Filed a complaint to IC3 as well.

So what happens once you file a complaint with the IC3.

I have emailed and left a voicemail on BJs phone. If he doesn’t reply in a week, I am going to file a report with the IC3. I already had my whole spiel written up on the IC3 site, and was ready to send it off, but I decided to give him one last chance to reply and redeem himself.

how did you leave a voicemail on his phone? when I tried the number was disconnected.

I went through that exact thing one week ago. I sent mine in a few days ago. Needless to say I have everything documented and all my dates/ #'s etc in order.

If you have been scammed post in here. as it asks if you know anyone else who has been scammed, or their email adresses or usernames etc. Then you can just look n here and jot down names.

I hope he gets reamed by the BBB, I’m thinking of going to see what kind of man power it takes to get a lawsuit going from multiple parties across states. I think it’s a class action suit, bot sure though.

yah I read that somewhere in this thread but I decided to try anyway. It rang a few times, then when to VM. Would it be inappropriate of me to put down the number I tried?

Anyway, I took it from the paypal I receipt I received for payment way back March 11.

Yeah, the number is available for pretty much anyone who bought the item with Paypal. But at this point, I don’t believe it’s inappropriate to post his number.

In my last email to him about 2-3 weeks ago i sent him an email with a link to this thread. No way to check if it’s been read but I figured that tard saying he got his stick was BJ. Just speculation though, as I have no proof other than that was one random ass post that goes against anything we’ve seen thus far.

Sabre is a local friend of mine and a mod on SRK, I’ll see if he cant check the IP addy and see if there is a match.

If somebody would post the # they have for B.J. that would be great. The one I’ve tried calling is the one I got off of my pay-pal receipt I thought. Unfortunately, my gf accidently deleted that email a few months back so I am unable to re-check the number. I have some friends who are bill collectors, and they have all kinds of software they use to do reverse searches and hunt people down, I’ll toss my buddy that # and see what he can do with it.

The number I dialed is 916-289-1605.

i hope you can dig something up!

Man, I was hoping that BJ wasn’t the kind of dude to rip people off. Oh, well, I guess in the future folks will have to just deal with the custom joystick makers here at SRK who have proven track records or buy a Hori or the Madcatz SE or TE.