
thats a good question. on his site he has pictures of his buddies, and calls them team electric trouble, and makes a reference to “we” are working hard, but yet in other places makes it seem like hes doing all this solo.

its sad were reduced to creating a thread and begging for scraps of info instead of the man answering his own questions.

That’s what I did, and that’s pretty much what I recommended others do in this thread. People kept on defending him and giving arguments to contradict me as to why he was a trustworthy seller before, not so much anymore.

sigh… im fuckin pissed right now…

Has anybody had any luck receiving PM’s from electric trouble crew? I just sent edg3 another PM, gonna send some to crackfiend and LPN as well, I advise anybody in the dark to do the same, it seems to be the only remaining link to him.

LPN and Crackfiend are not in anyway involved in the stick making process, let alone part of some scheme to scam SRK.

“Team Electric Trouble” is in reality just a photo edit of a picture I took after a tournament in which LPN won. Don’t go sending Crackfiend or LPN your angry messages as they have very little to do with Electric Trouble’s business.

That’s all I want to say about that.

two questions about your post.

  1. When you say “let alone part of some scheme to scam SRK”. Are you saying that you are certain there was/is a scheme to scam SRK? Or that was just a guess given what you know?

  2. They may not be part of the stick making process, but if they can get into contact with or answer questions about BJ, then that’s what we want. Some of us just want answers to what BJ is up to at this point (making sticks/giving refunds).

So by your own words, they have something to do with it, just a little? well that little is what im interested in.

and also, are you implying that BJ, without anybodies permission “shopped” a photo and put it on his site with absolutely no truth behind it?

thats funny cause there are numerous posts from BJ,LPN and edg3 and a few others all claiming to be part of “team electric trouble” if i wasnt so lazy i would actually paste some quotes stating that fact.

Fact of the matter is, BJ ripped us all off, plain and simple. I will do WHATEVER it takes to get to BJ, even if that means going through people that know him. that picture was taken at his house, which means you know where he lives, which means you will now get some PM’s until BJ does something, or until the police catch up with him.

I’m actually going to be planning a trip to cali in the next few weeks when school is back in session, and plan on bringing the police to his school SJSU if I havent heard anything by then.

I just recently ended up biting the bullet and ordering a TE stick. Fuck i hate this guy, useless scammer.

Anyone else file with the IC3 yet? Heard anything back? I’m in the process of doing so myself right now, & U encourage you to do the same if you too have been scammed.

1> No, I didn’t mean to give any sort of implication that there was a scam. I’m saying that Crackfiend and LPN aren’t guilty of any wrong doings. As for Electric Trouble, It’s most likely a case of getting in over his head.

2> I would think that LPN and Crackfiend would rather not have to deal with something that isn’t in their control.

1>They are friends, they play SF, and Crackfiend bought a stick from him. That’s how little they are involved in the Arcade stick business.

2> It’s not a big deal, it’s just a picture of friends. The idea of a “team” is simply that they are a group of friends.

3> The picture was NOT taken at his house. It was taken at a Fuddruckers after a tournament. I don’t know where he lives, and I don’t have a direct way to contact him.

I’m sorry about the money you wasted, the time wasted, and the grievances you have gone through dealing with this situation. I know BJ, and I think he’s a delightful person, but I’m not here to defend his actions. I just find it unfair to take your anger on people who have very little to do with his business.

Well, most people at this point just want to know what happened. he simply “disappeared” without saying anything.

my PM to edg3 was initally made as a heads up. If I was about to have people contact the police and file reports against me, and that the multiple charges that may be placed against me are felonies, I would sure appreciate a friend letting me know.

Apparantly BJ doesnt care that people are contacting the police, or his “friends” have failed to say anything to him. Considering there are multiple things (website,phone number,email addy and his school) that point to him, and multiple people ripped off (i have 2 other friends who bought sticks off him that dont post on here) I feel he should be concerned.

BJ could easily remedy this, but with him not responding to emails, not updating his site in months and now his phone has been disconnected, what are we supposed to think?

All I hear about is how great of a guy he is, and how he would never rip anybody off. Apparantly hes pulled the wool over quite a few peoples eyes, if this thread and his actions arent proof that hes ripped a bunch of people off, then I dont know what to tell you.

If you are his friend, and hes such a great guy, then you should give him a heads up. Nobody is asking anybody to go to his house and beat him up, were simply asking for answers. If it takes being embarrased by his peers/friends to get a response, then so be it.

As I stated, once school starts up again in august, which isnt far away, I WILL be heading to SJSU, I will be contacting the local san jose police when I do, I will bring a copy of my poice report,pay pal receipt, bank statement and other proof I have gathered as of late. I will be informing them that he is a student and give them his first and last name and all his info.

now, it doesnt have to come to that. I’d rather have my money back, at this point I dont really even want a stick from him, but if its already finished, I would accept it even though I have another custom stick already.

Bottom line is, if I havent heard from BJ within the next few weeks, I will take it to the next level and pay SJSU a visit.

I would like to be civil about this, but I refuse to be ripped off by somebody and do nothing about it.

i ordered from him and did get my stick. although it took a lot longer then the estimated time. he did keep me inform about the delays though.

Can you post some pics? How is it? Is it exactly as you had wanted him to build it and it’s in perfect condition?

when did you get it?

No offense, but that’s a pretty bold thing to say to people who have been waiting months for someone to talk to them who hasn’t logged into the SRK since the end of April.

I would think you wouldn’t go into stick building because you can’t handle the pressure of customer satisfaction and good business. Whiny customers? It’s called simple demand and service. It really doesn’t amount to anything more personal than me handing you one thing for another, this is the world of trade.

Not a thing the people in this thread is outrageous except for their patience. To be honest, some of them should be commended. Some people here even know his full name and the school he attends. Honestly, I’m surprised this situation hasn’t escalated by now.

Innocent individuals are victims here, you cannot possibly defend BJ in any way, fashion or form in this scenario. Not one tiny bit of defense is warranted. I haven’t even bought a stick from him, and it’s pretty damn obvious to me.

Communication is essential, if the man cannot give refunds, he should say so. He is in a position right now that he is at the legal mercy of his clients. If he cannot communicate with them, he will be forced to communicate with someone, and that someone may not be too merciful. The legal system isn’t always this arbitrary.

Roughly $200 times what 43 orders, minus the 10 or so who probably managed to get refunds? Pretty sure that’s a felony. He’s had months to respond to our emails but has chosen to do nothing. Defending him at this point is going to fall on deaf ears.

Details please? A lot of people here would appreciate info such as what number you were, how it arrived, etc.


Edit: And how exactly/frequently did he inform you of delays?

The guy that claims to have received his stick just happened to register in July? And have 5 posts total? Something seems fishy.

Sorry to all those who got ripped off. I thought the DJ Matrix situation was bad.

Has Mr. Wizard been notified of the situation?

That was my first immediate thought exactly. Pics/details/numbers etc. or it didnt happen.

@ xMaKaVeLix

You’re going to have to do, what your going to have to do to rectify the situation. I’m not here to stop that, do what you need to do. Just be aware that the people he associates with are not business partners and scammers.