
damn, still nothing.

this is just getting rediculous.

sooo, no updates for days, looks like people are just giving up.
still no responses to anything, emails nothing, and his phone number appears to be disconnected.

I’ve just sent him an email thanking him for wasting both my time and money. Primarily, my money. I’ve held out “hope” for far longer than the logical part of my brain told me I should have, simply because I’D never rip someone off. Multiple emails over the last 2 months have gone ignored completely. Ugh, I should have just ordered from anyone of the other reputable sellers. Hopefully someone hears something. Anyone mind linking all the places I can report him to? I’ll Google BBB and the IC3 as i figure I can file complaints/reports about theft online.

Yea, this is just fucking ridiculous… I hope he comes through… I paid 300 canadian cause of the currency exchange at the time.

well, who knows. i perosnally wouldnt buy any customs stick because i can do the electrical work myself now, but ive also waited over a month ofr parts now, and still on back order. If need be i can play with a halved shoebox reienforced with double layer cardboard for that matter, and would still taek about a day to buil dbut parts are taking over a month.

Yo can go ahead and report him but all thats gonig to accomplish is making yourself more spiteful. sure you threw down hundreds of dollars but thats what you gambled with, not saying hes stealing th emoney but the HIGH DEMAND ON PARTS IS REDICULOUS GET IT INTO YOUR HEADS. Just because you ordered say
JUNE 1. 2-3 day processing for him to receive money, 2-3 day processing for him to order parts, 1-2 months for parts on back order, 7-9 business days for delivery of parts normally excluding holidays and weekends now, 1 day to assemble your fight stick and check for descrepencies, and a couple of hours to check compatibility and usability. NEXT. post office, or equivalent, he needs a good part of the day if its like any of the post offices ive been to, 1-2 hours of waiting in line, 20 minutes at the teller, and then offt he shipment goes. 2-3 days for confirmation , 1 day to tell you your box has been shipped. 7-9 business days to get to your house. whats the TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME?

90 days. 3 months time. FOR A SINGLE BOX. now multiply it with say 10 orders.
normal work day would revolve around a 12 hour schedule with 8 hour rest and 4 hour extracurricular time.

It takes estimated 6 hours to Artwork/Install and Solder/Solderless parts/Crimp/Secure/ Double Check Parts/etc PER BOX, working at an easy pace where he wont strain himself.

It takes a MONTH for any painted box to be cured wood,plastic, acrylic, you name it. If it wasnt for this month of curing time your box would wond up being shipped scracthed.

It takes a FULL DAY to cut the peices to exact measure ments and begin working on a usable Frame, as it takes 24 HOURS for glue to fully set in. its takes another day to assemble together all the peices to the box and sand it down perfectly.

another DAY to prime the box and check for imperfections in the wood.
another DAY to sand down primer and lay on a second coat to cover up imperfections.
it takes 2-3 days for a color coat to settle in before it can be sanded down for a clear coat.
it takes another 2-3 days for a glossy case.
it takes yet another 2-3 days for mirror finish.
Then comes the process of installing your parts. 6 hours.

And thats only for ONE box. now take into consideration time constraints, space avalable to work, basic nessecities and 1 worker, id say MOST people can handle more then 3 objectives at a time.

With that being said normally one can work on 3 cases at the same time and finish relatively within the time specified.

With parts on back order he has the one month needed to cure the paint/stain.

Taking into account that there is a limited ammount of things he can do while waiting for parts, he can work on the other cases and attempt to ship out.

OH CRAP he purchased the materials and made your box, purchased the paints the stains and the EXPENSIVE if i may say, quality sandpaper, and now you want a refund. oh great.

so now he has a box that probably wont meet the specifications of another person for a while sitting here, in the WRONG COLOR. with the WRONG PARTS. and you want a refund. whoopiedo fk. what can he do? dig into his own reserves and give you refunds while waiting on parts back order. or attempt to get a refund cashed in becasue you decided right as it was cleared to get a refund, yay. but he didnt know that yet because it takes a day or 2 to pass information around ANYWAYS.

Just a heads up on what this guy is probably going through right now.

still hasn’t gotten everyone? What number is he on?

Dude… The majority of these sticks were ordered in March/April with a quoted turnaround time of a couple months.

The people in this thread were told (on the front page of the website, it’s still there) that they would be receiving their sticks by the second week of June.

It’s not rocket science here. You can talk all you want about the high demand on parts, but that demand is not here anymore.

Every vendor is shipping parts within two weeks now.

I have to agree with LuckyDay here. I am one of those who ordered in early March when I was told it would take 3-5 weeks for my order to be shipped. I dropped my 213$ with the expectation that I would receive my stick within the timeframe advertised. He had supplier issues, this is understandable, he had finals, this is understandable, he had some personal issues, this is understandable. I don’t think anybody here is blaming him for that. Most people are simply upset that he has seemingly disappeared with our money and our product with a complete lack of communication.

I asked for a refund about two weeks ago, and yes, I did feel bad asking for a refund on a custom order, however my order was a rather standard, popular stick that could easily be sold to somebody else (it didn’t even have any art!). I feel legit in asking for the refund as he did not maintain his responsibility of finishing the product during the advertised time, nor did he finish the product within a very reasonable time, and nobody knows how much longer it is going to take.

As for the supply issue, about a month after I ordered my stick, I ordered a JLF and 6 buttons from Laugh, and they came in about 5 days after I ordered them. So parts were out there then, and certainly are out there now.

Yea, I ordered my stick mid March with promised turnaround time of 4-5 weeks. It is now July and I am still waiting patiently, but this is just ridiculous. I ordered a kit from Infamouskid a month or so after I ordered the stick through electric-trouble and I’ve had that one built ready to go for a long ass time. Just want my other fucking stick so I can play with my friends. Probably going to just end up ordering another one through infamouskid once his website releases… I’m sure I’ll get that stick before this one ever arrives.

First: I ordered in March.

That’s just it Lucky, you got it spot on. I don’t want to report the guy for merely “taking a long time” I have forever to play these games, they aren’t going anywhere. If I do report it, it’s because I have received no contact whatsoever, and have no evidence I’ll be recieving my stick. “Have faith” shouldn’t be the response I get from anyone, anywhere in a business transaction. That may not be your perogative, but it sure is mine.

I don’t want a refund I want my product. In the mean time I’d like some confirmation that I will be receiving it. I even sent in a couple emails saying explicitly that i did not want a refund, just an update on his situation.

How many people would do this at this point?

I am well aware that 4-5 weeks was a “dream” turn around time, but even the 3 months it takes Arcade in a box has passed, only where AIaB keeps in touch/updated completrion lists/etc we get left in the dark for weeks/months at a time. I do not like sitting around with my thumb up my ass on a forum for months because the vendor won’t contact anyone, when I have already paid for a product.

Seriously, anyone who’s feeling sympathy and is greatly defending him right now needs to wake up. I think **only about 2 sticks have been shipped **from those who ordered from the website, and those 2 sticks were poorly built at that. Even if it takes 3 weeks to make a single stick, more people should have recieved theirs.

I am OL-18. I spent 250 bucks, 30 of which was “rush processing”. I ordered my stick on March 8th and patiently waited 4 months. I am usually a VERY trusting person but finally started to get skeptical when friends said I got scammed.

After reading the entire thread I can only come to a single conclusion. This guy started out small and legit and had the great idea to capitalize on the release of SF4 and posted his company on SRK. After that, he received the original 20 orders within the first week. Each order being at least $200 that adds up to $4,000. Likely still trying to be legit at this point he starts working his ass off. Realizing the futility, the lies start about his progress. At some point he gets 40 more orders (someone on here said they were order 60) and is looking at approx $12000 and realizes he’s already messed up, and could just walk away with the cash. So he did. During all this he hastily completes 2 sticks (the most vocal posters on here) in order to quell the refund requests and possibly make out with a semblance of honor.

I am OL-18. I have been scammed.

EDIT: For anyone interested I will be following through with legal action against BJ. I have demanded progress on my stick which I will escalate to demanding a refund. I don’t expect much from BJ considering I’ll be about the 10th person on here to do this. From there I’ll be filing a small claims suit against him in the state of CA (good thing I’m close to San Jose).

I’d suggest anyone who wants their refund to follow the above steps. It’s pretty damn hard to file a small claims suit against someone who does not regularly do business in your state (BJ is in San Jose, CA), but you can give it a shot. It’s shockingly easy to file a small claim in your state and it only costs 30 bucks. Most people respond pretty damn quick considering they don’t want to live as a fugitive for evading a court appearance.

I was order nr: OL-015.

But i just issued a paypal return within 45 days because he wasn’t responding on any e-mails. So i got it back pretty easy that way.

If youre over those 45 days i’d have to guess it will be pretty hard to get your money back after it. After all, guy made tons of money w/o actually doing much here.

And scammers usually use more lies to cover up. There seems always some lie to make it convenient for them. Been scammed with something else not too long before this, so i learned a wise lesson out of it.

Basically i wanted to hear an awnser i was satisfied with within 45 days. 2 e-mails and no response made me ask my money back via PayPal.

Well, I sent one of the members of electric trouble a PM (edg3) stating that people at this point are wanting to take legal action, and that all we just want an update.

he said he spoke to bj and hes going to be giving us all refunds ASAP…

not quite sure what the hell happened, after waiting 4 months i just want my damned stick, im a little pissed if all im getting is my money back, sure its alot better than being ripped off but im still without a stick, and other stick builders still have a waiting list.

xMaKaVeLix … When was this?

Yeah I’d like to know too, how long ago did this happen?

I’ve been following this thread since about page 6. I am OL-24. I was REALLY counting on BJ to come through, I had sooooo much hope. I play lefty, and BJ was the only person back in March that I could get a hold of that was able to make a lefty stick for me. This really sucks. Even AIAB said they couldn’t reverse one of their templates and make a left stick for me because the templates are in their computers and they didn’t have the time or something to reverse the template.

Oh well, I am hoping now to get my money back at least so I can maybe get AIAB to make a lefty stick now, I would have really preferred BJ to make me my stick though as I had some artwork that I would have LOVED to be on my stick.

tonight at 8:32 pm PST I copied the PM:

Thanks for the heads up I have recently seen him and talked to him about it. He’s going to be doing refunds ASAP.


thats all he wrote, very upsetting.

for any interested, you can try his buddies as well, maybe you’ll get more. they are listed on his site and all members of SRK: edg3,LPN,crackfiend.

LPN and crackfiend are even on the 5v5 EVO team for SF4. hate to think these guys are associated with a scammer, not sure what gives.

there are members of electric-trouble? wasn’t everyone saying he was doing this all by himself?

I sure hope this is the case. Even if he doesn’t want to give me a refund, I’d be happy with the god damn stick… I really hope he comes through… I’d forgive him if he just started to communicate again… Honestly that is all I ask.