
Yea, I tried to text him just for the fuck of it. No response. Patiently I shall wait…

I don’t know why dude just doesn’t refund people their money promptly. It’s bad for business–not that his rep can get any worse at this point but still…I know that if I were waiting on a stick that I had already paid for he would have to keep me in the loop. It’s just rude to blow people off when they’re willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, man.

I wouldn’t need to be updated daily, but I would expect the lines of communication to be open. If he’s gonna still be in the custom stick business, he’s gonna have to do major damage control. I suggest he build sticks one at a time in the future.

ok should i report bj to the internet crimes division? i want my money and it angers me that he is ignoring me. I feel i need to do something but i’m at the lcd website and it sounds like the police will show up on his front door if i go through with the complaint. I don’t want the poor kid being drug off in handcuffs i just want my money.

well in the last email he sent to me nearly a month ago he said he would give me my refund after he got his refund from his parts supplier.

He needs to change his parts supplier. Is he the only one still waiting on parts? There have to be other places where he could get parts…

Has anyone heard from him yet, Fuck, I’ve been trying to wait patiently… but I haven’t heard anything from him in like 2-3 months… I’m just pissed now… I want my damn refund :frowning:

well i decided to not contact the ic3 as getting the police involved seems a little extreme but bj may leave me with no other choice in the near future.

the fact he hasnt updated his own site in over a month has me a little worried. I’m assuming its due to a lack of anymore excuses seeing as his last update claims he would have all orders up to 18 done before the end of the month, its now nearing the end of june and still no stick and im one of the first 18.

hes shot himself in the foot as far as im concerned with his lack of communication. I would gladly still be awaiting my stick if bj had open lines of communication, and at least told me whats going on.

as it stands, if i havent heard anything by the 1st of july, I WILL be contacting the police internet crimes division. if cops come beating down his door, then maybe that will light a fire under his ass and he will learn you cant just take peoples money, leave them out in the dark and think everything will be ok.

at this point i am no longer concerned with him having to eat the cost of all these sticks people are canceling on, i hope he learns a lesson from this.

its not too much to ask to give updates, even if the update is nothing more than “still waiting on parts” or “caught the swine flu”. as far as im concerned, hes run out of excuses, and i think he knows it too which is why were not hearing from him. hes already used,school,illness and family problems, cant think of anything else.

I understand where you are coming from but i’m trying to hold on to the hope that bj is a decent person and he isn’t going to screw us all.

I’ve been an onlooker in this whole situation, but a personal friend of mine also ordered a stick from BJ. Apparently the lines of communication stopped about a month ago. His refund was to be done the first week of June, and if he didn’t receive a refund by his supplier he would refund him personally.

Unfortunately, neither has happened and since that time he hasn’t responded to emails or text messages. He’s not sure where he can go from here other than chock the money up as a loss, so if any of you guys have any luck with filing a complaint other ways I’d love to let him know.

i’d like someone to compile a list of people who he owes money to and if someone does meet him personally, try to hit him up with that list

I have been patiently waiting and giving him the benefit of the doubt. After sending him a relatively upbeat email a week ago hoping to simply hear back.

i think the reason most people ordered from bj was the promise of a quick turn around.

I’m completely devastated to say the least. My very first stick order is a complete disaster… FML

Well for those who live in cali, I would suggest driving to one of those fuddrucker tournies BJ attends in san jose, looks like they had one yesterday and try talking to him face to face.

theres a post in here about one guy i believe that picked his stick up directly from BJ.

with him not responding to emails, might be the next best option.

has anybody actually tryed calling BJ? i know ppl send him text msgs, maybe somebody should call.

Just tried to call him to see what would happen. No answer of course. “Hi, you’ve reach the mailbox of BJ Wooden. The mailbox is currently full so no more messages can be received. Please try your call again later, goodbye.”

This is BS.

Man…It looks like some folks may be out of some hard earned cash. I’m sorry that it looks like y’all won’t be getting your sticks. But don’t worry fellas–karma is no joke. If he’s ripped people off and he doesn’t make it right he will pay for it.

So after waiting for a very long time (I am OL-016, so I ordered a LOOOOONG time ago) I have finally given up on waiting and asked for a refund last week. I have not received a reply yet and sent another email today saying that if I do not hear from him by the weekend I will be contacting paypal.

I feel bad doing this for a custom item, but this had gone too far. Also, my stick was a fairly generic, in-demand order so if it IS made, then it would not be difficult to sell to a later order.

Well, dunno if you guys are calling different numbers or not, but I just tried calling him and the number is disconnected.

I’m going to be left with no choice but to contact the internet crimes division and file a dispute through my bank and see if its not too late for that.

I dont understand what hes doing, makes no sense to refund people and actually build some of their sticks, but for what its worth, barring something tragic happening, at this point i believe he stole our money.

if anybody lives in cali, last hope is to see if you can catch up with him locally, or if you know any of the cali players that know bj.

to quote some famous comedian who’s name slips my mind at the moment. “we was robbed y’all”.