
bj hasent replied to my texts and emails that I have sent in the past couple of weaks

Yea i’m seriously considering launching a complaint with paypal but I’m trying to be patient.

The time for patience is over as far as im concerened, this lack of communication is simply unacceptable. its the 20th, he last updates his site a MONTH ago stating he was commited to having sticks shipped by the end of may, im ol-017 and i still have no stick, nor have i had a reply to ANY of my emails in the past month.

I dont want a refund, at this point i just want my stick to be done with this, but i can assure, no matter how flawless my stick may be when i receive it, at this point i would NEVER refer anybody to his business.

he has broken multiple promises of better communication and deadlines, has admitted that he has no more distractions saying school is over no finals, so there should be no more excuses.

sorry BJ, but at this point this is simply bad business.

to any future customers, if you want a great stick, go to arcade in a box like i should have. I can personally vouch for his sticks, i know numerous people who own them and have played on many of them, they are top quality. shame on me for trying something new when i knew how good eds sticks were, my impatience of not wanting to wait 3 months got the best of me, but in the end the joke was on me as its been over 3 months now and still no stick.

Quoted for so much truth it’s not even funny. I just want to point at it and go “Hey look how much truth is here”. Jesus, all i wanted to do was play street fighter with a bit more control, fuck me for getting excited and trying something new.

Put in a complaint if you are still able to. If that is what it takes to be his wakeup call and get the sticks out then you can easily go back and cancel the complaint. I really feel for all you guys. A lot of new players getting into this and that has led to a ton of shady stick sellers jumping on the bandwagon.

yup start a case with paypal, turnaround time for paypal to finalize things is 30days right?

Apparently since i was not logged into paypal when i made the transaction i have no transaction id and thus can’t open a complaint ticket. So i just emailed them with my complaint.

Seriously I’ve had it, I’ve sent him 5 emails in the past 2 weeks, and sent him 2 txt msgs today… No response… All I’ve wanted was an update on when my stick would be finished, but since that’s not going to happen. I’m demanding a refund from him. I’ve waited so patiently for 3 months and still nothing… What terrible customer service.

here is a snipit of the email i got back from paypal

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

Hi, my name is Scharmaine. I understand your concern over receiving the
refund that will be issued by your seller back to your account. Not to
worry, I will be more than happy to assist you with your concern.

Upon review of your account here, it shows that your referring to the
$183.00 payment that you sent last March 19. The refund was not issued
yet, but once the seller send the refund for you, the funds will
automatically be credited to the credit card that you used for your
payment. It may take a few days to show up in your card, and the
timeframe varies depending on how your credit card issuer processes
refunded transactions. If you want to have an idea of when to expect the
funds to show up in your card, just get in touch with your card issuer
for that once the refund is already processed for you.

I do hope that I was able to clear things out for you.

Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We value what you have to say,
and we know situations like this can be difficult. If you have more
questions, visit our Help Center by clicking “Help” in the top right
corner of any PayPal page.

PayPal Consumer Support
PayPal, an eBay Company

looks like it is out of paypals hands now

Hello my name is Mishelle, I am sorry to hear about the situation
regarding your request for refund, and understand your frustration and
concern over this issue. I will be happy to assist you with your

If that is the case Mr. Mccullough, we can suggest that you can file a
dispute. However, a dispute can’t be opened after 45 calendar days of
the date of payment. We do, encourage you to go ahead and file a
dispute. The dispute will be closed and noted in the seller’s account

While the vast majority of online transactions are completed without
complication, fraudulent activity can occur. If you feel you have become
a victim of Internet Fraud, there is help available.

Below are options that can be used outside of PayPal.

  1. File an internet complaint report against the other party.
    o National Fraud Information Center
    o Internet Crime Complaint Center
    o Better Business Bureau Online
  2. File a police report against the other party.

We recommend that you continue to work with the seller to find a
resolution even if it’s been more than 45 days.

Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We value what you have to say,
and we know situations like this can be difficult. If you have more
questions, visit our Help Center by clicking “Help” in the top right
corner of any PayPal page.

PayPal Resolution Services
PayPal, an eBay Company

I’m really starting to get worried that bj has decided to steal my money. I’m really hoping that isn’t the case though.

you can prob find BJ at tournaments crimping wires

If you are suggesting what i think you are thats probably not the best approach. It would just mean a trip to the police station. Besides what if bj is some bad ass mma type dude then i would just get beat up.

He was making a joke.

if anyone can find his address maybe a sternly worded letter from a lawyer would get him to answer his email.

not sure what good it will do but i just sent bj an email informing him that if he didn’t give me my money within 48 hours i am going to report him to Internet Crime Complaint Center. I know the paypal rep said i should work with him but how can i do that when he is ignoring me?

as expected he has once again ignored my email.

man 12 pages of complaints… soooo bad =(

Anymore pictures?

I’m just curious. Man, I’ve been following this thread for way too long. So much drama. How did everyone expect ONE man to make forty odd joysticks?

Well i hope he can make sticks for those of you that still want them but at this point i just want my money back.

Well, BJ was the one that advertised the quick turnaround time for producing the joysticks…Most folks just probably wanted to be able to play SF4 properly–especially if they had to use that awful X-Box 360 controller…