
Probably the latest excuse is that it was the weekend.

Finishing 11 orders OL-19 to OL-30 by the second week of June sounds so ambitious considering what is going on.

With King Of Fighters XII and Marvel versus Capcom 2 coming out soon, the parts shortage may not let up for a while. The demand for arcade quality joysticks is gonna get crazy again and folks will be paying through the nose for those TEs on Ebay.

He has yet to reply to my email nor has he issued my refund.

you guys were better off ordering from lizardlick and waiting for parts to arrive, would of been quicker =D

Now, there’s no need to rub salt in the wound, dude. Both Lizard Lick and BJ can’t help the parts shortage. Now, when it comes to responding to customer’s e-mails in a timely fashion, however, BJ has to handle stuff like that.

Especially when the customer is not happy with your service. When you’re in business, your reputation is everything and having unhappy customers is a sure-fire way to insure that you limit your profits.

i think his rep is pretty much shot at this point.

Well, if he would keep the lines of communication open, I doubt many people would be as ticked off as they are. But looking back on this whole deal, a four week turnaround for a custom stick may have been a little unrealistic. He should have gotten in touch with all his customers and given them option to cancel their orders, refunded their money and apologized. Stuff happens and no one would have been ticked off at him for things he has no control over. For those willing to wait for their custom sticks, he should’ve stayed in contact with those customers willing to be patient and kept them informed on how things were going.

Plenty of people have said he’s a good guy and ETAC isn’t a scam, but the people who have shelled out cold hard cash for sticks deserve to be kept in the loop. They should be getting daily updates–it takes about five minutes to update a webpage.

I would like a custom stick myself and I like the way ETAC’s sticks are designed but as long as the Hori EX2s I have are still holding up, I’ll wait until he get things sorted out or wait for AIAB’s order que to drop to the low hundreds.

Getting screwed

Going on 10 days now, no response from bj, sent third email yesterday, sent txt message to him today asking for refund and to answer his emails that I sent him.
Bj has answered all previous emails usually 6 day wait, since I have asked him for a refund no response.

See, if he’s still waiting for parts and such, answering e-mails shouldn’t take up that much time. If it were me and I had people wanting their money back because of a situation I had no control over, I’d give them their cash back and apologize and be done with it. I also think that maybe BJ should just build cases, until he gets enough parts to build completed sticks.

He has said on the website that he got the parts for OL 1-18 as well as the Final Exams being over as of last Friday.

Saturday will be the last chance those orders will be shipped by the end of this month as promised on the website.

His credibility is shot and is not being for accountable for running such business. Hey I will admit that I took the risk since the price was so attractive.

Happy Days!!!

I gave up sending bj emails and just sent him that txt message yesterday, he actually replied the same day via txt msg, refund in my paypal account today, very happy this is finished, now to buy a hrap3 and mod it, anyhow good luck to all of you still waiting.

I just emailed him yesterday asking him for a refund. so now I just wait for my money so I can buy a new stick

i’ve sent 2 emails in the last 2 weeks and both have gone unanswered and still no refund.

that sucks for bj, he tried and failed.
oh well.

i did the same thing.

now we play the waiting game

the waiting game has been going on since page one of this thread, everyone prob has more success going through paypal for a refund

I’ve been glancing through this thread and am wondering one thing. From just jumping around posts I never saw one of somebody saying they actually got their stick, did he actually provide ANY of the sticks that were paid for?

one guy got a blank box cuz thats all he ordered and one guy says he picked it up personally so i guess he knows where he lives.

I want to see some pictures