s.hp is good for characters like sagat trying to cross you up late (ie when you are standing up…) generally if they have a relatively slow jump and are pretty much right over your head…
as for using it the far version… I use it a lot… i dunno the exact situations, it just looks like they are going to block or throw out a move i can beat so i do it… (always anticipate for them trying to roll/jd it and you should be ok…)
EDIT: By this I mean, for example if you use it in a poke string c.jab, c.jab, c.forward, s.fp. Lot sof times people will try to predict it, if you wait to see what they do, and THEN throw it out, you have a higher chance of them blocking…
I have recent cvs2 vids of my friends and I on causal play. They will soon be be encoded. Tips for my eagle will be helpful. Is there anyone willing to host my vids temporary?
im having problems vs blanka anyone know what to do?:bluu:
Killing Blanka is happy times for Eagle
For his cheezy cross up j.mk beat the hell out of him with c.fp, for any of those meaty jumping rh/fp RC a lariat, for his ball you can block -> standing fp or CC for free, for RC electricty on get up use the mp counter for a ton of bar… i dunno waht other problems you might have, be more specific?
You can only wake up with counter if they misstime their electricity.
Random balls shouldnt happen. If they do it’s once per match by accident.
Gwai can relate VEASNA!:lol:
That RC electricity shit is annoying
- Dont get knocked down…
- Punish mis-distanced slides with stand fierce…
- Use trip guard custom on cross ups… (stard with c.Forward)
- Use normal custom on low jump attacks… (same for all characters)
- Basically stay the fuck away from him until you create an opportunity to attack…
- Learn safe distances for pokes… (s.fierce and c.roundhouse will go through RC electricity at certain distances - you either trade, force blanka to block, hit him cleanly, or go through RC elec… granted there are more possible options, but they usually occur if you’re baited)
- Bait/punish jumpins/fierce attacks
I dont know how to beat k-blanka… I just hope he gets wreckless and i take enough damage with pokes to kill him with CC… low jumping/running/jd/backwards hop are too good for controlling distances… eagle being a relatively immobile character, relying mostly on dashing forwards/backwards and pokes to create distance… as well as jump back mp …
against c/a blanka eagle has a fairly good chance because of his strong grounded anti air (c.fierce) which can be done at a number of different heights (more of a factor when fighting p blanka), his high counter which is good for a knockdown, and jump mp (against, just restating shit everyone knows…)… it makes it difficult for blanka to jump in… cross ups can be caught early with c.fierce, although you can also wiff this… so IMO it basically turns this into a ground game where jump ins only occur randomly (or when baited) or by taking advtange of an opening…
rc fierce lariat, and sometimes even just fierce lariat can be used for anti crossup, as it moves you forward and sometimes out of the way of the attack… if you dont RC you usually trade… not sure if youc an CC after a trade or not… I need to try that out soon…
Does eagle have like blanka only strings?
And what is eagles range where he likes to be
Umm… I think eagle can do c.jabx3, c.forward on blanka whereas he cant do that on most characters… followed by optional fierce/roundhouse…
Eagle likes to be… outside of the other characters sweet spot
So like… basically in between outside his s.fierce, and inside his c.roundhouse… (at the tip of his c.roundhouse range)
Failing that, he’s good just outside the other characters jab range, where c.forward owns many characters… and if not c.strong will beat lots of characters and create distance…
Anyway… that’s just my preference… im not saying he’s not good up close, I just like too stay outside… as generally you want to take damage with fierces or combos starting with jab… and depending on who (both character and opponent) you are playing if you are in jab range you might be under pressure… as against characters like cammy and blanka it can be hard to get in close.
Thx but now a quit playing Eagle:bluu:
why did you quit?? you were doing pretty good with him at the tournament…
Eagle just ain’t cutting it :lol:
Yo… can someone post the anti air cc?
SUP peepz
can someone tell me all his cc in a groove and how to start them or some good combos with c groove cuz i want to play him in both C and A
look at the begining of the eagle strat thread ull find his cc’s and combos
its been awhile, but i recently realized how dope eagle is and how much untapped potential there is…
random tip- if eagle blocks chun li’s kick super, just 2 qcf + p super her right back. level 1, 2, or 3, it doesn’t matter. don’t try and walk up a bit, crouching mk xx super, just do the super. i even tried out far standing hk xx super, but the spacing is kinda iffy and the cancel is really tight.
eagle is all about theoretical damage vs practical damage. if you want to miss that super by trying some cute shit or have chun li BLOCK it, then you’re gonna lose.
i don’t care if it has been mentioned before, but what placement is eagle best at?
combofiend puts A-eagle first, arturo used to (and roger williams still does) put C-eagle second, and alex walbert puts C-eagle as his R2 anchor. i guess confidence in your eagle plays a big role, but what place do most people like him at?
i usually put eagle as my leadoff because i’ll most likely run into honda, cammy, vega, or sakura, who eagle all does well against.
i put him first becuz he builds tons of bar and has great matchups
I use P Eagle and often place him first. Right before he goes down he has some meter to work with, and cr jab jab forward xx qcf x 2 p super takes away a lot of damage.
He does really well vs top tiers. Perfect counter for Cammy and Blanka, does well against Sagat. I don’t really like him against Bison.
i dont find eagle does well against sagat or cammy at all can u tell me how u find he does well?..
I like eagle against bison. His standing fierce and high counter do a lot of damage against jumpins. He can hold his own against bison on the ground too… er… and by damage i mean they are good deterants because of bisons high jump - eagles high reaching c.fierce is good for anti cross up… same when fighting chun li…
I like eagle second… right now im playing a-cammy,eagle, rolento.
Eagle usually has some meter to start… and either he uses it and does a good amount of damage or leaves bar for rolento to start with…