Eagle Advanced Strats and Tactics

feels good to get the ball rolling again…

anyways, HOW DO I FIGHT AGAINST GUILE? i asked previously for help in this thread, but didn’t get any advice. out of all the matchups i know, i know vs guile the very least. what makes me the most apprehensive about putting eagle first is facing guile because i’m so unsure about the matchup.

i remember viscant said eagle matches up with guile’s ground game and should use a lot of distance maintaining with crouching jabs. i need more help from that…

against guile i notice eagles st fp stuffs sonic boom’s just don’t throw it out all the time ur asking for guile to roll ----> crazy level 2 cancel.I would say C-eagle has the uper hand here then say A becuz of the alpha counters… they really come in handy

Unless the booms are RCd. In that case you want to react fast with a jump and get the counter jumping forward for a combo. Even RC booms have recovery you can take advantage of and Eagle’s jump is hella useful here.



im often afraid to jump iono it always seems like guile recovers super fast and smacks u out of the air

anymore advice on this one apoc? i’ve found that eagle should use crouching mp more in this matchup to stuff any backfists or rh sobat kicks that are used improperly. it does pretty well against guile’s crouching mk also.

the biggest problem is probably finding something eagle can do against a perfectly spaced far sobat rh where just the tip of his foot hits. maybe a standing rh to stuff it, but it would have to be quick.

and what’s the best thing for eagle to jump in on guile with (if at all)? you’d have to wait til they lost their charge to jump in, but what of eagle’s jumpins stuff/trade with guile’s normal AA’s?

eagle’s level 2 double qcf + p super is beastly. 4800 damage points is among the highest in the game. geese ties him with his level 2 raging storm and so does raiden with his level 2 720. gief’s level 2 720 does 5000, but you can’t cancel it into anything.

another reason to play C-eagle…

so how do i beat guile again:D?

Ive been playing Eagle in P Groove recently. Is he any good in that groove and what advantages disadvantages do I have to look at playing him in P.

AA CC: qcb+fp cancel first hit into 2 c.fp’s, [roll, c.fp x3]xN, super

once u get into the corner do jump straight up medium punches there like 6 hits a pop

i don’t play P-groove at all, but i could see that it would be effective for him. parrying would stop his crossup problem if you can’t RC lariat well. it would provide him an AA against long distance jump-ins (like sagat’s jumping roundhosue) and short jumps also.

i saw an a-cho video awhile ago with P-eagle in it. i don’t remember much, but i bet you could experiment and find some solid option select situations after his punch throw. i remember the eagle player did something like a punch throw, dashed over, parried low, and did crouching mk xx super. i’m sure you can find that video somewhere.

anyways, can somebody please help me with vs guile advice?

Oh, I remember that vid. He dashed over Yamazaki, did s.MK (blocked), and -then- he parried low into low MK->super. Was cool. :slight_smile:

I guess the main thing Eagle has going for him in P is that he can parry far pokes and punish with s.HP. I think you might be able to parry a poke and counter hit the limb with s.MK and cancel into the rush, but I’ve never tried it. One thing I do like about P is that it’s the only groove with both small jump and a permanent super meter.

I play P-Eagle, but I suck, so I can’t really say much more. =p

Full screen 3 hit combo into level 3 super can get you into trouble, as the last hit misses (i think this happens against all characters, i dont remember if this is true because i havent done it in a while).

So like any groove with only level three this is pretty bad, especially against k, where you get your super, give them rage, miss last hit, and die…

I can see eagle being good in p because he has lots of moves that leave him at deceptive recovery. C.mk, s.mk, close s.rh, hcf+kick (hit… as blocked isnt safe). Also he’s got a really really good c.forward, so there is lots of opportunity to parry, low forward xx super (again, depending on the distance…)

He also keeps his bad ass hop and is safer in the air than A (and theoretically C)…

p would me good seeing how u have hop and a stable meter and u now have a answer for small jumps even tho i think RC lariat is great

combofiend’s A-eagle is beastly.

and i need a new avatar, eagle is too good.

Eagle - Standing forward beats out spiral arrow, crouching forward sticks out for a long time … crouching strong is good in random strings.

Option select P-Eagle is very scary when he has meter.

If I can, I’ll get some vids up of my P-Eagle and get some tips from you guys, as I need a lot of work on him. He’s a great character in general.

Counter hit meaty close roundhouse combo into c.forward is too funny.

Man, I still need to try that out.

Meaty low MK links into super. I wonder if it’s a good idea to dash over the opponent on wake up, stick out meaty low MK, and super if you see it hit?

Just do meaty low mk, if it hits, do low mk xx super, it works with/without a counter hit… or isntead of low mk xx super, you can do s.mk xx rush

If you do 2 low MKs then super, will the opponent be pushed too far away to be hit by the last hit? I mainly use P and I only have Eagle’s level 3 super.

I should try the s.MK into rush though.

do low forward, the c.jab xx super … you’ll have to hold the jab but it lets you do it on reaction… im pretty sure you can link a counter hit roundhouse into super too, although im not sure how useful that is as I dont often get counter hit roundhouse … but then again im probably not timing it right, lol :slight_smile: