ooooooooh, but standing fierce and crouching roundhouse… gief DIE!
oooooooooooooooh, but RC lariat… EAGLE DIE!
ooooooooooooooooooooooh, but eagle supers that take off a fuckload of damage because you fucked up on a poke and got a low forward in your face… GIEF DIE!
how much should i expect from this move?
because if it works, its great, gives me free hit plus distance…
but its hard to know witch one to pull of… what do you guys think?
Wow the game’s been out that long already since that was years ago! I was more hung over with no sleep. Had an exciting evening there with some locals(non-sf locals of the female gender). I don’t think I coulda handled anymore party favors by morning, lol.
More to the point. There’s a really good Japanese Eagle(who may have dropped him now) who I think is worth watching. Mainly because everytime I saw a vid of his I was like, that’s my shit, he’s late. Then the next one I’d see he’d bust even more shit that I didn’t think anyone else knew. Which is surprising when talking about tricks and set-ups aside from uses of moves and the norm. The only really separating difference in the two Eagles(mine and his) is the groove. Which changes a lot in some matches when talking about C and A. He uses A. But still, although I haven’t looked for awhile, vids of his Eagle are probably the best representation of solid Eagle play online. Unless you’ve mastered Eagle already(which is doubtful. Since first you have to know everything and then be able to apply everything and with Eagle…well, it hasn’t been done yet. That’s a fact), you’ll definately find something to add to your arsenal by watching his play.
Unfortunately, I don’t know where to link you to grab some since they’re a tad old. Maybe on direct connect at the hub? Anyway, the player’s name is Ver. He plays A-groove and Joe is another character that I remember from him. It’s worth checking out if you can find any. The guy knows his shiet. Too bad he doesn’t play C-Eagle also:(
haha, sorry i’m random as fuck… but yeah, eagle is good, i would put eagle against gief if i used him a little more… lots of potential in the character, i swear his low jab tick throw is fucking un-hittable
a and c groove combos take off soooo much damage too so i don’t really see how gief is going to get in on eagle without dying… hmmm, maybe gief’s offensive crouch forward would work…
in terms of AA, use crouching fierce or RC lariat primarily. you can use standing mp, but you really need to know its uses- usually against high priority jump in’s from a far that crouching fierce won’t reach.
apoc- yea, version’s eagle WAS solid. he switched eagle out for A-maki and plays A-maki/joe/R2 chunners. interesting team, but he got top 8 at SBO. the only interesting thing i really picked up from him was counter hit crouching mk setups. otherwise, i’ve seen a few vids of him just doing ridiculously stupid shit (like super jump roundhouse 3 and 4 times when getting normal AA’d everytime). he also would abuse standing fierce in certain vids. it was depressing to see his joe and chun li do so well, then his eagle get raped by roll xx anything because his opponent telegraphed the repeated standing fierces. most of the vids i’ve seen of him are on the nec3 DVD with some random MORE arcade footage.
Yeah… Meaty close standing roundhouse on wake ups to counter hit crouching mk link to standing fierce. I wonder if their’s any other good eagle’s In japan out side of A groove/VER…
I dont think the Japanese even like Eagle. :o… They dont know what their missing:)
Ok well, this thread has been dead for a while. So I thought id come here to say what’s up.
Just some things i’ve noticed while playing a-eagle vs k-cammy.
If cammy is running it is like a free If you do this when they are at their s.roundhouse range it is pretty safe. If they stop around that range then you recover quite fast (as they are recovering from run), if they throw out a s.roundhouse you win gives you the nice counter hit. Of course, dont try to abuse this, especially when they have meter or you might get a nice s.roundhouse xx super ^^
If cammy is using spirrow arrow!! so that just the tip hits you, you can on reaction activate and start eagles custom with s.roundhouse. I suppose this is true for most characters too… but yea…
I’ve been trying to use his autoblock counters in the game more. His strong and fierce versions have quite a lot of block stun. I like to do c.jab, c.jab, (c.jab) xx low/mid counter, s.fierce/c.roundhouse as one of my mixups on poke strings…
anyway, not exactly very new stuff, but I wanted to see people post in here again.
a blocked low/mid counter leaves him at -10. block strings using mid/low counters sound interesting, just make sure you range it properly and the opponent doesn’t have a quick level 3. and use SPARINGLY.
Yea, i didnt know wht it leaves him at, but the recovery of the opponent is deceptive, as they are in stun a lot longer than you would think… and yes, watch out for fast supers… hehe…
I used to RC that move all the time, it helps against fireball characters, that’s about it. At about the distance where if sagat throws a fireball (so that he can anti air you with tiger uppercut) you can rc on reaction if you are waiting for it (and sometimes not). It not only gives damage, but it brings you in to a good distance (in my opinion) where you can throw out high priority (, wait a bit then s.fp/c.rh, wait for jump and c.fp/rc lariat/ back.fp, or wait for psychi dragon and punish with whatever you have …
No, about the only thing its good for is punishing fireballs (and at certain distances fireball supers). Its distance is a bit less than full screen, if you do it from full screen you will wiff on the last hit(s) and can be punished. Since this move can be punished even if blocked its not very safe to do. Here it’s either parried xx something, rolled (and then punished), or dragoned almost every time…
Has anyone noticed that eagles jumping mp is crazy fast i use it for AA sometimes and in cc’s or AA cc’s its like blanka’s j.fierce punches anywayz… when is it good to throw a s.hp i heard ppl say when u know it hits then why dont u abuse it then?