Eagle Advanced Strats and Tactics

good call apoc. did you get my email? i’m still wondering what you think about the cammy vs eagle matchup.


One time I woke up with a level 1 super vs cammy, we had a major counter thingy where you are both frozen, I then combod a crouching fierce. (could have combod into super but I wasnt expecting it to actually combo) I tried reproducing this again but I couldnt get it to work. I dont even remember what move cammy threw out (probably a s.fierce)

This cant be the easiest thing to do on reaction… or is it? It definately doesnt sound easy… especially for one with super motion skills like myself!

Trading into combo is common for Eagle but you still need to be quick and reflexive. Level 1 does this on trade as Gwai Lo mentioned. So does both of his strongs. The level 1 spin is especially good for doing this easily. I did it a lot the first year it came out but now I’d rather save for level2 and such and screw the flashiness. Cool shit is not at its’ most useful in CvS2:P

As for low strong cancelling on reaction. In all honesty, I am the only one that I have ever seen do this and that is because it’s extremely difficult. Or…one would think. lol

Being that I’ve been lazier and lazier in the last 3-4 years, and also that I’ve been SFing for over 10, I’m quite skilled at making up tricks in order to do crazy shit.

So…now that I’m retired really, I’ll throw this out for the Eagle fellas alone(Everytime something is a technique I invented, it turns into whoever’s technique that ppl witness using it. I actually read on Denjin video that pre-charging moves like Remy is a Japanese technique when I’ve been doing it since CE. It just took me a few years to realize that ppl weren’t doing this the whole time. Again, now it’s japanese,lol. Whatever.).

So, here’s the technique for getting a combo everytime you counter hit with the first hit of the strong. Do me a favor and remember where yall got this. Don’t act all hot shit when someone asks how the hell you do that.

Ready, yall are gonna laugh. Ok, everytime you hit the low strong at counter poke range, be doing the motion for the rush. Basically, it’s like this. Walk and instead of merely crouching, roll the stick from back to down as you hit strong. Then, (here’s the funny part) complete the motion and hit MK.

If you’re paying attention, you’ll realize that you’ll be doing a buffered low strong into mk rush. Basically doing the mk rush and inserting the strong in the middle. It’s a simple twist on buffering and I’m surprised that other Eagle’s don’t do this. But then, who else rushes with Eagle…unless charged in A, lol.

Why does this work and cause a combo on reaction? Simple. If you do this EVERYtime you hit low strong at counterhit range it’s guaranteed not to mess up. How? Because if it doesn’t counterhit then the strong continues on the second hit and the mk is never able to be taken as true input(unless you “kara” cancel which means you’re buffering too fast). So you stick out strong, if it hits, the mk rush comes out. If they don’t attack yet they block or get hit by the second hit of the strong.

That’s how you guarantee any crouching strong into a rush. That’s a patented “Apoc Eagle” technique, lol.

Anyway, no sense in keeping secrets when I’m done competing(at least for some time).

Excuse the mood of this post. Was a lil pissed today, heheh.

They are PLENTY of strings that lead to an almost guaranteed counter if they attack. Inserting a low strong after specific strings are set-ups for this. Some strings work better on others. Yall should look for these=)


Damn, that’s pretty cool shit, so the counter hit delays when the next part of the move comes out? Im not sure I understand why it works, although I know chun has similar shit but its supposed to take some learning in timing…

EDIT: And yea… I only mentioned the level 1 thing because I use eagle in a groove…

Trading into combo can usually be done with any multihit move.

As for the counter strong. How can I make this easier sounding?

K, when doing a low strong, always act as if you are comboing the mk rush move with it. If they stick anything out that gets countered by the first hit, the rush will combo, naturally as if you knew you were going to counter hit. If they don’t stick anything out, the strong can’t cancel and therefore you get the second hit of the strong as a poke. So always be buffering the low strong into a mk rush when you stick it out.

scenario1:you stick out low strong(with the buffering method described) and the opponent does nothing.
Outcome:They end up blocking the second hit of the strong.

scenario2:you stick out low strong(with the buffering method described) and the opponent attacks into it.
Outcome:The opponent gets hit with the 1st hit of the strong and gets comboed by the buffered mk rush.

In both scenarios you are still doing the exact same command with the joystick and buttons=comboing first hit of the strong everytime it connects.

Understand that I don’t mean to do this if you are in range to connect the first strong with their sprite. This is done from outside of the first hits’ range. Otherwise you would be cancelling the rush on a block which would be bad news. This is strictly a counterpoke technique.

When in range and anticipating a counter, you can actually wait to hit the mk and therefore, NOT hit it, if they block. This is usually done after a set up string that makes them feel safe to attack.

Both of these have the same button rhythm. Sounds like “tadah”


Ahh, I understand you, although your post went into a lot more detail that was necessary for me to understand :smiley: Thanks for taking the time to do so.

My bad, just wanted to be thorough, heheh.


Hey hey, sorry for doing this in Eagle’s forum(whom I have much respect for) but I mainly wanted to say sup to Mr. Apoc. Hey Jason, I couldn’t help notice your location on your sig sayz Nevada. Are you back in Sin city? If so let me know cause me and King might be there during Christmas time and it would be great to hook up with ya. Don’t Private message me cause my PM’s don’t work but rather post back here and I’ll check in every now and then.

WASSUP bro! It would be sweet to have yall here. I’d hold a tourney if you guys wanted to challenge the Vegas comp(yep, I’m stuck here for the time being). Yall are welcomed to stay at my crib if you’d like to save some ends on the hotel fees. You can hit me up by email(so as not to tick off other Eagle heads:))


Good to hear from ya!


all right, let’s get to some real advanced eagle shit. in buk’s “what i learned in japan” thread, the only thing he mentioned about eagle that the japanese players know eagle’s moves and priorities much better. he also mentioned counter hit crouching mk setups, but didn’t remember any in particular.

so let’s throw out some counter hit crouching mk setups (which link to standing fierce)

-my favorite after you knock somebody down, do a meaty standing rh, then crouching mk. sets that shit up perfectly.

-hit somebody with a B&B ending in hcf + k, then do crouching mk.

-dash in, crouching mk

-crouching jab x2, very tiny pause, crouching mk

basically any setup is good as long as you set up a good distance or frame advantage where not many normals will be quick enough or have enough priority to beat eagle.


PS- hey apoc, did you ever get my emails? that’s cool if you don’t want to respond, i’m just wondering if you got them. although i would like to hear your vs cammy strats:cool:

oh yeah, eagle has a massive advantage once he gets someone cornered (especially A-eagle).

if they poke…

-eagle just baits whiffs and punishes them.

if they jump…

-do his AA CC (check www.namonaki.com) if you have a full A-groove meter
-jumping mk/mp
-RC lariat
-crouching fierce

if they roll…

-CC starting with crouching mk
-mk into super

so basically find that sweet-spot in the corner and be patient, and you’re golden.

eagle’s all about the options:lol:

What are the stats on eagles close s.fierce and far s.roundhouse?

EDIT: Dash grab is top tier tactics, dash activate, and roll activate are top tier tactics.

Close Standing Fierce 1100 -2/-2 [5/8/26]
Far Standing Roundhouse 1300 -11/-11 [7/3/32]

for the love of god, never use far standing rh.

I use it against iori, and to change up the timing on my far s.fierce range (p-iori)

But wow, -11? that’s fucked up…

I’m no authority on Eagle so I can’t add much to this convo (though I used to use him way back in the day), but deciding whether or not to use a move solely based on the frame advantage/disadvantage is a bad habit. Keep an open mind. A move is much more than the sum of its numbers. It might have weird hitboxes in your favor and be effective against a certain character or move that’s giving you trouble. A good example of this would be Rugal’s low strong being an excellent anti-cross up and anti-air against most characters.

Sagat’s standing forward and roundhouse, Hibiki’s slash and Iori’s sweep are -12, -7, -19 and -16, respectively. All of these moves are incredibly good.

On that note, I’m 90% done on a short little guide on reading and using frame data. Should be up by the end of the week.

my bad:)

the thing that struck me was that the moves hitbox was only active for 3 frames, which seemed ridiculously small. but then i realized the standing fierce was also 3 frames, but it’s range is much greater. you’re probably right, i just need to find those specific uses for it.

and buk, have you ever used maki in a tourney? i’ve seen your posts in the maki thread, but i’ve wondered if you’ve tried using her instead of morrigan in a tourney.

peace, thanks for dropping in on my thread. i’m trying to contribute as much as i can on eagle, although i’m still working on him myself:cool:

Just bumping this thread…

its been a while since stuff has been posted. Anyone come up with any new tricks/set ups? I dunno, to me eagle seems pretty basic in terms of game play, nothing too extravegant… poke poke poke :slight_smile:

I think all the combos and such has been talked about, so more situational game play should follow hopefully :slight_smile:

I dunno if I mentioned this, but if you are inside of eagles s.fierce range, sagats c.fierce will beat it easily… but a bit outside eagles s.fierce range you will beat a sagat c.fierce (as is the way with most moves like this, but the difference in distancing is like very minimal). Im not too sure how much application to actualy game play this has (aside from random pokes/predicting c.fierce, which isnt always the easiest thing to do), but im really bored and am waiting to go away on a branch retreat for work :smiley:

I recently changed the way I play with eagle. I stopped RCing (before I rcd shit all the time, especially sagat fireball). This has limited some stuff but helped me with my distancing. If you play with good distancing you can bait moves to rc through by getting out of position. Like sagat fireballs, they think “oh, i can do this now” but then you RC through it unexpectedly (because you arent whoring them all game). You can RC through a sagat fireball almost anywhere on screen except for full screen, as you will hit a few times, but then miss and eat c.fierce of death (or c.fierce xx super)

Also another thing I noticed, is beware people jumping into your s.fierce range. Never ever throw out that s.fierce no matter how tempting it looks. The worst part about this is sometimes I press it on reaction :bluu: Instead of s.fierce, press something like s.jab or tap forward and back quickly to make it look like you are doing something. Then if they are sagat you still have to block, hehe :slight_smile:

Blanka RC Electricity. I recently had a huge problem with this because I was playing on a screen I wasnt used to. Eagles s.fierce went out a bit further than I thought, and also blanka delayed the RC a lot so he moved forward more. At max range eagles s.fierce will go through blanka RC Electricity. This is good to know the range because it is fairly safe if you learn the range really well. You can get a lot of counter hits on reaction. As soon as you see the RC electricity at your max s.fierce range throw it out, either you go through, they block, or you hit them. Of course not knowing your range and getting a counter hit is not fun (as is the case when I played on a different size screen).

Anyway, this is the kind of stuff I want to hear about, not match winning, but fun stuff to know that will add up.

I gotta go catch my bus for my branch retreat. Will try to think of more things later.


Your Eagle, Rolento are cheap :mad:
But I laugh at your Blanka har har har

Can’t catch Mai!!! Booyacka!!

oh ya Eagle is sick in right hands!!too much range!!! Cable of cvs2 nah jk nobody is betta then Nathan SUmmer!!! Scimitar!!!

edit: scimitar!!!

I just came from NEC. It was nice, had a good turnout. I first match was against a fellow from connecuit (i think). I play p-groove and had rolento/eagle/Yama(2). He had K cammy/hibiki/sagat(2). To cut the story short, my eagle had huge problems against hibiki. it was very stressful.

First jumping in was not an option, kept changing the timing of her anti- so i kept getting hit. Using his medium kick to jump in was okay however it was still in her favor.

Second, i was tyring to bait her s.fierce?(the move hits mid) by using small jump then medium punch counter, it kinda worked well. Small jump was a good way to get in though, just have to be very careful.

Third, if u know he is going to attack low, hcb+rh is a good choice. Sometimes during the match, i will just do hcb+mk, then have to guess with counter i should use. It was a big risk but i guessed rite:)

Forth, when he is very close ( which happened very rarely) i threw her with fierce. followed it up by using hcb+jab. The jab version has a good recovery(put in mind, mixed up tactical recovery), I had three choices:

  1. If he trying to do hibiki’s b&b, i could just easly parry low then punish.

  2. Having a full meter, i could fool him into thinking i am about to tick throw but did super(sometimes i smile mind cuz the throw animation is just there and a super is in their face).

  3. Hop back, hop forward c. mk super/throw.

My opponent, to be honest was not technical but i give him props for his runaway skills. i knew turtle hibiki is really good. I have never played against her in a tourney before. Made me want to go back to my drawing board and find more setups to lure her. i like some advice on this against her. please do not post , play rc groove and u will be fine. P-groove beats RC.