Eagle Advanced Strats and Tactics

sorry i replied for a post on the first page by accident thinking it was on this page:p

Yeah you gotta learn RC with all of your characters.
Eagle Is way too strong with RC. I haven’t read this but it’s probally common knowledge… RC hcf+k threw projectile’s. Every time somebody would throw a projectile, Arturo RC’ed right threw… every time… free damage.

Popoblo: is RC “fierce lariat” as an AA, safe to do on character’s with safe fall groove’s. I would test it ,but I let someone use my Agetec. :wasted:
I also he was using FP lariat’s to chip large characters on wake up(“RC” of course). It can be punished it think? but the push block put you in a safe position? My friends said he was doing this to Sagat’s(I guess with out meter) Meh. I wish I could test this. I dont want to misimform.:sweat:
My friend play’s P groove Eagle… he use fierce Punch lariat’s early to evade cross ups. Also I’ve seen jumping mp(hit kinda early) snuff Tiger uppercuts. It seem’s to snuff alot of move’s.
Also about a blocked Hcf+k… like s.mp to Hcf+mk I know you can punish it after the first hit but I never react fast enough? I haven’t seen anyone punish It.:lol: Like 90% dont know you can punish it, or dont react fast enough.
I keep telling my friend…“why dont you chip me”?
He’s like… “I dont want to chip you!”… "It’s not safe!"
Iam like… “I cant punish that shit, Iam too slow”.
My friend’s like… "If I play somebody good… I dont want to get in the habit of doing it!.:frowning:

No D

Its hcf+kick , btw

And yes you can punish ALL versions of this if blocked.

Forward and Roundhouse versions can easily be punished after completion. I assume the weak version can be punished after completion, but I dont recall having this happen.

All versions can be punished after the first hit. You can roll, RC, level 3, dragon, parry+fast attack.

EDIT: Im fairly sure you can quick getup an anti air rc lariat and punish it with a fast move (ie cammy super). Although this will only happen outside of the corner (if they try to quick get up near corner they will be hit a second time… its quit funny to knock someone down, bait a dragon and rc lariat, have them quick get up… and hit them again.)

Yeah that is funny… people love to hit 2 punches for “safe fall”:smiley:
My bad… It’s Hcf+k:( :slight_smile: Do you guys find Eagle’s reflect move usefull at all (Dp+p). After a level 2 qcf2+p in the corner, I cancle out the last hit with Dp+punch. I usuall forget that Eagle has that move along with “qcb+K”.
Do any of you Eagle player fight… “Guile”? It seem’s like an interesting match up for Eagle. The reflect (DP) seems to work really well against him.:confused:

No D

Guile can easily roll (while holding charge) and punish your relfect though… because the lag on that is so long… unless they are predictably jumping, then sometimes you can hit it upwards! :smiley:

i think i use it a few times, just so i can stay full screen when people try to make me attack by throwing fireballs, ie, roll through one fireball, jump over another, reflect another one back… but other than that i dont know. eagles qcf+kick move is so useless… Im not sure but I think i recall it being used in the anti air cc, but i never bothered to learn it.

i’m too tired to answer your questions right now no defence, but i’ll get to them tomorrow:)


i just got the cvs2 frame data book, so i can post up the frame data of moves i feel are crucial to eagle. i’ll have to use buktooth’s format that he used in his iori FAQ, because that’s the only way i could find out what the numbers corresponded to (i can’t speak/read any japanese).

Sick! But you’ll need other character’s frame data to for specific matchups etc… :smiley: Lucky you! How much did it cost you and how long did it take to deliver?

$27 plus $8 shipping for me. i got it in about 4 or 5 days, really quick.


frame data will be up shortly

i’ve kinda had a problem RC’ing half circles. i’d imagine the best method would be to push the roll once you get to down and finish the motion. i’ve never really tried it either, so i’ll practice that.

  1. RC fierce lariat AA against safe fall grooves is safe for the most part. make sure you’re knocking them AWAY from the corner and then they’ll land far enough away so eagle will recover. i tested this against K-cammy and got reversal timing for her level 3 spin drive smasher and eagle could still block. i’m learning RC lariat primarily for the “get the fuck off me” factor and against P/K groovers. hell, it’d probably be really good against A-groovers looking to activate through a crouching fierce:evil:

  2. RC lariats on wakeup aren’t completely safe. between the second to last and last hit, there’s a gap large enough to stick in a quick crouching lp/lk or time enough to get smoked by CC activation. if you NEED that final chip or your opponent doesn’t know, then it’s kinda safe.

  3. there is definitely a gap between the initial hit of the hcf + k and the following hits. but unless your opponent knows a lot about eagle, you should be safe. your friend is right though, it’d be better not to develop bad habits.

eagle’s reflector move has 49 frames of recovery, which is obscenely high. i wouldn’t recommend using it against guile very often if at all.

frame data will be up tomorrow considering i’ve still got massive homework plus tests tomorrow.


Frame Data

Heres the format that Buktooth used in his N-Iori FAQ. Im just not including if the move is chainable into itself, bufferable into special or super. Im also not going to list every move because it would take way too long and Im unfamiliar on how to read special and super information for the time being.

(1) (2) (3)/(4) [(5)/(6)/(7)]

(1) Name of the move
(2) Damage it inflicts on opponent
(3) Frame advantage (disadvantage) if move hit.
(4) Frame advantage (disadvantage) if move is blocked
(5) number of frames it takes the move to hit (how fast the move is)
(6) number of frames the move has an active hit box (how meaty the move is)
(7) number of frames of recovery the move has

Standing Jab 300 +7/+7 [3/4/6]
Standing Strong 1200 -1/-1 [4/2, 5/7, 17]
Far Standing Fierce 1300 -17/-17 [8/3/38]

Crouching Jab 300 +7/+7 [3/4/6]
Crouching Strong 1200 -2/-2 [4/2, 6/4, 22]
Crouching Fierce 1200 -14/-14 [5/9/29]

Jumping Jab 600 [ 3/20]
Jumping Strong 1000 [3/10]
Jumping Fierce 1300 [7/6]

Standing Short 500 +2/+2 [4/4/11]
Standing Forward 900 0/0 [4/6/16]
Close Standing Roundhouse 1400 +2/+2 [8/9/17]

Crouching Short 400 +5/+5 [3/4/8]
Crouching Forward 800 +6/+6 [5/6/11]
Crouching Roundhouse 1200 -9 [11/4/29]

Jumping Short 500 [3/20]
Jumping Forward 900 [3/10]
Jumping Roundhouse 1200 [8/7]

Notes- Far Standing Fierce has as much (sometimes more) recovery time as most jab dragon punches. The frame disadvantage is also atrocious. Remember that the next time you randomly throw it out against somebody with a fast roll or as a whiff-punisher. Jumping Strong and Forward are still the shit, and Jumping Fierce is still too laggy for me to use unless I call the opponents jump in from awhile away. Meaty Crouching Strong obviously sucks because its mostly gaps instead of hitting frames, but Close Standing Roundhouse is much better.


Frame Data

I find c.strong to be a great move…

But anyway, besides my belief, does the -2 mean you are at a disadvantage here? Or is that advantage for you… it has to be advantage, because the second part needs advantage to start up… but still there is a 10 frame hitbox with a 2 frame gap.

EDIT: (More questions about the c.Strong)

Does the book give individual damage/recovery for each hit of the C.Strong?

For the combo c.jabx3, c.strong,

Only one hit of the c.strong connects, the second one wiffs. I want to know what the recovery is on the second part of it wiffs and also the frame advantage of the first one (as -2 doesnt make sense, if the second part has 2 frame startup, the first hit would need at least +2). Im basically wandering if it can be punished. (I dont do that combo very often, as I usually combo into the hcf+kick if the jabs connect but im just curious)


Re: Frame Data

i said MEATY crouching strong is a bad move, not crouching strong in general. and meaty standing rh is a much better option.

-2 is at the completion of the move, not inbetween them. and remember -2 is 1/30 of a second, no poke would ever punish that considering the crouching strong pushes you away.

yes, the book gives 400 (1st hit) + 800 (2nd hit) for damage.

for your last question, the book only tells me that the first hit has 4 frames of startup and 2 frames while it can hit, and the second hit has six frames of startup and 4 frames while it can hit. so i’m not too sure how to answer your question.

but irregardless, apoc made the point in an old eagle thread that using crouching strong to buffer into hcf + k is a waste. here’s what he said…

"Most of the time when you can land 2 cr.jabs you can also land the st. forward.

Also, most times when you can land 2 cr.jabs you can also land cr. fierce.

That being said, there really aren’t many times when using low strong to cancel into hcf+k is best. It does less damage than other normals you can link to cancel(both vitality and stun). It’s harder than using st. forward and if you can use low strong then you can use low fierce.

The only time I find low strong to be useful is one links that cause push back like cr.mk,cr.jab,cr.strong xx special. Or after landing a close RH as a counter.

Point is, 90% of the time there are better links than low strong. You are cancelling a strong move on the first half of the damage. You don’t even get a full strong’s worth of damage for the skill involved. Forward and Fierce are almost always better."

No, definately isnt many times, i was just wondering abotu the situation

I hate it when I mess up the timing for c.lp, c.lp, c.mk into a super.

So based on the frame data, the c.mp comes out faster than both c.mk and c.hp. It would be easier to link:

c.lp, c.lp, c.mp xxx QCFx2+p

instead of doing,

c.lp, c.lp, c.mk xxx QCFx2+p

The first hit of the c.strong is buffered into a super, so it will do less damage than doing c.mk xxx super. But since c.mp is faster and can reach farther, c.mp is a more reliable link when executing super combos.

has anybody fought a good hibiki with eagle? how is this matchup played? i’ve never played a good hibiki with eagle, so i don’t really know how i would approach it…

I assume just play a poking game with her, S.FP, C.RH, C.MK, dash in throws to mix shit up… Not exactly sure if jumping MK would trade or clean beat her S.fp, but j.mk gives your character a funny hitbox so.

Can Hibiki duck eagles s.fierce? I know iori can. Against him I have to use s.roundhouse more.

Dnut: cr mp -> super is a bad idea because you have to be really really quick to cancel cr MP. You have like maybe 1 frame or so (exaggeration).

If you want an easier link try cr lp cr lk -> super.

Dropped by to clarify the strong cancel into rush topic. I meant that in combos beginning with jab/short. The low strong cancel is Eagle’s best far range counter poke. In that sense, it’s the best to cancel. Funny thing is, that’s when most don’t bother cancelling it.

So, yeah. In combos other than the one beginning with close st.RH, low strong cancelling is a big waste. However, when poking at a far distance, it’s the best to cancel as a comboSTARTER. I.E. You stick low strong out and get a counter with the first hit, BOOM, cancel into rush. You’d be surprised at how far you can get a counter and then combo this. Cr. Fierce does way more damage and stun while also having deceptive range but, you’ll want to be sure that you know that they ARE sticking out the move that you intend to counter with fierce since a whiffed fierce is not good:P However, in matches where you find this useful, it’s nice to cancel into the RH rush. I mean, how often do you get to combo that. That’s an annoying move to get hit by, lol.

Another side note, when Eagle trades with the low strong, watch for the major counter. There are times when you can connect a super after the trade.

Just wanted to clear up the idea that it wasn’t good to cancel low strong. It is good. But, only as the combo starter, imo. As previously stated, it’s a big waste otherwise. I know it’s hard to fight off the urge to do a million jabs and then a strong on characters like Blanka just to annoy and watch the hit count go up, lol. Funny tho, ppl are most impressed when I do it just for fun. They don’t realize that they aren’t losing too much life:/

Great thread!
