Eagle Advanced Strats and Tactics



Well my original request was too have a fuzzy screen, and then have the girl from the ring pop up, just for a split second. I thought it would be a pretty cool idea, but this is what he made instead. MZ standing for MegaZangief of course, and the Ring, I guess because of my original request. It isn’t a bad AV I guess, not exactly what I wanted, but I will rock, especially since he took the time to help me out.

I was talking about your sig not your av :stuck_out_tongue:

duh I cant read… Anyways, I only started playing SF when CvS2 came out. When I first started playing I was a big scrub, and I spazzed like a bitch, so everyone used to make fun of me and call me spazzy, and I played Zangief… All I could do was roll SPD< and when I did, that is basically what I pressed, everything, well not exactly, but you get the picture :). Well times have changed and I am now the shit, but yet they still bring that shit up lol.

i’m thinking A-eagle might barely edge out C-eagle now. when i talk to apoc, he says that he lost both of his matches at Evo because of free retaliation from a missed link leading into a blocked super.

NOBODY’S execution is ever 100% all the time. cvs2 is all about not leaving yourself open to a big super/CC/jump in combo. A-eagle isn’t as dependent on difficult links as C-eagle is because A-eagle gets his damage from the CC primarily. and since A-groove is arguably the best groove in the game, he fits very well into a r1 battery position because he encounters tons of favorable counter matchups with other battery characters (ie honda, vega, sakura, blanka, mai, etc) and he builds meter very quickly.

i’ve just gotta find a safe blocked CC with no holes in it, then my A-eagle will be golden.

PS- when you get somebody dizzy with A-eagle, do your regular ground CC but when you do the first hcf + mk, keep on doing hcf + mk instead of more rh’s and fierces because of damage scaling. seems like common sense, but you never know…

Damage comparison:

Can someone tell me the damage/stun difference on the following combos:

c.jab, c.jab, c.fierce xx hcf+mk
c.jab, c.jab, s.forward xx hcf+mk

Damage comparison:

this was done by a R2 C-eagle against a R2 C-sagat

c.jab, c.jab, c.fierce xx hcf+mk does 3329 damage and 33 stun points

c.jab, c.jab, s.forward xx hcf+mk does 3014 damage and 30 stun points


here’s my no-holes, safe blocked A-eagle string…

if your initial CC of something like activate crouching mk, standing rh x2 or 3, standing fierce is blocked, then proceed with your hcf + mk (after the standing fierce) and from that point blank range immediately do the following string…

[standing rh, hcf + lk (1 hit)] xN

it’s a steady, relatively slow one-two-one-two-one-two type of sound in terms of the button presses.

the key is to NEVER let the hcf + lk/mk hit more than once, because there is delay after the initial hit and when eagle goes rapid fire with his poles that you can be hit. also, he will gradually push the opponent away if you don’t cancel the hcf + lk on the first hit.

tight, the only thing that worried me about A-eagle was no safe blocked CC. now you can throw in all the eagle counter reset trickery you want:evil:

Question about Eagle vs Cammy:

Ive done this many times and never had it punished.

knock down, s.forward xx hcf.short

After they block this, I usually end up blocking a super of some sort and then getting a free combo. I was wondering if someone could tell me if this could be punished by cammys qcfx2+kick super, and by what levels.

I just checked this…
the HCF + short is unpunishable after it’s blocked…but in between the HCF+short move(after the first hit) it’s open season for DP, Lvl2 or 3, JD, Parry…and it’s easy too…

How much guard crush does this do though? I mean it cant do that much … countering an a-combo that does very little guard crush is sort of a waste of a bar imo

you’re missing my point. i’m looking for a SAFE, NO HOLES blocked CC string. i’m not looking for chip damage. most characters look to LAND their CC’s as opposed to having them blocked (unless you can mix in overheads, get tons of chip damage, or are about to guard crush them). if eagle just continues with his regular CC being blocked, he has TONS of holes where he can be punished horribly.

and jreinert13 is exactly right.

But you were talking about doing counter resets, I assume you were talkin gabout the thign where you counter (qcf punch) their counter attack… What im saying is people wont counter attack if they arent losing life or guard bar.

yes, and the idea is more or less a trick that you should only use sparingly. a lot of people hit low jab/short during CC’s to either throw off your timing or avoid resets out of habit. if you hear this while doing your blocked CC, low counter that shit and continue your CC. or you could let a qcf + mp hit letting all the hits come out, do it again, and cancel into low counter after the initial contact because they’ll most likely throw out a jab again to hit you out of your CC.

ANYWAY- let’s get back into character specific matches. guile hasn’t been discussed yet and he’s catching on like wildfire (except around me because i have no arcade with cvs2). after i get back from midwest challenge (i’ll probably rep A or C eagle:cool: ) i’ll have more details, but for now, does anybody have any anti-guile strats using eagle?

I dont know about that…

Try any low poke from eagle versus chunli standing RH…
Chun beats it clean,

look at the risk versus reward ratio there though man. Would you rather throw out eagles c.mk or ChunLi’s stand Hk which leaves her three times as open as eagles c.mk? I would much rather use the c.mk from eagle. Eagle can also standing Mk chunlis HK

Hmmm, i dont know much about strats for specific characters… i pretty much play eagle the same against everyone, (just try to stay the fuck out of their attacking range unless im poking :slight_smile: or have meter)

All i know is c.mp beats sooooo much shit, but loses to cammy pretty hard :bluu:

edit: Roger you going to use eagle in M.A.T.?

here’s what i learned at midwest challenge…

-to play a good eagle, you NEED to be able to RC fierce lariat on reaction. i remember playing against floe’s C-chunners and he got me in the corner and continually jumped in on me and i couldn’t do too much. but RC lariat would’ve had him off me in a second. come to think of it, arturo RC lariatted me at evo out of my dash forward, activate trick on reaction. definitely worth the practice.

-i did this without ever testing it out, but if you block a cannon spike, activate, start your CC with standing fierce, then qcf + mp, and continue your ground CC from there.

-NEVER jump in on honda. fubarduck ocv’d me my first match against him with his A-honda because i got really impatient and jumped in way too much. RC headbutt, ggpo. but what works well against honda is dash in, mp counter. 9 times out of 10 you’ll catch a RC headbutt. this match is pretty much all about reflexes.

-roger is dope:cool:. it was really cool how he watched my matches and gave me pointers between rounds. japanese-like consistency with RC’s.

now that i watch my matches, i wonder what the fuck i was thinking. i need more practice. and i should’ve been playing my main team (A-eagle/chunners/r2 blanka) in C groove instead of A, but oh well.

If ur playing A-groove whenever the balrog player atempts to use a jump in roundhouse activate and do hes custom starting with a c.foward and if he atempts T.A.P activate when his punch comes at u and do his custom,also try to keep away u dont want to face a balrog player in the corner.Throw him and run and keep im at bay with s.fierce