eagle vs sagat
-NEVER throw out standing fp or crouching rh unless you are punishing a whiffed move. NEVER. this will get rolled through and you will get fucked up big time, especially if it’s against C-sagat.
-use standing mp against sagat’s distanced jumping rh. eagle’s crouching fierce doesn’t cover the right angle to that type of jump in.
-don’t jump in, you’re begging to get hit by a tiger uppercut.
-be selective about your mediums. you don’t wanna get nailed with a crouching fierce into tiger cannon super. if you’re playing against K-sagat, look for holes in his rushdown pattern to stick in a crouching mk. hopefully it’ll counterhit, so you tack on a standing fierce, then you’re back at eagle’s optimal distance.
-your counters are absolutely worthless in this matchup. don’t try it on jump-ins, and definitely not on pokes.
-if they roll at you, sagat has the advantage. 9 times out of 10 sagat players will roll into level 2 tiger raid or roll into fp tiger uppercut. consider the risk/reward ratio. if they fp uppercut, you get a fat ground super combo/CC. if they tiger raid- block low initially, then hold down and sagat will go over you. immediately after he goes over you, do a hcf + mk and you will catch them in their recovery. this is semi-risky because sometimes eagle won’t reach all the way and the last few hits will whiff, so sagat gets standing fierce into level 1 tiger cannon super for free. hcf + rh is too slow. overall, i just sit there and i’m thankful because sagat just lost a level 2. roll into throw- just look for it very closely and try to tech hit.
but if you’re good at spotting/punishing rolls, then crouching mk into super or CC all day.
-eagle has a problem with low jumps overall. you have to see the low jump REALLY early to use standing mp. crouching fp has bad horizontal range so your opponent has to be mis-using his low jumps in terms of range for you to even use crouching fierce as an option. RC lariat works well if you can do it quick enough. regular hp lariat if you don’t mind trading once in awhile. or just jump back mk to set yourself in a better range.
-overall eagle’s objective against sagat is to play very carefully. bait whiffs and punish them with standing fierce. don’t fall for roll into whatever tactics.
maybe apoc, arturo, or roger will pop in with their eagle knowledge.