Eagle Advanced Strats and Tactics

i’d actually recommend jumping in at athena A LOT. eagle has great normal jump ins, so you can use jumping mk or rh alot and try to whittle down her guard bar by continually jumping. you don’t have to worry about tripguard fierce as an AA if you jump in right on top of her. the only options she really has are to teleport or roll. her normal/special AA options won’t cut it.

and use jump in mk more than hk because mk reaches down more it seems. and if athena whiffs a crouching fierce, knock her down with a crouching rh, but you do have to be relatively quick because her fp recovers so fast.

try to get in a B&B and a few counter hit mk’s and link a fierce, and she’ll be dizzy in no time.

Hmmm, I completey disagree about her having no options, because she is so tiny you have to delay your attacks in the air a lot more, if you want to do a j.rh that will actually connect you have to wait for a very logn time, giving her plenty of time to jump back rh you, activate, roll, and you are forgetting athena has a command grab. Activate -> command grab is very dangerous. Same goes for jumping mk although her options are different you have to jump way in front of her with this move, and its kind of hard to space that because she is so tiny and her hop is incredibly fast. I believe she can c.fierce to trade with this move.

Ill be back though, I have to go get coffee. Im not sure if I covered everything I wanted to.

After coffee…

Yea… and eagles c.mp owns her c.fierce for free. If they come out at the same time eagle wins every time. Both hits of it too… either your first hit will beat hers, or your second hit will, whichever is in range. This is an excellent tool for keeping her at (well, just outside of) c.rh range. I believe after 1 blocked c.fierce, you can trade with her on the second using c.mp. But I dont think it’s a good trade.

After a c.mp the opponent is usually just out side of c.rh range (this is true when you do c.jab, c.jab, c.mp … at about that distance). Watch them and wait, if they flinch a little bit (forward) then stick out c.roundhouse this catches people quite often.


this anti athena discussion is kind of informing…
PS: if you got athena in a custom while she was crouching,
dont ever use the far S.FP cause it will go over her litte ass…
In other words your far s.fp becomes useless if she is crouching

How in the hell does eagle play agaisnt rush down Honda cause this one guy own me with N-groove honda, you cant jump in on him because of his anti air head butt move and when he gets me in the corner I feel paralyzed and I get raped…

Maybe if I suspect he will head butt anti air then I can activate and custom that stuff down.

Now when you guys say that you can mp counter blanka’s electricity, do you mean that its possible when your getting up from a knock down and hes on you with the electricity?

Most good blanka players will knock you down and then blanka roll in back of you as you get up and bust out the electricity…

Or are there other instances or moments where you can perform this tactic on him?? Please explain…

If they fuck up the rc electricity timing on wake up (doing the roll part of the move and so the delay is greater) you can do a counter with mp… but I dotn think its safe at all…

edit: and man, that code shit is fuckin up the page …


EDIT- fix that code shit in your sig for real, it’s extending the margins on this page and makes the page look ghetto.

can you be more specific against honda besides just saying he’s rushing you down? what kind of moves is he using, what pressure strings is he using, is he good at RC’ing, etc.

it really doesn’t matter if he can RC alot or not, because you can mp counter RC headbutts and honda slappy hands FOR FREE. countered honda slappy hands build you ton of meter. i remember this pissed mago off a great deal at evo:cool:.

honda feels like jumping (most likely with rh)? do an EARLY standing mp. you want the extended part of the second stick to hit, so you have to hit the mp early because crouching fp doesn’t have the best angle. or jump up and do mp. just try to avoid counter hits since you take more damage than honda.

never jump at honda. no point really. unless you’re going for a crossup rh when you’re relatively close, then it’s not worth it because you’ll get stuffed by jab headbutt mostly, or standing hp if he lost his charge.

if honda is doing some sort of pressure string, find the opening where frame advantage isn’t on his side, and throw out a crouching mk. if the mk is a counter hit, link a standing fp.

if honda wants to play footsies, the only decent moves he can use are forward + rh and crouching mp. for forward + rh, just watch for the whiff and standing fierce him back. remember it hits low. for crouching mp, once again watch for the whiff and standing fierce him back.

i’d say eagle counters honda pretty hard. just play smart and look for headbutts/honda hands, and you’ll be fine.

Dame, sorry about that

Sorry about the code incident, I wasn’t quite sure how to use the code, but I got it now, and I apologize for any inconvienece my ignorance may have caused… :wink:

Dame, so I guess eagle can counter a wide array of things with his mp counter, I got to see how much bar he gets in practice mode.

Thank you for the honda info that pretty much covered what I needed to know, but he throws out the head butt at such akward times the I dont have time to counter it, (this from a geese player) he doesnt use the hand slaps much, but im willing to give him another go, thanks.:slight_smile: (he doesnt RC much with honda) (he uses honda/zangief/blanka but im not too afraid of his blanka, cause after a blocked blanka ball, custom that shit for free without the coupons…

Im going after the athena scrub too with his turteling ways, down fierce’s all day, but when he does that I just gain meter, which pisses him off in the long run.


NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER use eagle’s mp counter for pokes. EVER! i don’t know if i can stress this anymore. i don’t give a shit if you think you’ve figured out their patterns and you now what’s coming next, DON’T DO IT. consider the risk/reward ratioi- if you guess wrong, you get fucked up with a free combo. if you guess right, you get a knockdown and about 1200 damage (a guess). NOT WORTH IT. only use mp counter to counter RC’s.

how about we talk about groove breakdowns. i think the order of his grooves from best to worst are…


-C barely edges out A just because eagle’s combos recycle his meter. level 2 cancelled into hcf + mp gives back good meter, does good stun and damage also. air-block is huge because eagle should spend a lot of time in the air because his air-to-air game is the best in cvs2. he also has constant alpha counters to reset the distance game if the opponent ever gets too close for comfort. for some odd reason, level 2’s have a longer reach than level 3’s, so your advanced link combos with level 3’s won’t always reach, which means you’re screwed because it gives them time to block inbetween.

-A is just barely second probably because it doesn’t have air-block/constant alpha counters. i think his CC’s are surprisingly versatile and damaging. you also don’t need to learn all the timing for the links that separates a decent C-eagle from an expert C-eagle. overall more user-friendly.

-i’m really not too sure on the rest. all the rest are good because you get low jumps, which are an awesome addition to eagle’s game. low jump and press a medium and you’re golden. a raged eagle is scary, N-groove eagle builds a lot of meter, i don’t play P so i can’t say much, and S has good dodge attacks. eagle changes so much from groove to groove that he’s almost a different character sometimes.

eagle’s dope:D

eagle vs sagat

-NEVER throw out standing fp or crouching rh unless you are punishing a whiffed move. NEVER. this will get rolled through and you will get fucked up big time, especially if it’s against C-sagat.

-use standing mp against sagat’s distanced jumping rh. eagle’s crouching fierce doesn’t cover the right angle to that type of jump in.

-don’t jump in, you’re begging to get hit by a tiger uppercut.

-be selective about your mediums. you don’t wanna get nailed with a crouching fierce into tiger cannon super. if you’re playing against K-sagat, look for holes in his rushdown pattern to stick in a crouching mk. hopefully it’ll counterhit, so you tack on a standing fierce, then you’re back at eagle’s optimal distance.

-your counters are absolutely worthless in this matchup. don’t try it on jump-ins, and definitely not on pokes.

-if they roll at you, sagat has the advantage. 9 times out of 10 sagat players will roll into level 2 tiger raid or roll into fp tiger uppercut. consider the risk/reward ratio. if they fp uppercut, you get a fat ground super combo/CC. if they tiger raid- block low initially, then hold down and sagat will go over you. immediately after he goes over you, do a hcf + mk and you will catch them in their recovery. this is semi-risky because sometimes eagle won’t reach all the way and the last few hits will whiff, so sagat gets standing fierce into level 1 tiger cannon super for free. hcf + rh is too slow. overall, i just sit there and i’m thankful because sagat just lost a level 2. roll into throw- just look for it very closely and try to tech hit.

but if you’re good at spotting/punishing rolls, then crouching mk into super or CC all day.

-eagle has a problem with low jumps overall. you have to see the low jump REALLY early to use standing mp. crouching fp has bad horizontal range so your opponent has to be mis-using his low jumps in terms of range for you to even use crouching fierce as an option. RC lariat works well if you can do it quick enough. regular hp lariat if you don’t mind trading once in awhile. or just jump back mk to set yourself in a better range.

-overall eagle’s objective against sagat is to play very carefully. bait whiffs and punish them with standing fierce. don’t fall for roll into whatever tactics.

maybe apoc, arturo, or roger will pop in with their eagle knowledge.

does anybody have any tips on fighting chun li? i remember roger mentioned eagle counters her hard, but idk why really. i’d imagine crouching fierce/RC lariat shut down her jumping game, but i’m iffy on the ground game aspect.


I dont know why you keep saying s.mp against low jumps, that is one of the most horrible tactics i’ve ever heard of in my life.

EDIT: It was originally posted in an eagle thread from like 2002 which was completely theory fighter

aight, i just figured i’d list all his possible options. since i can’t RC the lariat very consistently, i just look for low jumps a great deal and hit mp if i catch one very quickly. otherwise i just block it.

that is probably eagle’s biggest weakness- his inability to deal with low jumps.

Against Mr Sagat, I think Eagle’s straight up jump fierce is good against normal jumps because Sagat’s slow.

Against low jumps, I found mid counter to be pretty useful. If they kick your head (where mid counter won’t defend against), then they can’t combo into level 3 afterwards. Also you have to let go of the mid counter pretty early if they have a level 2/3.

Usually my vs Sagat strategy degenerates into jumping vertically up and down and eating L2 high tiger -> L1 high tiger :confused:

What’s the frame advantage/disadvantage on the lariat moves? I was wondering whether it would be possible to repeatedly do RC lariats since Sagat has to block them.

Low jump defence…

Your best bet with eagle to overcome small jumps is his RC lariat thats pretty much the only solid option you are going to have in this situation. Its probably one of the better anit airs in the game once you learn it. Its hard to JD, and its extremely hard to parry the lariat and the hitbox is pretty huge so its a must to learn with eagle.

Eagle Vs Chunli

For me when I play against chun-li my main objective is to try and keep her within mid-screen. From this range you will cleanly anitair her jumping lk (with the exception of a low jump sometimes), and you will have enough time to read fireballs and RC through them (even the FP version if your quick enough). I use C groove Eagle just to abuse the Alpha Counter when ChunLi’s and vega’s repeatidly use multihitting moves (ex, spinning bird kick). Use the alpha counters to keep them in the optimal range and beware of guard crush. Eagles jump in RH is relatively safe against chunlis c.hk if you get in on it deep enough (like not hit the tip of her trip). Don’t bother using eagles counters in this match up way too risky.

good stuff.

i’ve found that chun li can’t do too much about eagle’s crouching mk because the range is so deceptive. you’ll setup a LOT of counter hit mk’s against chun li (free standing fierce!) because she’ll constantly be trying to do standing/crouching mp into super. obviously don’t just sit there and do crouching mk’s all day, but if you’re ever scared about which move to use when she’s within standing/crouching mp range, use crouching mk and you’re rarely wrong.

throw in some random crouching mp’s also, but that move is much more punishable although the chunners player has to REALLY be looking for it because you have to hit eagle between when he sticks out the initial stick then follows with the second hit.

i really wouldn’t throw out too many random standing fierces or crouching rh’s because chunners roll is long and relatively quick. and everybody knows that one slip-up against C-chunners is about 3/4 your life:bluu:

here’s something that hasn’t been talked at all yet…

eagle’s counter characters

who gives eagle problems? i could imagine N-iori just because of his fast roll to go through standing fierce and crouching rh and RC rekkas to go through eagle’s good mediums.

who else?

Just thought I might add my littleA groove trick that I use. Anyways if I happen to fuck up my custom combo or what not, I go straight into hcf K moves. I listen for my opponent to alpha counter, if he does, I react by doing my own counter, my counter comes out, his alpha counter comes out, I hit him, and I can combo him. It is a little tricky, but very flashy :).

that is pretty tight. i’ve got a similar trick i’m saving for my combo video. do all alpha counters have to be countered the same height, or are some low, some medium, and some high? if they were all the same height, that would make it a lot easier to use this trick often.

Most of the time I use medium counter and it seems to work, but I cannot guarantee that with all characters. For example, Honda, it looks like he hits low but I cannot say, someone would have to test these out.

Ive been trying to figure out your sig but i just seem to understand…