Eagle Advanced Strats and Tactics

For the RC spin, is the fp version safe? (can they tech get up after being knocked down and hit on on recovery)

and yea, c-sagat :sweat:

good shit arturo.

is there ANYTHING that eagle can do against sagat? and i think standing mp works relatively well on short jumps if you do it immediately, although RC lariat is obviously safer/better.

Hello, I use C-Groove eagle and I was wondering if LV.2 Union Jack Platinum into MK Oxford Red is better than LV.2 Union Jack Platinum into LV.1 Union Jack Platinum in terms of Damage and Meter saving?
(Iā€™m more for damage BTW.):wink:

And can C.MP combo into Oxford Red? :bluu: Thanx in Advance!!!:smiley:

i dont think there is any way you can do mp fast enough on reaction to a short jump. you will most likely get stuffed or trade for a LOT worse as a lot of low jumps are roundhouses. even doing a rc lariat is pretty hard unless you are waiting for a short jump (assuming they are doing running poke strings with low jump mixups). if that short jump doesnā€™t come you might get caught with a lot less guard meter than you thought. I think doing a high counter might be the best thing you can do for a low jump if they are abusing it but again you still have to be pretty fast. The start up for this move is relatively fast and if it does start up you at least wont tradeā€¦

Against sagat I just hope he throws a fireball and rc through itā€¦ but most people wont let this happen too oftenā€¦ wait for whiffed s.hp and punishā€¦ rc.lariat on a normal jump attack. S.fierce on repeated j.lk cross upsā€¦ other than that i get beat down. Sagat standing fierce counter hitting my c.rh just isnā€™t very much fun, almost all of sagatā€™s other pokes out ranging and out prioritizing eaglesā€¦ and itā€™s a lot harder for eagle to get into his ideal range that it is for sagat to keep him out :bluu: Oh well, enough of my venting my frustration and stating the obvious :smiley:

Anyway, feel free to tear apart any of this postā€¦ im still learning eagle

anyone play k eagle besides me. i also play a eagle. he has a pretty basic custom and does decent damage. i do a lot of the shit you guys posted earlier but what i like to do is c.jab, short jump forward. which is almost guaranteed when done out of the clear blue. yes its punishable but they wont pick up on it until after the first couple. its good in k when your sittin on a super. makes people scared to attack afterwards.


Tips on fighting C/K Groove Sagats?

Anyone get those videos done up?

I still have lots of fun using this character ā€¦ would like to see some things to add to his game.

why is eagle so dope?

i think eagleā€™s better in A groove than C. itā€™s much easier to land his CC than a few crouching lpā€™s. heā€™s good in both, but i think A has the slight advantage.

and iā€™m gonna get my video made soon. so stay tuned, itā€™s gonna be awesome.

I dunno, eagle gets c.jab c.jab a lot in a match, i dont use c cuz i suck at supersā€¦ but i thitnk they are both really goodllā€¦ a is just easier for me to land a super, i want to learn.cjab c.jab CC c.forward, s.roundhouse into his usual ccā€¦ but it so hardā€¦

i find the crouching lp, crouching lp, CC, crouching mp to be easier than mk for some reason. and if youā€™re hardcore over your custom damage, you can cancel the first hit of the mp instead of letting both hits happen.

and iā€™ve found that i like eagleā€™s non-super B&B to be crouching lp, crouching lp, standing mk, hcf + mp.

for comboing into super i do crouching lp, crouching lp, crouching hp, qcf x2 + punch. you get just a little more stun and damage than using crouching mk, and the link seems easier for me. plus if youā€™re doing a level 2, cancel it into hcf + mp before the last hit and youā€™re pretty close to dizzying them.

iā€™m kinda sad apoc hasnā€™t contributed any knowledge yet:(

My bad. I hella suck:(

umā€¦jab jab is good for clean opening but I think Eagle should start with cr.short otherwise. Sure, itā€™s a little tighter timing to go from there to the jab but, look at it this way, if they were standing up, theyā€™re still screwed. If you use cr.jab, they can still block it high. Also, done first, Eagleā€™s cr.short out-prioritizes more moves than a jab, meaning, youā€™re less likely to trade or get countered.

umā€¦the big combo on fat characters is cross-up RH, cr.mk,cr.jab,cr.frcXX hcf+mk.

Iā€™m a tightwad but, honestly, most Eagleā€™s donā€™t bother with the short to jab link when itā€™s a must so I thought Iā€™d throw it out. Even against P groove itā€™s better. They can only parry down whereas cr.jab they can parry any way they want:(

/me puts back all of his Eagle shiet back in his shoebox and hides it under his bed.


Cross up roundhouse - The best part about this move is when he crosses up, the opponent turns around to block it (both the on the stick, and the character sprite), and then you land on the same side which you started on :smiley: If you time your jabs a lil bit late (so they are not in autoblock) you can sometimes hit people ā€¦ also a tick throw in moment of confusion might be good too.

edit: just re-read whole threadā€¦ noticed sabin already posted something about fake crossup roundhouse.

Capcom players seem to have this thing where they hate short, jab links. But all players that come from SNK love that.

I am the only Eagle player Iā€™ve seen that does short, jab. NO ONE else does it. Itā€™s strange to me.

Also is it possible to link (not cancel) a level 3 from cr MK? Sort of like cammyā€™s HP, super. Is it practicable? I only ask this because this would enable me to randomly stick out cr MK and see if it hits or not before doing super.

Hmm, I dont think this is practicalā€¦ to be ina situation to throw out random c.mk I think you near the max range. If you are throwing them out randomly closer you should probably use your jabs/shorts instead (in which case you can combo into c.mk super by seeing if they hit). At the max range a c.mk into level 3 super is asking for you to lose a lot of life. As somewhere around the range when you do c.jab c.jab c.mk super, your level 3 will not connect all hits, allowing people to counter with any super they might have. (im not sure if this is true near the corner though as I use a-eagle)

For A-groove Eagles

This is another set up for a custom comboā€¦
(note this only works on people that can safe fall, Ive been experimenting with him and found something you might like.)

FK throw, now the opponent might think you cant possibly do anything to them and safe fall, but after the initial Fk throw
Activate as soon as possible and HCF+FK across the screen,
this definetly will hit them because when you activate thats when they already put the button input for the safe fallā€¦

When they almost recover your already hitting them with the first hit of the HCF+FK, then you can custom as you pleaseā€¦

Try it if you dont believe me, put the computer on safe fall and
guard all and try it outā€¦100%

The custom I do after the HCF+FK (only 1 hit) is, FKx2,FP, HCF+MK (1 hit only), FKx3, HCF+MKx3, superā€¦

This custom does about 7300-7500 it all depends on youā€¦
Now, I dont think that this trick is the shi,t but it definetly is
is nice to haveā€¦

Note: dont abuse this shit, make your opponent afraid to safe fall and then rush that shit down!! (If you want) :confused:

you can also HCF+FK across the screen to punish the safe fall also if you dont have meterā€¦

Hope this helpsā€¦

PS: if anyone can get more damage from that distance from the opponent after the FK throw set up let me know, but if you think about it after the throw, if you connect the combo it would actually do more damage than 7300, more like 9500 or soā€¦
Just judge your opponent when doing this set up, or safe fall happy peopleā€¦:lol:


good call. it seems kinda risky. tomorrow iā€™ll see if you can look for the very beginning of the safe fall icon and THEN activate, instead of just guessing. cuz the risk/reward might not be worth it if itā€™s a guess.

and whatā€™s a SAFE blocked chipping CC for eagle? you canā€™t do (hcf + mp)xN because thereā€™s a time you can get hit between the initial contact and the repeated fist lunges.

eagleā€™s best color is MP cuz he looks like a pimp:cool:

I dont think Eagle has a safe blocked string.

The safest one is (hcf+mk xx far s.fierce) x N

The standing fierce stops them from jumping away. The problem with this is after the first hit of the hcf+mk there are ways to escape. For example parry -> dragonā€¦ There is a delay between the first hit and the hits that follow if the move is blocked. I believe you might even be able to roll out of it. The timing is pretty tight but it is possible.

I knowā€¦


Yeah I know there is a slight amount of risk involved, I think most players will tech, but I can judge okay cause I play A-geese so im not too bad at guessing, but I watch my opponent very closely to see there habits, and I know a lot of people i could get this on cause they safe fall from far knock downs all the time cause they believe there safeā€¦

I try what you stated just now and edit my post in a bit to let you know, but I think they can blockā€¦

Another little tid bit about the FK throw set up:

you can walk forward slighty before activating, then still custom that shit, maybe I can get in one more Fierce or something at the start of the custom, ethier way I think its an okay tid bit to add to his arsenal, I would never do it to someone who was in rage mode after the FK knock down cause thats some scary shit if your wrongā€¦ :sweat: :depress: :wasted:

Ive been practing a lot more strategy than combos, practicing poke strings with him FP throw set ups dashing over dead body ectā€¦

I have a question though, can someone help me out with eagle vs blanka, & hondaā€¦ and ATHENA down fierce hoarā€¦ :fury:
(no offence to those who play her but this one guy at my arcade plays a scrubby athena, how do I get past that down Fierce)

Thanks in advanceā€¦:slight_smile:

Note: after blocking a blanka ball with eagle in A = CUSTOM!!:evil:

To the popster: you cannot wait to see the safe fall logo to activate and then attack, but the good news is that I checked it out again and when you activate you should see the safe fall logo, so you are safe if you guessed wrongā€¦ :wink:

Small bit of information:

s.mk works really well against cammy. This move is the only normal that I could find to contest with her s.roundhouse and s.fierce.

Against Athena keep her the fuck out. If she is hopping in and doing c.fierce you should c.mk that every time and hit her before her fierce comes out. Athena should not be able to jump in on Eagle ever. If she does her ball shiet out of the air, high counter that for free and TONS of meter.

Otherwise keep her out of her d.fierce range at all times. If you block one, block another and get the fuck out :smiley: Dont try to jump in on her, sheā€™s too tinyā€¦ and you will most likely get c.fierced :bluu:

Just wiggle and hop back etc ā€¦ jump back mp/mk depending on what she doesā€¦ you can pretty much keep her away from you all game.

Oh, and abuse c.mp.