Duckie the Self Aware Duck

Sorry for the long wait guys,

Been helluva busy with a new job that’s been kicking my ass hard and have NO freetime.

Anyways here’s the latest Duckie keep in mind it’s best to read the DUckie before this one first to help tie the story in:

Duckie 51:

Enjoy :smiley:

Duckie 52

Silly, but I had fun drawing it. :slight_smile:

New character being introduced to duckie soon!

Thanks for reading!

this thread >> *

lol A drama in so few panels. BTW do you do the lettering digitally? It is very well done. :smile:


lol @ vindictive Rock.

“revenge!” was written by hand with a Brushpen the rest of the writing is done in Photoshop. I wouldn’t subject you guys to my hieroglyphic handwriting.

Here’s the latest Duckie:

Duckie #53

Thanks for being so patient with me guys :slight_smile:

This gets better and better all the time!

LOL! I love that logo.

May I suggest a few diagonal line for the glass to indicate sheen? Wait why am I suggesting this when you’re already done? :razzy:

Where’s that duck?

Thanks Guys,

Good call on the sheen on the window White Shadow. Will edit it if it sees print.

Sorry about the long wait. Work commitments Blah, blah, blah etc…
I’ll try and knock one out a week from now on. Have to make a Duckie day to sit down and work on the strip.


Duckie #54

I’m imagining quite a few SRKers will know what this is hinting at.

LOL Brick Game: Championship Edition.
"It’s an incredibly important upgrade!"
that was a good one :slight_smile:
cheers Cpt

Thanks for the comments guys Looks like I’m getting back into the swing of things
Here’s this week’s Duckie

Duckie #55

Oh my god, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life at a comic-strip, once I hit the “Duck Tales” dream I knew this would be a hit, I’m just glad I’m a fan before it becomes big. I can see it now: Duckie the live-action movie, Duckie card games, Duckie Monopoly (Why play a shoe when you can be Rock?!), Duckie soda. This stuff is the bomb!

I don’t think I’ve ever been more impressed in my life, and this gave me some inspiration as well with my comic. I am a big Calvin & Hobbes fan as well, and I can really see the influence it has on your work. But to be honest they got nothing on Duckie, this totally blew that out of the water.

Sorry to sound all…I don’t know, suck up ish I guess, but this is a cool thing and you need fame for this, so I hope the syndication works out for you. When I get the funds I’d love to get a Duckie Dan T-shirt to sport around, and I’ll start spreading the word. One final thing: Will we see a Super Genric Brick game: Hyper Gold Edition in the near future? Lmao.

lol. the big duke in panel 3 looks a lot like he’s got sharpened teeth. 3 cheers for cap!

Awwww… thanks so much for your kind comments. :slight_smile:

My girlfriend has fgiven me till the end of the year to send Duckie to all the major syndicates so I’ll keep you posted if I get any bites.

I’m a huge fan of Calvin and Hobbes and think that Bill Waterson was very brave and coragous handling his cartoon like he did.

I’m also a big fan of Craig Thompson (Goodbye Chunky Rice

And Jim Woodring’s Frank:


As for T-shirts I can PM you a High Res version of that Dan Duckie comic if you wanna make a shirt. I got an Idea for a shirt that’ll post up in the next couple of days.

Thanks for tuning in :slight_smile:

New duckie comic by the end of the week if all goes smoothly

That sounds great, I’m getting a check in soon and found a T-shirt place to do it for me. If you do Duckie Bustah Woolf’ing Rock I’d pay you lol.

Please draw Ducky as a super saiyan, that would be funniest pic EVER!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

SSJ3 Ducky with no eyebrows!

What the hell would rock look like as a SSJ? And on a completely different subject, what the hell would Nappa look like? I always figured he’d sprout hair or something.

You know, I like the idea of rock, but I love it when Duckie is alone. Great work! I hope you come back to weekly thursdays when your schedule permits.

Duckie Bustah Woolf’ing Rock and Duckie Super Saiyan would be fun to draw. I’ll see what I can come up with this is the closest I’ve gotten to either of those, posted a few pages back:

Duckie after Udon’s Street Fighter artist Alvin Lee.

I’ve got another idea for a T-shirt design I’ll try and post up this weekend.

Really sorry about the delay guys got a shitload of REALLY important jobs on at the moment. So of the most important of my artistic career YIKES!!!

Here’s Duckie #56


And thanks for the feedback and comments. It really helps me shape this series knowing how you react to it.

Thanks heaps :slight_smile: