Duckie the Self Aware Duck

this is good shit. keep them coming!!!

That’s good, lol, hilarious. I’m glad Duckie is back!

man. i love this stuff. keep the laughs comin cap. :smiley:

I jsut went through them all and I’m VERY impressed. Great work.

Cheers for the feedback guys :slight_smile: Glad your still enjoy our duckie dosage! Thansk for going back and taking to time to see duckie evolve. Every Duckie strip I’ve ever drawn exists in this thread :slight_smile:

Another Thursday another Duckie

Here’s the beginning of an internet exclusive Duckie arch enjoy :slight_smile:

Duckie #47

I decided to change the electronic company back to Genric rather than the more obvious GENERIC, also as a pun on all the dodgy knock electronic companies with slighty different names than the big brands.

duckie is the MAN

awesome! I enjoy that a lot, lol.

Thanks for the comments Chrno and Woof. It’s cool to know you guys are digging the new stuff :smiley:

Okay guys here’s this weeks Duckie:

Duckie #48

Hope you are all enjoying this bizarre arch. And for the record a was a huge Duck Tales fan as a kid :slight_smile:

YES!!! You’ve cured my withdrawal symptoms!:lovin:

These last 2 are one of my favorites!:rofl:: I hope they don’t break copyright laws.:wgrin:

~A-WOO WOO~****

This thread is great…
Make it live forever…
Post more…
Much more!:badboy: :devil:
Fun !:wink:

Yeah White Shadow, Duckie’s been back for a wee while now. You guys can subscribe to this thread if you’d like pm notes telling you when a new Duckie is posted Glad your having a good laugh :smile:

The weeks Duckie
Here’s the End of the Duck Tales arch. I thought I’d go Sunday of this one. Now I can stop humming the bloody Duck Tales theme. The research was fun though :wink:

Duckie #49

Enjoy :wgrin:

LOL that’s funny. Duckie the size of scrooge? Hm, I like it! =)

Yeah, Scrooge is pretty short in Duckburg so I guess if they were both “real” they’d be the same height.

Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

Excellent~! :slight_smile:
was it George on Seinfeld who brought up why Donald wore a towel around his waist after a bath… but yet he never wore pants anyway?

minor nitpick – it’s “Dewey”, not "Duey"

lol @ “Quackum” Islands. For some reason I imagine him being pushed out of the window of the mansion and screaming A~WOO~WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! thud :rofl:

Hey all been mega busy with work and stuff and my stylus has been giving me a world of pain which has delayed Duckie.

Anyways this is the 50th Duckie the self aware Duck! Crazy huh? Cheers for all the comments on the Duckie Tales arch it was alot of fun to draw. But it’s time to move on to Duckie’s that I can actually publish. Thanks for all your continued support team helping Duckie reach number 50

Duckie #50

sorry about the lateness

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Good times.

Truly good times.:clap::clap::clap:

You must be very busy! But keep up the great work! Duckie is so awesome!

Thanks Chrno,

Yeah I’m compelety swamped at the mo’. Started a new job and its eating my time up. It doesn’t help that my brushpens are all stuffed and have to wait for a new pack to be ordered in.

I’ll have a new Duckie by the end of the week. I’m really having fun where this Duke’s DUck arch is going. Glad you guys are having fun with it too :slight_smile: