Duckie the Self Aware Duck

LOL @ Genetic Engineering XD

Almost up to 60 I see. These are great as usual Cp, but I think you can work on your bubble layout. Just like panels, bubbles also have compositional flow. They can really take away from your art if they are placed or shaped oddly. Hope that makes sense. Mike Mignola is like the bubble bible for me. He has one of the best bubble layouts.

Great work overall.

I know exactly what you mean. I’ve been struggling with that since day one of the comic. the main issues I’ve been having is with vector Pen tool is photoshop (I used to do it all with the Circle tool!) It’d be alot easier to get a good flow if I went freehand with it but I want a consistent look that digital can give me.

I’m thinking of investing in a bubble pack, at least to help me with inspiration and maybe work from there. And maybe penciling the writing in by hand before I scan it. Buying Illustrator would be a good idea too I suppose.

Thanks for the heads up SFMC I’ll check up some more Mike Mignola school myself (Abe Sapien rocks). Glad your digging the adventures of the Duck :slight_smile:

lol Is that a bird’s nest on the guy’s head? j/k :razzy:



That’s Omar’s untamable Afro. I see what you mean by birds nest hmmmmm… gives me an idea.

Duckie #57

Partly inspired by alot of things. Partially my bosses frustrating lack of technosavvy to even work out how to use his cellphone. Nevermind :rolleyes:

Cheers for the comments SFMC, Khaotika and Chris0pher I’ll keep the Duckie’s coming.

Holy Canole!.. You’re up to #60 already!.. Hehe, I love the last one!..

About those bubbles, why don’t you try to make them part of the box?.. As in they continuously flow from the bubbles to the box?..

lol Dios Mio!

I just realized, Ducky can do so many adventures I don’t even know where to start.

Ducky**… IN SPACE!!!** (space, space, space…)

Ducky and 20,000 Leagues Under The Pond!**

Ducky and the Underground Railroad! (for ducks!)

Wait, uh, scratch the last one.:sweat:

Sebai Boi cheers for the bubble suggestions. I might give em a shot for the next strip :slight_smile:

White Shadow Some cool ideas, reminds me that Duckie needs to start dreaming again. :wink:

MAD crazy week this week. Being flown to auckland and staying in this posh hotel:
And drawing for a big Chinese Bank company Union Pay. And getting paid heaps! Huzzah! SO duckie is on holiday this week sorry.

But to tide you over, here’s a Duckie T-shirt idea I came up with. PM me if you want the high res version to make a t-shirt out of it. It’s pretty circa early 90’s

enjoy :slight_smile:

What! No Duckie Strip This Week!?

just found this. Ducky is so frickin funny man! def keep doin it.

lol @ that Ducky t-shirt.

i want a duckie shirt =(


Had to really dig to find my old thread. Thanks everyone for your patience.

Here’s another Duckie:

Duckie #58

Enjoy guys,

Got a backlog of ideas I might explore now that I have more time being freelance before baby comes. Well just take it a day at a time. But it does feel good to draw a Duckie after a 2 year break. Thought I’d make the story in this one reflect the extended break.


OMG do my eyes deceive me?:wow: The DUCKSTER HAS RETURNED!!!:pray:

oh captain. you’ve made my day :slight_smile:

YAY the duckster is back!! Hope to see more updates soon. :smiley:

Wow, I’ve just been looking back at this thread and I’m enjoying these comics immensely! :rofl: Great stuff, Munta! Especially liked #32-#33, #35, #49 and #54.

Definitely keeping my eye on this thread now.

Hey Everyone! Cheers for tuning in. For the time being Duckie will be weekly. Got two on the backburners at the moment. One finished and one that needs speech bubbles, going to try and do them as soon as I get the idea from now on. Thanks for the comments and support, means alot to me :slight_smile:

Duckie #59

:party: good shit man! glad u still doin the comics. Duckie is :rofl:

gotta spread the rep around before i can rep u again