Drunk teen kills 4, gets probation because of the excuse that he was too privileged.WOW

fishjie’s quote is from Casino, which you need to watch ASAP.

yeah joe pesci is a badass

“I pray to Joe Pesci instead of God. Joe actually gets things done.”
-George Carlin

If the problem is the affluent lifestyle that then that could easily be solved with a few years of hard labor. Sentence that kid to 5 years of roofing or pouring concrete, see what that does for his affluenza.


On a serious note, I think that the internet will serve its own brand of harsh justice here. This is the reason anonymous exists. Figure out all the kid’s personal info, I’m sure they’ll come up creative ways to ruinate this bastard. Or at least fuck with daddy’s business.

The couch family is getting sued for 20 mill by family of son who got paralyzed. There’s gonna be justice.

I’m glad everyone who isn’t the Judge recognizes how stupid this is. I’m really happy, even Fox News and CNN actually agree how wrong and irresponsible this ruling is.

If that was the case SRK would be the online haven of criminals worldwide.

As far as the judge, I’m guessing she watched OZ too much and didn’t want the brat to end up like Adam Guenzel and Franklin Winthrop. blech.

This makes me angry.

Furious, even.

People like that should get the death penalty.

Four individuals were slaughtered in a drunk-driving accident and no genuine retribution was delivered because the victim was “suffering” from being over-privileged?

I can’t.


Pretty sure they have the funds to fix that issue.

I love the State of Texas

But yeah this shit is fucking embarrassing and not in laughable ways but just disgusting. Then again Nigeria and other countries out in the world are just as bad, they just don’t pretend they aren’t like how far too many American courts claim.

Did you intend this to be read in the voice of Snagglepuss?

From the link above

Co-Author of Affluenza: “I’m Appalled by the Ethan Couch Decision”

That pause.
Dodging the question always seems funny to me.

Affluenza- the belief that money solves everything.

This is more pattern recognition than actual mental illness.

Casino. Got it. Will find ASAP. :tup:


It’s funny that his punishment is basically a fitness plan designed to turn him into an even bigger douchebag than he already is. A douchebag that rides horses apparently.


Its like I typed that shit myself! :rofl: