Wow…white kid does something wrong a slap on the wrist…black, Asian or whatever does something wrong…BAM TO THE GALLOWS! Actually…I’m glad the justice system paid him off…now ship his ass to Alaska with a camera attached to him so I can watch his stupid spoiled brat ass get eaten by polar bears whilst I watch with popcorn and laugh.
Then if he’s not dead ship him to Canada so I can drown him…but not before I rough him up.
Is it really that terrible? IMO if there’s injustice here it’s that this wouldn’t be the punishment for a normal kid(assuming that’s even true, I have heard probation is a valid punishment for drunk driving kids even for vehicular manslaughter). Putting a 16 year old in jail for 20 years is guaranteeing that they will never be a productive member in society. Being separated from the parents, therapy for years, and probation for a decade means he has a shot, and if he screws it up there’s no way he’s avoiding jail time.
Yes, he will eventually go to jail, but only after more people die. And that’s only if his rich well-connected parents can no longer hide his criminal behaviour.
Just like this other rich brat who murdered his girlfriend and had his parents lie for him.
The murderer had enjoyed a privileged life where his parents denied him nothing.
Turner had been educated at a £12,000 private school, and as an adult would carry up to £1,000 cash on him to ‘show off’.
He also spent nights out in Bournemouth bars with his friends, who he called ‘The Firm’, drinking champagne and trying to seduce women.
His parents were so wealthy they even paid £30,000 to send him to the Priory for rehab after he became addicted to cocaine and alcohol.
After spending huge sums impressing women he met Emily, and considered her a ‘trophy’, his murder trial heard.
But the model received admiring glances from other men and Turner could not cope, sending him spiralling into fits of rage.
During their four-month relationship it later emerged he had bullied and physically abused her, before threatening to kill her and other men who knew her in a series of texts and emails.
In one note written by Emily to him said: ‘I love you but don’t say you’ll kill me. You make me scared’.
CCTV also reveals on one occasion he took a hammer into a nightclub to threaten another man he believed was attracted to his girlfriend.
After he killed her Turner claimed that Emily had died in her sleep and his parents backed him up. A post-mortem was inconclusive and the 20-year-old was not charged.
But police were suspicious and bugged his house, and his parents were heard discussing the conspiracy.
Elliot said he ‘lost it’ that night and his mother said: ‘We’ve done the right thing’. His father then said: ‘Stop denying it. He f****** strangled her’.
He was then arrested and Turner then claimed during the trial he acted in self-defence when Emily attacked him and he grabbed her by the throat for five or six seconds and he then woke up to find her dead in his bed.
Or maybe the law shoulda jailed him now, for a very long time, just like they would have a poor person. Fuck this psycho.
putting a 16 year old in jail for theft, dui, the manslaughter of 4, and the harming of 2 of his friends seems pretty justified. i mean, youre probably a troll, and im wasting my time, but do you think a kid with as bad parenting as he has had so far, who allegedly showed no remorse even after the fact (probably the valume and alcohol making him erratic and angry), is going to come out of a cushy 1200 dollars a day rehab center in california, and be just fine. hes going to just now play victim for the rest of his life, and his pussy ass parents arent going to let him rot. his parents will probably get a divorce considering most of his dads money came from local government funding, and the citizens are going to rally against his company hard.
that kid is unfortunately a future sociopath in the making. but look, i get it, if you could try to save a person and give them a chance at redemption outside of ruining their lives with prison, then you would. i have to apologize to you though, because i feel NO sympathy for a spoiled white boy from fort worth, texas, who was a victim of bad parenting and extreme amounts of privilege. you know why i dont give a fuck, because the system has no sympathy for those of lesser privilege, especially young black men and women of the same age who have done A LOT LESS, and still got heavy time. so he should pay for his crimes just like they have. he has no more potential to be anything other then a next guest on a future reality tv show, then anyone else. hes a fucking moron, not a “job creator”, not the next zuckerberg, bill gates, neil d tyson, etc… he was just a future piece of shit given the ability to continue his tirade of bullshit until he dies or goes to prison.
i could be wrong, maybe he could be the next guy to lead us into a better america, but you know who else could be that too, all the other under privileged individuals who dont have a bullshit made up term for their life to get them off of manslaughter charges of not one, but 4 people.
the country isnt perfect, the system isnt perfect, nothing, but if youre telling me i should sit back and embrace this as potential time for his redemption, for him to be a better person, while my minority counterparts are rotting in prison for lesser crimes, only to come out and go back in for the same thing they did most likely, is pure nonsense. everyone makes mistakes, and their can be some compassion for that, but if your only excuse is im too spoiled, then their is a special place in hell for you.
i dont expect a 16 year old to man up to the crime and reject anything but prison and ass rape, but not even at least 5 in juvi, just nothing. the same judge who gave a 14 year old black male 10 years in juvi for knocking someone out, and their falling lead to the death of them, is telling me that a dude 2 years older at 16, who chose to be drunk, high off of prescription drugs, and speeding, deserves 10 years probation after killing 4 and injuring 2.
Its good to still talk about subjects with other community members, especially ones where others might feel just as strongly about it… Hell I dont mind
“So, we have decided that this kid is too spoilt to be responsible for his actions”
“How do we solve this then”
“Lets let him off jail and then spoil his ass some more”
Seriously, the verdict was a fucking joke, the defense was a fucking joke and now even the “rehabilitation” or whatever based on the bullshit defense is a fucking joke.
It’s like the little bastard has been rewarded for killing.
He also stole the beers, and has a previous arrest record too. I know there’s people here that take an even more cynical, embittered view of modern-day America than I do (*which says a lot)… but this is straight up bizarre… it’s like an episode of the Twilight Zone here. You tell people about this story, and they’d most likely suspect you’re lying or exaggerating what actually happened…most would probably have to look it up and read about the story for themselves to truly believe this. It’s that ridiculous, imo. Everywhere this story has been reported, most agree that this is a truly embarrassing, questionable, and pathetic example of the American justice system.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid either runs into some harsh vigilante “justice” at some point in the near future, or does something else stupid during this 10-year probation to get himself eventually fucked over anyway. (*Really…he has 10 years to NOT fuck up… OF COURSE I believe he’s dumb enough to actually fuck up during this period of time. Does anyone believe he can manage to avoid trouble for that long? Nah…not happening.)
jesus christ. if that guys a clinical psychologist of any worth, then im a fucking rocket scientist. what a moron, but he also knows there is no retort to what anderson was saying. lol at him saying, black people have money too, i dont know why you want to make this a racial issue. um, thats not what anderson cooper was implying, especially since before he said he was a black 14 year old, he said he was a non affluent young man.
even if he messes up, the judge probably will let him off again, or with a light punishment at best. the judge wont drop the full ten on his first violation of probation.
You can’t explain privilege to people who think their privilege is normal just like people who don’t experience racism act like it’s some exaggerated myth.
Bullshit, this is how the so called justice system has been for a long time, it just barely cleaned up it’s act in the last 40 years, even still it’s been a joke. The only reason this is even an issue is because he killed some white women, otherwise this would have been swept under the rug. What’s more questionable is all the scrubs acting brand new to this as if this was some kind of freak incident.
yo guyz, he had a way rougher life than any of you! can you imagine how awful he must have had it growing up, not having parents who loved him enough to discipline him! don’t you see, plowing into 4 people while wasted was a desperate cry for attention and help. clearly, he needs access to a luxury rehab resort!
yo. where did you get that quote you have in your sig from? I’ve chuckled many times reading it over the years, but don’t know where or what it is from, if indeed there is any story to it. also, Chinese kung fu looking characters in the av is a good choice. :tup: I gotta check out my man Donnie Yen again sometime this weekend. Iron Monkey ain’t to be messed with!!!