a bit. It’s not like there was some crazy law like SYG that these scumbag lawyers could leverage to get their client off, they just pulled some complete bullshit out their ass. id say this is new frontier for law not applying to the rich
yes, and because of what pherai said. it would be one thing if this was an accident that lead to these peoples deaths, but speeding 30 mphs over the speed limit with 3 times the blood alcohol level that is legal, (alcohol that he stole from a local walmart), and he had valume in his system is far from accidental. yeah, im pretty shocked that an excuse of im too spoiled at the age of 16 was a legit defense that got him probation, and not something from a fucking SNL skit.
Well, hang on. Okay, so say this kid is 16, don’t crimes you commit as a teen get thrown out once you turn 18 anyway? So unless he were tried as an adult (which, let’s face it, wouldn’t have happened anyway) he’d probably wind up getting released in two years anyhow.
10 years probation. It’s pretty much a lock that this dumb bastard is gonna do SOMETHING wrong int he next 10 years, and when he does, we can only hope they’ll throw the book at his ass. Granted, if he’d killed one of my family members, that wouldn’t be much consolation.
Course, I’d settle for someone going Taliban on him and beheading him too.
Nah most of them are cowardly kids doing that to older adults that aren’t paying attention anyhow. The New Black Panther Party would do wonders but none of the victims were black.
lol. that was a mispelling by them, not me. i didnt catch it to correct it though. but hopefully his illness progresses to full blown aids and hes not allowed medicine to help him.
The worst part about this isn’t the verdict…
or the repercussions of this…
or the blatant hypocrisy from the judge…
BUT SERIOUSLY, WHO THE FUCK SAYS “AFFLUENZA” WITH A STRAIGHT FACE? It’s not even applicable here; “affluenza” (seriously, are we trivializing actual diseases now?) causes people to want more and more wealth and never feel satisfied, which has nothing to do with this.
Can I be spared from charges related to treason and conspiracy if I have “disco fever”?
I think its a step in the right direction.
If anything, the justice system is becoming more transparent in that they have admitted that rich people deserve special treatment.
It’s a good thing.
^Damn you. It’s your fault I laughed at that. Still though, this shouldn’t be a surprise anymore. I call it “justice to the highest bidder”. Those people who lost family members because of the drunk kid? Simply didn’t bring enough money to the table. Better luck next time.