Drunk teen kills 4, gets probation because of the excuse that he was too privileged.WOW

Because you cannot get tired of reasons why you can fear death less.

I love how people try to disassociate themselves from the situation with “Fucking red state” and “Please Texas…hurry up and secede.”

This happens all the time and everywhere, especially now since we becoming more of a “not my fault” nation.

Open your eyes, kids.

They’re pun bait.

And people say privilege doesn’t exist…

It’s like “I can fap to this” is their motto.

There is no reason for us to be ignorant about the world around us.


not “wow texas” its “wow white kids with rich white parents”

If only I could experience such affliction…

Poor white people with their affluenza and small circumcised diccs

I thought texas was notorious for throwing the book at people

This is some soft liberal ass new york type of shit

yeah, i just plopped it in their in my drunken state last night because i felt the need to emphasize texas being in the news once again on some dumb shit, and its easy to pick on the state. lol.

if i was the father that had his wife and daughter killed by this piece of shit, law abiding citizen on fools all day. no way in hell you tell me to just hold dat shit, and this kid just gets to go back to fucking off and being rich, probably get his license back in a year or so.

not only did he kill 4, but his two friends who were in the bed of his truck were tossed, and one is basically a vegetable, while the other got fucked up but is still alive. the judge sat their with a sane state of mind and was like yeah, i feel so bad for this little boy who has been coddled so much in his life, that you know what, lets let him off easy yet again. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT MAKE SENSE. fort worth texas, is this how you rollin son. i know your the home of a bunch of typical shit head texans, with a progressive move happening there, but is this the message you are sending to everyone.

this is the judge by the way


i wonder how many under privileged people she has laid the hammer too and sent to jail with a tough love state of mind. i question everything this judge has done over the course of her career now. this is that type of shit that is why i try to stay out of trouble all my life. the justice system is just a fucking big joke, and if i ever got fucked hard by it, it would be flat out war. 10 years probation for stealing alcohol, drinking underage, speeding, killing 4 people, injuring more, even putting one basically in a vegetable state.

i dont ever wanna see anyone put to jail for petty theft, small time drug possession, assault, speeding, or anything less then what this kid did in fort worth texas. that worthless judge is leaving next year too. so one can only pray this kid fucks up soon, and the next judge pounds his asshole in with 20 years in the state prison to be someones bitch boy.

oh lord i know we’re suppose to forgive, and thats the best thing, but i question the validity of always forgiving sometimes. sometimes motherfuckers need to just be punished, and or put down.

This kid got away with theft and murder because he had shitty rich parents who gave him too much.

not to be redundant, but that still just doesnt compute. im totally baffled how the judge didnt take this opportunity to rain hell down on this privileged pile of shit, not hold his hand further.

may the judge burn in hell for eternity, and if an angel tries to take her soul from hell to heaven, i will be right there with a rusty pitch fork to ram her fat ass back down into the pit.

little extra info, so like we all knew, this bitch gave zero fucks when it was a young black kid. this same judge gave a 14 year old black kid 10 years in juvi for hitting a guy and knocking him out, which lead to his death when he fell and hit the pavement.

Why didnt she want to rehabilitate that young man, and give him probation as long as he got mental help. i mean we know the deal in this country and in certain states when it comes to classism, racism, and the obvious prejudice against non white minorities within the justice system, but it doesnt make it any easier to deal with when we are frequently given these stories that make you just wanna flip a fucking table in your house. im sure rick perry is like, good call, we need more young white rich males out here to keep sucking the tit of their parents and fucking up. lol

similar story in florida, but in this case he paid off the widows for letters begging for a lesser jail sentence, which the judge could ignore, but didnt, and he got house arrest at an oceanside condo his parents own. lol. dude has a history of possession, running from the cops, and is technically a schizophrenic who isnt on meds, so instead of finally putting a hault to this man, you just give him house arrest where he is most comfortable. i mean, widows of the tourist who were killed, i get that you lost your bread winners of the home, but really, you sold yourselves out just to make sure you had some cash. yuck. id rather see that dick behind bars, then have his money in my bank account.

where are those knockout game guys when you need them?

Fucking Texas. It’s always fucking texas.

Yes… because its the WHOLE STATES FAULT that this single judge let this kid off free.

One time when I was in Colorado I got cut off in traffic.
All Colorado drivers must suck…

Back onto topic though yeah… people do dumb shit. Guy should be doing time.

I don’t know what the outrage is about. That is the American dream in its purest form. Who doesn’t want to be wealthy enough to beat a murder rap?

Be honest. Does this outcome really surprise any of you?


The teen done some major damage to society and he get off free with probation. The judge look like she the kind of person that would be easily bought off. The ‘Kid for Cash’ scandal is one example of a judge corrupted .