Drunk teen kills 4, gets probation because of the excuse that he was too privileged.WOW

While it sucks that he will not see jail time, there is a little silver lining on the liabilities going forward with the lawsuits. I don’t think this punk is going to enjoy his pony rides when this hits.

The real cure for affluenza: Suing them until they’re in the poorhouse. :coffee:

Make that kid have to eat food from the Dollar Store.

Nah man. By the time they finished with him he wont even be able to shop at the dollar store.

Not even with food stamps?

If I were a relative of one of those people killed, I wouldn’t let that shit go. I’d find any legal way possible to nail that clown so that he feels it for the rest of his days. Maybe they can still sue him? I don’t know.

people who start off drinking at a young age are more likely to become alcoholics later in life. that, added to the fact that he killed four people will no doubt lead to some serious psychological probems later on. that rehab place won’t help him for shit, that’s just other white people making money off other white people. he will fuck up again, and with all of the coverage this has gotten you’ll definitely see the fuck-up on the news when it happens.

That family had better get their checkbooks ready. Looks like they’ll need to buy a LOT of judges for this one. Of course, if they get sued into bankruptcy, that should most certainly cure them of this disease.


America cut foodstamps recently.

I’m surprised we didn’t hear about wrongful death suits earlier. Still, I don’t know how liable the parents were on this. I’d figure the kid killing those people in a company truck would be a “gotcha, bitch!” moment, but I don’t know the law.

If the person who does it is a minor and under your care, you as the parent are responsible for it. At least to some degree. I don’t know if they can get money out of the parents but I wouldn’t doubt it.

y’know, it would be funny if their son becomes the one reason all their wealth goes right down the drain. Talk about being the epitome of fuck-ups… imagine that for a second…you end up being a wealthy person, then you have a son that is such an unbelievably careless idiot…he single-handedly manages to destroy the entire family fortune. I’d be so far beyond “pissed off” if I were the dad that words wouldn’t even begin to describe it.

The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, btw… both parents have criminal records too.

It gets more and more ridiculous the more you find out here… like he wasn’t only drunk…he was apparently doped up on valium too. I am eager to see how this plays out over the next few months. You know he’s bound to fuck up again…we won’t even have to wait that long, I bet. It’s funny to me that some people are just seemingly destined to be a fuck-up in life…and they go on to fuck up in ways that the rest of the entire human race previously didn’t even think was possible or probable… like that is the whole point of their existence.

*but wait, there’s more! Besides the death… there’s at least 1 person they’ve showed on HLN that is paralyzed now… AND he has brain injuries…all he can do from now and probably for the rest of his life is blink…all thanks to this little shit-stain’s drunken foolishness. The more one thinks about this story, the more you want to break things and set certain people on fire.

He’ll take a nice chunk out of it, at least. I may not know the law, but this does look like some “settle out of court” shit at the very least.
If that was my kid, I’d at least sic Agent 47 on his ass. If I’m gonna get took like that, the reason why can’t be still walking around breathing.

rich white/jewish people or really REALLY rich/influential people get away with crime. this is news?

looks like he’s fucking up again


Accidents happen:

Best Justice $$$ can buy.

This is so hilariously sad it deserves its own thread.

heh, I was looking forward to this dumbass piece of “Affluenza” shit ending up in the news again… annnnnd here we GO! Whatever happens, this is sure to entertain… :slight_smile:

I hope one of the family members of one of the victims sends the judge a nice profanity laden thank you letter this holiday… great job!