[driver release]Hori Fighting Stick 3 on PC

Anyone know anything about the HFS3 working in Linux? Or what sticks generally tend to work well with Linux? (Specifically 64bit Linux.)

the FS3 should work on vista out of the box

mine did

Downloaded this driver today and FS3 works with my computer!!! Using XP.


Thanks dude.

Hori FS3 PS3 - Quick & Dirty Review

Greetings Ppl,

So I finally managed to track down a Hori FS3 for PS3 - and man am I happy!:wgrin:

I had initially ordered it off Amazon for $49 but they couldn’t fulfill the order and I was left in the cold waiting on the SE stick from EBs that only had a waiting list for their TEs.

Thanks for forums like this one I quickly realized Mad Catz had once more set a record in quality control :rofl: With that I called over 30 stores in Toronto until I finally came across one that had 2 sticks!

GameCentre an independent on daforth & donlands had em’ but I had to wait until the next day after work before I could get over there; timing couldn’t have been better as someone had bought one of the sticks in the morning - I got their last one!

The Stick:
Not use to the square gate but I have found it makes learning movements actually easier than the pad, however, in network battles I find it not as nimble as a round gate might be.

Looooove the buttons! Takes me back to the eighties arcade machines…as this is my first stick p-e-r-i-o-d!!

The turbo feature works wonder for flight combat games like 1942/Blazing Angels/etc. eager to pickup Hawx to see how it works with that game!

And after hours of game play no issues as yet - way to go Hori!

Overall 7/10!


Sweet, I’ll be testing this right when I get home :slight_smile:

im using xp32 with a hori hrap ex for the 360. i followed the instructions but i ran into this
"USB\VID_0F0D&PID_0016" which instead should say this if i remember correctly “USB\VID_0F0D&PID_0010”. is there anyway i can fix this?

I’m pretty positive what you did kraal would also fix my FS3 problem also with my old computer , but I moved on to a new computer a year ago and yeah , it supports FS3 now :stuck_out_tongue: ( also I got TE stick so no need of me playing FS3 much unless for a PS3 tournament stuff :open_mouth: ) .

If I could , I would rep you :slight_smile:

Thank you so much Kraal for making the driver work for the 32 bit systems .

@all: thanks for the feedback and msgs.

@Buhbuhj, horsedick: I don’t possess a Madcatz stick, btw they are really hard to come by where I live. So little in stock, and as soon as new ones arrive, they are bought by people just wanting to make money by reselling them on ebay.

@jsuh103, I’ve seen your pm. You are “using xp32 with a hori hrap ex for the 360.” The driver discussed in this thread is specifically for the Hori Fighting stick 3, which is a PS3 stick. So you get the same vendor string, but a different product string, no surprise here.

In your case, just download the official Microsoft 360 pad driver for windows and you will be set.

I got this stick to work on my pc without any special drivers.

Im on windows XP PRO 32-bit
Pentium 4 2.8GHz processor
I bought my pc back in late 2005 from Dell.

  1. I just plugged the Hori Fighting Stick 3 into the back usb 2.0 ports (not a hub but the actual ports from the motherboard)

  2. “Found a new hardware” prompt came up and asked if windows update could connect to the internet to find the drivers. I clicked on yes then ok.

  3. It then downloaded HID compliant usb drivers and installed.

  4. A second “found new hardware” prompt came up. same thing, it wanted to download drivers from the net and i allowed it to.

A note to people who are going to buy this stick… dont waste your money on it, it sucks, save your money for a TE or HRAP 3. The stick on the HFS3 is horrible as hell, i cant even do a normal hadoken or dragon punch with it. going back on ebay!

OMG!! Thanks for WORKING drivers :slight_smile:

Hi ,Kraal , thank for the driver . my fs3 work but i hv some problem can u please help me solve the problem . how to redefine the bottom ? my [] = 1 , x =2 , o = 3 ,A=4 , L1 = 5 ,R1 =6 . i cannot set the bottom in mamefx it wont work . what i want is the [] = 1 ,A=2 ,R1=3 ,x=4,o=5 , R2 = 6 . can u help me please ? thank

works like a charm! thanks!!

Hi all and kraal…

currently I am using this setup… PS1/2 to USB connector… using PS1 Hori Real Arcade Joystick…
http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/2324/ps1joyusb.jpg http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/ps1joyusb.jpg/1/w800.png
But I am facing the problem where i want to change the joystick’s control from x/y axis to point of hat view just like what kraal did…

I tried to edit the fsfilter.inf file that kraal has posted here and changing the Hardware ID to USB\VID_0C12&PID_0005 at 2 different lines under [Devices.NT] and [Strings]… but it still can’t work… my guess is that i need to edit the system file too…

I would hope that someone would point me to the right direction to edit this driver…

any comments on this would be great… thanks…:wgrin:

I think it’s the driver problem… did you used kraal’s driver ? i heard from my frens that this stick is okie… but the buttons are being soldered…

cool driver

Thanks for the awsome driver!!!
With it I am able to play games on my PC.
Maaaan, sure brought back the the fun arcade games in the old days!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hi… I know there has been no luck in the past from reading this thread, but I’ve been wondering if anyone with Windows 7 RC x64 has tried Hori Fight Stick 3 out and see if worked? I see that XP and Vista x64 don’t work with this stick so it doesn’t give me a lot of hope… but I have enough to ask! Planning on getting a stick for playing SC4 on PC, and BlazBlue on PS3 so I’d like a PS3/PC stick that will work with both Windows 7 X64 and PS3.

You can get HRPA3… it works well on 64bit system…

Kraal… any comments on the setup i have… i want to try to change the driver… :slight_smile:

This doesn’t completely work for me. I just got the Hori FS3 today, I am running vista home premium 32-bit. I first tried just plugging it in, it installed some drivers, tried it out, all but 1 of the buttons worked. Only O, or medium kick (red button) doesnt seem to register. I started searching around, tried the raal drivers or w.e, didnt work at all. Then I found this, I was able to install the driver fine, still have it loaded, but I have the same problem as I initially did. I red O button doesnt register, but everything else works fine. Does anybody know if its still a driver issue, or perhaps its just that button that doesnt work? I don’t have a ps3 here to test it out.

2 years+ and 3 new sticks too late for me… :bluu: good shit though.

Do you have any plans to release a 64bit version?

It’s triple the price and isn’t available in europe or the middle east.