Dragon Ball FighterZ: Legendary Saiyans Edition

Everyone can lvl3 the 26s, also it can be reflected.

I see no problem here. If they’re reflecting the move you’ve got a fantastic opening here, and raw LVL 3 reversal takes needed meter

If you are expecting them to reflect then do 236M to get the command throw, that can’t reflect that.

If I fight against Broly, will either jump or lvl3 any of his special ender. When Broly doesn’t have assists to back him up and when his opponent has 3 bars, people will start acknowledging the issue.

Currently in Discord and we are doing alot of testing and discussion about Broly. Pretty much everything that is not a light or his normal S seems to have armor.


Bamco was right to not give him damage.

He is bonkers.

Bardock thread:

Thanks @Colonel-Gilgamesh

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Nice to see someone took my advice.

Also, I am making a petition that Broly’s 5M to be coined ‘Say it with ya chest!’


Can you repeat what you said again, your wording is a little bit off.

How much damage does Slow Ball do anyways? Say if they’re top of the screen and you land it raw (Someone SD after you being the feasible scenario). With how the thing scales I’m curious if it’s the most damaging pure LVL3 now

Hit’s just as tired of the number of Gokus as the rest of us


Bardock Sparking link (DHC from Cell)


Broly snapback setup (original tip https://twitter.com/Matt_he_human):



Bruh! Why is Broly’s snapback loop so free lol like the only one who can get out of this on my original team is A.18. Cell’s lvl. 1 is blowing it up too, but I think I’m miss timing it.

Edited: NVM seen on the spreadsheet that Cell can lvl. 1 it to beat it.

GO1’s Broly says no to A.Gohan’s loop.


So about that Frieza sparking 5M bug.
Can someone tell me wtf is up with it? Can you confirm it realistically, or even better, confirm into it? I’m on holiday and can’t test it

Broly’s in such a weird spot. He’s got a LOT of problems with him and a lot of risk involved. On the other hand, he has some scummy stuff and he’s one of the few characters to have answers to the meta’s biggest problems

A.Gohan was in minus there after j236L. Won’t work with an assist or EX behind it.

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  1. AGohan gets to use that card twice before he runs out of assists.

  2. Broly’s move is so thoroughly armored I am unsure it would. It auto deflects weak projectiles, maybe even beams, so if it’s not deflected it’s getting armor’d. Once the armor frames come out that move is executing.

I lose out pretty often after I clash a normal with my opponent. I’m sure I’m trying to think about things too much in the moment instead of just mashing L right away.

But thinking about it, does anyone know if you can special or super cancel during a clash screen freeze?

In other ArcSys-games, clashes could be canceled from anything into anything; we’re talking dragon punches canceled into jabs. Unless the rules are drastically changed, I’d imagine that still applies.