I absolutely agree that Doom vs Sent/Cap is his toughest matchup. First off, a high-priority AAA is a MUST, otherwise you’ll have a very high chance ov dying (if you lack patience or are easily crossed up and eating Corridor) or getting chipped to death waiting for an opening! If you’re in the corner without an AAA you’re practically done…for the most part.
-If Doom is on point with an AAA (Psy/Cyke/Cap) you can just wait and counter call the opponent’s Cap if they’re dumb enough to keep calling him out. Remember also that you can tag Sent’s extended limbs if he isn’t too cautious about you’re assist.
-If Doom is solo against those two you’re going to have to play extremely defensive to even hope to survive. Take all the chip damage you can (making sure you don’t get hit), and when you see an opening Snap Sent out ASAP! Hitting one ov his limbs shouldn’t be an issue, even if you wind up eating a Corridor in the process, your main goal is to get Sent out and destroy Commando as he gets snapped in (or better yet, if you catch both via dual-snap).
Killing Commando shouldn’t be much ov an issue once he loses Sent for those few precious seconds, just watch for Corridor if you plan on rushing his ass down a la Magnus!! Afterwards, Sent without an AAA should be easy pickings if you play your Doom properly.
Nazi Kick and s.FP also helps against those two, esp. if you happen to catch Cap right before he plants his fist into the ground. If Sent just so happens to be sticking his foot out you’ll most likely trade or out-prioritize him. You obviously want them as much off ov you as humanly possible.
APA actually works wonders here as well. In case I didn’t mention it before, APA has a built-in frame ov invincibility where, if you time the super perfectly, you’re immune to anything that happens to be on screen. With this said, one ov two things may occur with this knowledge in hand:
You superjump into the air, inviting Sent to come after you and Cap to be called. Right before the Corridor appears if you APA at the right time Cap won’t connect and you’ll possibly be dealing small-moderate amounts ov damage to both Sent and Cap depending on their positioning. If Sent happens to be above you already don’t do APA unless you’re able to DHC immediately afterwards (remember the photon DHC screen shift trick?).
You’re eating blockstring after blockstring…then Cap comes along. Tk’APA his shit (DHC if you have the meter…). If Cap happens to be low on health then fry his ass even if you get fast-fly’d by Sent. I feel that it’s worth it to kill Cap and take damage from Sent as a trade-off as long as you don’t die in the process.
The Molecular Shield can help you to a small degree here, as the initial rocks will hit Cap before Corridor even appears, but I’d only do this if you have an AAA in your possession. You can also Molecular cancel into either Cage or Candle depending on the situation and if you have enough time to pull either out without interruption and if Sent is in the proper position to get hit…
The Cage super works wonders here, if you’re able to get both ov them in it. This super is a great assist punisher and it covers Doom somewhat from Sent if he’s flying overhead stomping you down (his extended hitbox or Cap will trigger the bomb). If you happen to kill Sent with this, quickly wavedash to the other end and assist kill Cap (just mind Sent’s corpse for it WILL get in the way). Keep in mind if Sent survives the bomb and you don’t DHC to a knockdown super <Hail> he will gain unfly…so be cautious.
Roman Candle shouldn’t be used in this situation for the sole reason that if you miss Sent (or hit one ov his limbs while extended) you’ll be open for death!!
I apologize if some ov this seems vague (if it does lmk and I’ll try to clarify). All that was said is not going to help you 100% ov the time for no plan nor strategy is foolproof and doesn’t apply to everyone…so don’t come back to me saying it didn’t work. This is what I know…
…I’ll admit, I have problems with fighting Sent/Cap as well…so no one is perfect…
It was stated a long while back, but Sent/Doom should have the advantage over Sent/Cap if you’re smart about when and where to drop Doom on Cap while covering your assist. Also, you MUST focus on building more meter than the other guys…that way you have access to option select.
Keep it coming guys…I thrive in such discussions…
EDIT: Oh wow…nothing? lmao