Dr. Doom Faq/guide...the Absolute Source Ov Doom!

I warn everyone reading this guide right now…before I start getting any complaints…IT IS LONG…simple as that…so unless you’re too lazy to read what I have offered here, enjoy divulging yourselves in this mountain ov Doom info.

This guide is here to attempt to clarify as much about Dr. Doom as a fighter as possible…looking at everything from all possible angles including moves, strats, matchups, and team dynamics. I may not be the Doom master here but I know a crapload ov stuff that will become ov use to any aspiring Doom players out there…but I warn those who read this…it’s LONG AS FUCK and full ov useful info. So let us begin…



  1. Information Sources/Thanx
  2. Overview
  3. Normal Moves
  4. Special Moves
  5. Hyper Combos/Supers
  6. Assist Types
  7. Doom Setups and Combos
  8. Dr. Doom Strats/Mindsets
  9. VS. Character Specific Strats (for now I’m doing top tiers)
  10. Team-Specific Dynamics and Strats with Doom (coming soon in a future installment)


-John ‘dragonkhan’ Le (Dr. Doom guide on gamefaqs.com, though short, has it’s fair share ov information)
-The following user on GameFAQs:
*Dr. Who (it was long time ago but he was one ov the few on that board that knew exactly what the hell to do with Doom)…unfortunately the site deletes it’s threads on a constant basis and I couldn’t recover any ov his knowledge…
-The following users on SRK, past and present (for the gathered information and quotes):
*coos coos
*Flying Guy
*Higher Doom
-The following vids and their producers:
*Tricks ov the Trade Vol 4: Dr. Doom by Dj-B13
*Team Z: Dr. Doom by Mike Z
*Random Doom clips from various Vidness Vids by Vidness
*A few ov Doom+assist stuff by TS
Doom/Cable AAA
Doom/Iron Man AAA
-These feature the j.RK Dive Kick recoil cancel-
TS Doom Combos
-Nice Doom assist kill on Psy by KillaKelly…despite the loss…kudos to Augmint for finding this:

-Doom’s second infinite (only possible via 100% technique using prog. pad) by Magnetro (Variable Atmosphere):

You can also go to Preppy’s site and find the vids there under the Combos section:
…seriously…if you don’t know about that site you deserve to die in a fire…xD

Doom’s place is rightfully at the top tier spot alongside the likes ov Blackheart, Iron Man, and Spiral for good reason. I think we can all remember how dominant Doom was back in the days before Magnus and Storm dethroned him. Though to a lesser extent Doom posesses Magnus rushdown, Storm runaway, and Cable keepaway…Doom has found himself in key teams to this day (Ladies and gentlemen…Team Clockw0rk). His weaknesses are plainly obvious as he is VERY rushdown-prone even if he has an AAA to work with (point to Mag/Storm) and, if trapped in the corner, is pretty much PRINGLES to the likes ov Sentinel (which, btw, is his WORSE match-up…NOT MAGNUS!!).

Doom is all about a balanced game…you CANNOT go in with either a rushdown or keepaway strat alone and hope to survive…

…And who wouldn’t ever want to pick up on such a bad ass villian such as Victor Von Doom???


Doom’s keepaway game IMO is up there along with Cable, Blackheart, and Sentinel (YES…Sentinel plays keepaway at times ppl…just look at Santhrax). He has a projectile for just about any occasion: Air Photons for keepaway, chip and space control; Ground Photons for space control; the Plasma Beam (aptly named the yellow beam) for ground control as well as another air keepaway tool; and the j.FP (the ‘butter beam gun’) which snuffs out possible dash-ins as well as controls the ground when used in conjunction with an assist to cover Doom (Sent drones and BH Inferno/CapCom Corridor come to mind here). Doom covers more area than Cable/Sent and can potentially maul these 2 with the proper assist and strat in mind.

For a player with a trap game in mind, Doom is among the best when it comes to this. The Molecular Shield assist ALONE has enough potential to piss anybody off that’s caught in blockstun by this often. Trap Doom is often teamed up with either Strider/Sent (again, Clockw0rk) or Sent/Blackheart. Also on the list ov trap-inducing moves include the Photons and the butter gun.

Speaking ov the Molecular Shield assist…it’s too good!! And by too good I mean that it has a use for ANY character in the game as well as any strat: Dash-in attempts get snuffed out by the rocks. It also stops jump-in attempts to a degree (so don’t rely on it too much as an anti-air assist…despite what the assist type says!). If an opponent gets hit by this thing they get mini-launched upwards…perfect for those Magneto’s/Storm’s to utterly rape the airborne opponent. Last, but certainly not least, this assist deals SHITLOADS ov chip damage!! The rocks spins around Doom first, keeping the opponent in blockstun, then are released towards the opponent in a slight spread (NOTE that this has a random seed built into it, the rocks never travel the same way twice). The kick in the ass is that if they even attempt to pushblock the assist while the rocks are spinning around Doom only he will be pushed back…the rocks will REMAIN in the same spot they were spinning and will still be thrown forth!!

Doom’s damage output is pretty high up there (not Storm/Sent 100% damage…but pretty damn close). One connected APA combo will most likely inflict around 50% damage to the opponent…now add in some sort ov DHC and you have something to work with here! Doom’s defense is slightly better than Magnus so he can afford to take a few hits here and there…but the fact that Doom is also attepting to keep away from the opponent this so-called defense is raised up a notch…

Oh, and did I forget the chip damage capabilities ov the Photons…especially the Photon Array (both versions)…USE AND ABUSETHE PINK SHIT!!!


As powerful as Doom is…well…he’s slow…and I don’t mean dashing speed (that’s what we have wavedashing here for folks) but I mean attack speed and recovery. The majority ov Doom’s attacks and specials have some sort ov entry or exit lag in them (now imagine if he never had lag in his moves…xD). As said before, Doom gets pwned by rushdown…especially if the user becomes mindfucked (Rule ov thumb when using Doom…DO NOT GET MINDFUCKED!!!). Doom doesn’t get much horizontal distance when super jumping and is, therefore, prone to wavedash crossups from below.

Doom’s flight, while it can be applied for some cool combos and tactics (explained later) is slow as hell and can get Doom shot! Plus the fact that Doom is a big target (not as big as Juggs…but big enough) combos are hella easy to perform on him. His falling speed is also perfect for continuing said combos…so DO NOT GET HIT!!

Looking at his strenghts…DO NOT FALL INTO A TRANCE!! Keepaway Doom players very often suffer from what I’d like to call the Blackheart Syndrome…meaning that repeated super jump Photons will NOT win you the match (maybe against some scrubs who don’t know what the hell to do…lol scrubby fabs!) and is the best way for you to be handed your ass on a platter! The same goes for repeated normal jumped butter beams…you’re risking being shot or mauled by ROM if you get careless…and, for the most part…your assists won’t save you here.

One more thing with Doom…AVOID THE CORNER LIKE THE PLAGUE!!! Once Doom’s back is in the corner there is almost nothing he can do to escape…

In Closing ov All That
“PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Nothing is easy with Doom… nothing is free with Doom… Doom is versatile… but no Storm… he can rushdown but he’s no Magneto…you can’t pick him up… play with him for a week and expect to know all about him… he takes more time than that. But with all this said, I believe he’s still a character worth learning.”

3.------NORMAL MOVES------

*Standing Jab (s.LP)
I seldom use this for s.LK is much better as far as combo starters are concerned. Plus the fact that the jab will whiff smaller or crouching characters I wouldn’t recommend using this much except for a random poke or ticking a RK throw.

If your Doom is fast enough reflex-wise you can treat s.LP as an offensive poking tool (notice how Yipes does this often with Magnus)…it works…to a degree since Doom isn’t capable ov the bullshit that Magnus can perform. However, ticking midscreen RK throws can also serve as a great mindgame tool in-match. The jab itself has slightly more range than Magz standing jab, but lacks that 1 frame priority (Doom’s jab is about 2 frames)…regardless it’s still fast enough to catch most ppl out there.

*Crouching Jab (c.LP)
This attack is actually pretty good…somewhat better than the c.LK in some occasions (though it lacks it’s range it has slightly more priority). Feel free to use this whenever you’d use c.LK as they’re both good crouching attacks.

Same as the s.LP you can also use this as a crouching poke into whatever crazy mindgame you have up your sleeve. Same as the standing jab as far as frame priority is concerned, though I’ve had cases when it traded with Mag/Storm crouching jabs…but I guess that’s when you predict it properly. You can also ‘condition’ your opponent to block high with repeated dash-in standing jabs and then pull this in hopes ov catching them off guard.

*Jumping Jab (j.LP)
Combo starter and air poke advantage against Sentinel (beats out/trades with whatever Sent throws at you in the air…great against stomp rushing)…that’s about it for this one. It’s also a possible crossup option, but that’s what the j.LK is for. J.LP is also a guard break option as well (explained later). Don’t use this as a normal jump-in on crouching opponents as it will most likely whiff…

*Standing Short (s.LK)
Doom stomps the ground in front ov him. This move is actually pretty fast and is quite useful in combos. I notice that when ppl triangle jump with Doom they go for c.LK x2 all the time. What I noticed about the s.LK is that it doesn’t push you as far back as the c.LK (Do c.LK x2 and then do s.LK, c.LK and you’ll see what I mean). Outside ov all that…not much use.

Can also be used as a quick pseudo overhead…if that type ov stuff even works anymore…I’ll figure more stuff out as I explore this move.

*Crouching Short (c.LK)
Use and abuse this, for if you land this and the launcher you’re opponent is most likely eating 50% damage frm an APA combo…or worse! This is a good poking tool as well as it also sets up the db.RK <crouching RK> unblockable…

Note that this is sjc’able, right when the kick connects…whether you do 1 or 2 c.LK’s…fun to mess around with but doesn’t yield much besides c.LKx2, sjc., sj.LK xx APA…

*Jumping Short (j.LK)
Same as the c.LK, just apply it for the air. Another great poking tool against Sentinel when he tries to fly next/above you.

There is also a smart way ov using this in the air. Notice how ppl do sj.LK, air dash, j.LK with Storm!? I pull this often in my matches and you wouldn’t believe how many ppl I catch with this (I don’t care if it’s only 2 measly hits the majority ov the time). Off ov sj.LK, ad/f.LK you can also fire off a photon to force them into blocking (it’s safe). If done at the the right time you can even xx APA and tack on some decent damage or chip.

*Standing Strong (s.MP or second s.LP)
Doom swings his hand in an uppercut motion, hand surrounded by energy. Ground combo filler…besides that not much use…and I don’t use it at all…

Almost forgot to mention that this is one ov the only ways to cleanly connect into the Electric Cage super…

*Crouching Strong (c.MP or second c.LP)
Same properties as the c.LP but it’s only used as combo filler…c.LP x2 is just about as good as c.LK x2.

*Jumping Strong (j.MP or second j.LP)
Combo filler…that is all…It’s only other application is during the Doom corner infinite…it hits the opponent a bit low (kinda like Magnus’s j.d+LK…sort ov).

*Standing Forward (s.MK or second s.LK)
This is Doom’s df.RK when used during a chain…only useful in ground to air combos (as it’s a launcher) though it launches them at a slight angle away from Doom rather than straight up like the c.FP.

This thing also comes out pretty fast even if you stall it as long as possible after the first LK. Good to surprise those who are too eager to get in a hit…especially if they tri-jump (and if they just duck it throw out s.FP or an Electric Cage and hope to catch them in the act!)!!

*Crouching Forward (c.MK or second c.LK)
Same properties as the c.LK (dammit Capcom…being lazy with Doom’s c.MP/c.MK attacks…ugh!). Combo filler (for the ever used c.LK x2 combo openers…Can also be used in ticking throws and the db.RK unblockable (explained in a few).

*Jumping Forward (j.MK or second j.LK)
Doom kicks high for this one…combo filler and kinda hits the opponent a bit higher…used mainly for crossup attempts with j.LK x2.

*Standing Fierce (s.FP) <BITCH HOLD DAT SHIT!!>
OMG!! Contrary to what ppl say this move should be used more often! It utterly snuffs out any sort ov dash-in attempt on Doom and sends them flying to the other side ov the screen (and, if you’re fast enough, you can buffer into the Electric Cage super and DHC into Hail for a safe/damaging switch-in). This is one ov those moves that pwns the crap out ov Magnus when used properly…so use it!! Dashing back and doing this is also an option if they get too tri-jump happy. Remember, you want the opponent away from you…this does the job nicely.

I should also add that the blockstun caused by this is good enough that if you’re able to master sjc’ing this into an air dash you’ll most likely gain frame advantage and be able to pull off some random shit. If they pushblock this you can also toss out an Electric Cage DHC’d into a safe super to be on the safe side…

The sjc ov this move is LATE…right after Doom swings and finishes his HAH sfx. Unfortunately you can’t really combo into much afterwards (the most I’ve gotten off was s.FP, sjc, ad/f xx APA) outside ov the corner.

*Crouching Fierce (c.FP) <RAISING STORM WTF!!??>
Now ppl will probably think that this is Doom’s main launcher…but it’s not. Though it covers both sides ov Doom and sends whoever is hit straight up…it’s kinda slow on the execution and recovery department (you can cancel the recovery with the ‘yellow beam’ or flight though) and is asking to be mauled if you whiff as it gives Magnus enough time to rape you. On the other hand, this is a great ground crossup tool if they super jump over you with no protection on the way down (50/50 guess as to whether they can dodge/block it or get smashed!). Also, this move has absurd ground to air priority, so jump-ins and crossups get interrupted when timed properly. Do not abuse this move though as this can be telegraphed OFTEN!!

*Jumping Fierce (j.FP) <DA BUTTER BEAM GUN!!>
USE THIS…but not too frequently. When used properly (normal jumping backwards and shooting this IMMEDIATELY after you leave the ground) you can practically lock down the ground area in case they attempt to wavedash towards you. Uses include:

-Shoot Storm if she attempts to Hailstorm on the same level as you without protection.

-Pin the crap out ov tall characters…especially Sentinel (unless you do this with no protection and he HSF’s)…when they’re grounded. (Do NOT do this against Juggs…he’ll Headcrush you, unless you’re fast enough to air dash upwards!).

Basically it works kinda like Cable’s j.FP as far as uses are concerned…just the beam has to come out…Air to air-wise you can catch Sentinel/Storm out there during super jump wars.

Keep in mind that the # ov hits on this thing depend on the distance you are from the opponent. Mid screen is where it hits 5 times on ground…the farther or closer you are, the less hits it does.

-QUOTE: beatsofdevil:
“sj. hp when it causes FS is great setup for unblockable, and you can wave dash on reaction to their roll.”

*Standing Roundhouse (s.RK) <STOMP DAT HO!!>
Doom raises his leg high up and brings it down to stomp the opponent. Hits twice if it’s meaty and combos into Electric Cage cleanly. The range ov this move is deceptive, having just as much range as, say, Blackheart’s s.LK on the second hit (as he brings his foot down). It looks like a pseudo overhead and may trick a few ppl that don’t know Doom. This attack also has a decent amount ov hitstun as well as blockstun.

This move is sjc’able at both hits…right when the first hit connects BEFORE Doom’s foot hits the ground, and right when he stomps his foot and connects…once again, this can help with Doom’s blockstun antics!!

*Down/Forward Roundhouse (df.RK) <DA NAZI KICK!!>
OMG! Another move that aspiring Doom players should be using more often. It being a launcher, it’s hella faster than the c.FP (rivaling Doom’s j.RK as his fastest normals). Like I said in the s.MK section it launches the opponent slightly away from Doom but it has it’s uses…plus it’s about 2 frames and can beat out a lot ov shit on ground as well as making it a decent anti-air against tri-jumpers. Plays a role in corner mind games when the opponent is expecting tri-jump overheads or c.LK x2. USE IT!!

*Crouching Roundhouse (c.RK, db.RK <PREFERRED>) <WATCH YO FEET!!>
Doing db.RK instead ov just down+RK is preferred because by doing d.RK you may do the Nazi Kick instead and possibly be screwed!!

Doom’s sweep is a freakin’ anomaly in itself. Ok, obviously it sweeps and knocks the opponent down (and yes, they can tech roll) and possibly sets them up for sjc. or fly.APA <Air Photon Array> OTG. Now here comes the true kick in the ass:

It’s UNBLOCKABLE!! Well, it’s unblockable about 80% ov the time. It all depends on what’s on the screen and whether the opponent is in hit/blockstun or not…for he cannot be in either state for this to work. IIRC the unblockable hitbox is at Doom’s ankle/heel (they can’t block it for there is a double hitbox at the ankle and the heel, thus hitting both sides ov the opponent…much like Sent’s c.FP spit beam). Obviously they’ll tech roll after this but then you can wavedash to follow them and sweep unblock again over and over again if you predict a roll or not correctly (take a look at Mike Z’s Doom vid to see this in action). I’ll get into this more in a few…

-Here’s a quoted passage from BshidoHEAT explaining more in depth about the unblockable:

"The unblockable has nothing to do with the distance you hit from. If you have nothing else going on that the opponent can block (no assist out, no photons out, etc) and they aren’t already in blockstun (so no c.Short->c.RH, sorry) it is unblockable about 80% of the time. Why has to do with which frames the game decides to show and not show (it’s not unblockable on slow speed, it’s unblockable slightly more often in the arcade than at home, and the Training Mode autoblock will always block it).

However, the timing of the move can help - since the bit that determines if they can block happens at the start of the move, if you land one unblockable and they don’t roll, you can do a second c.RH early as a meaty move and it will always be 100% unblockable. This is true whenever they are getting up. Because of that, a decent combo is dash in Short xx rocks xx ground photon array, then they can’t roll so dash in c.RH xx rocks xx ground photon array, etc. c.RH xx fly is also a good idea, as was mentioned, because even if they do block it you’re in a better position.

Last thing - you can sort of set it up from a blocked c.Short - if you wait for him to make his little grunting noise the second time before chaining to the c.RH, they won’t be in blockstun when you hit."

Thanks to ECZangief for making me re-realize the light that is the sjc. blockstun effect on the sweep (though I’ve always used this tactic…but only when it connects). I’ll add my two cents here: Master sjc’ing this as it effectively speeds up Doom’s rushdown and keepaway abilities, plus enables another mindgame strat when switching up your tactics. Done properly you can also cross them up with trijump options while they’re still in momentary blockstun. The timing to sjc this comes right as the sweep connects…

LMFAO…I totally forgot about this one till after reviewing the archives…the crouching RK sweep has another frame at the very beginning where you can sjc. RIGHT BEFORE THE SWEEP EVEN COMES OUT!! The most effective use for this would be c.LKx2, wait, db.RK isjc., tj.LKx2… To tell you the truth I haven’t gotten the timing down yet but it’s well worth mastering…

*Jumping Roundhouse (j.RK/j.d+RK) <DIVE KICK/LAZYBOY RECLINER!!>
Doom’s other high priority normal. Surprisingly enough it STILL catches ppl off guard from time to time. The j.RK has Doom come down at about a slight angle while the d+RK version send Doom at a steeper angle…both ov them having their uses (though the j.RK is far better). Off a connected Dive Kick you can buffer into APA for some decent damage (depending on their position) or go into a reset option. This can also be used along with flight canceling for a sort ov ghetto stomp rushdown (WTF…Doom is a lesser Sent too!?).

NOTE: If you have unfly mode and you do this move it AUTOMATICALLY takes your unfly away…probably because the recoil ov the Dive Kick makes it so that you’re in normal jump status…but it may also be possible to call assists during this time.

Also…if you dash right after a connected Dive Kick you are then able to call your assists…

4.------SPECIAL MOVES------

*Plasma Beam (qcf+P) <YELLOW BEAM>
Doom shoots off a (ahem) yellow beam which hits the opponent once, sends them flying back and knocks them down. Deceptively fast and has only a bit ov recovery…good to cancel those whiffed c.FP launchers if you get blocked by a grounded opponent…though don’t overuse this as only the fastest can still get to you during your half second recovery (Cable, also, can shoot you). This is good to throw out once in a while when they’re pinned by, say, drones (as well as tagging Storm out ov an attempted hailstorm if timed properly).

The air version shoots the beam downward in a 45 degree angle and causes Doom to float in the air if done repeatedly (you can’t stay up there indefinitely, though, like Anakaris when he drops coffins, but it’s good enough), giving him a decent runaway strat when used in conjunction with his Photons. KEEP NOTE that the beam does NOT reach all the way to the bottom ov the screen if you’re far up there and the opponent is grounded so don’t be fooled…on the other hand if you’re halfway down super jump range the beam WILL THEN hit grounded characters…

*When this move is blocked it has a decent amount ov pushback blockstun…so it also helps in the blockstun/keepaway department…as long as they don’t have something to get you during your somewhat quick recovery…


"But I hardly use the sj.yellow beam, is that move REALLY important? How good is that?

  1. Its recovery is a lot quicker than photons.
  2. It generally covers the same area that the opponent will be in anyway, faster to boot.
  3. It looks just like air photons on startup, so you can bait out AHVBs and other supers.

Overall, air photons have the best spread but if your goal is only to close out a space to the opponent, yellow beam is best."

This move kicks ASS!! This is one ov those specials that defines Doom’s game. The ground version causes Doom to shoot 5 beams in a spread formation out from both sides ov him that travel slow. Pushes blockers away. Great for mind games and when the opponent decides to super jump to escape some sort ov pinning assist (DRONES!!). This version has slight execution and recovery times so don’t abuse this. KEEP IN MIND that the only opening is directly ABOVE Doom’s head so if they get there and you don’t have meter you’re pretty screwed. I’ll explain what to do IF you have meter in a few though…

The air version (FIVE FINGER DISCOUNT) shoots 5 spread beams downward. It’s recovery is faster than the ground version but not by much. Doom’s key keepaway move. NOW, I stated this earlier, but this is the move that beginner and some intermediate Doom players will abuse…and possibly abuse at the wrong times…(BLACKHEART SYNDROME)…DO NOT DO THIS…it is far more punishable than you think…and no one will just stand there and take chip after chip damage from this attack often and will super jump or wavedash under you to get you.

Yeah, I just mentioned that…this move chips anybody outside ov Iceman (damn prick!) and controls a hella lot ov space on the screen BUT above Doom’s head…so just watch that one area and you should be fine…and plus, you can cancel the Photon Shot into the Photon Array (for 6 beams in each direction) for some chip and massive space control.

*Molecular Shield (hcb+K) <DA ROCKS!!>
Doom stands still for approximately 3-4 seconds while rocks swirl around him…then being released, each rock thrown in a somewhat ‘random’ trajectory forward (yes, there’s a random seed in this special…much like Blackheart’s demons). Start-up is fast…but notice I said that you’ll stand there for ‘3-4 seconds’…MORE than enough time for the likes ov Magnus to square jump over your head and tag you with ROM/resets or stomped by Sent. Meanwhile, this special does assloads ov chip damage if the opponent is stupid enough to stay there and block this…but there are uses for this…here’s a couple:

-With the opponent being pinned down by an assist at the other end ov the screen (How many times do I have to scream DRONES!?) you can throw one ov these out and most likely the opponent will be caught in blockstun and won’t be able to get to you in time during your recovery.

-Sweep the opponent (and this is a possible unblockable follow-up) then bust this out and OTG them…just pray they forget to tech roll or you’re screwed without a DHC option…

Now there is another trick with this move:

-When you input the command for the M. Shield you can IMMEDIATELY input a super command before the rocks fully appear it’ll cancel into said super. NOW, while this is kinda easy with the ‘qcf’ specials…pulling the Photon Array (hcb+2P) out ov the rocks takes a hella lot ov practice to get out efficiently (in case you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch Mike Z’s Doom vid and you’ll see it in the latter half ov the vid).

Now it’s not the fact that the 2 motions aren’t difficult to do (kinda like doing Inferno>>HoD) but you need to input the second command in about a quarter ov a second (if you look closely it’s right when the first 2 rocks BEGIN to circle round Doom…timing-wise it’s the same as doing a FRC in the GGX series).

The use for this technique is to ‘properly’ link into the Photon Array super in a ground combo…such as s.LK, s.RK, MSxxPA (Molecular Shield buffered to Photon Array), dash-in c.LK OTG, c.FP/df.RK, air combo. I’ll explain PA into c.LK OTG later…GAH THAT WAS LONG…

-QUOTE: beatsofdevil:
“for rocks cancel into PA, you only need one HCB. just do HCB+K, then quickly P+P. it’s very easy.”

*Flight (qcb+2K)
Doom’s flight mode is slow as hell and Doom cannot block…BUT:

-Just like Sentinel and Iron Man, Doom can cancel certain laggy normals into flight…though don’t think that it’s as abuseable as Sentinel’s fly-cancel system. Especially useful for Doom’s Dive Kick…LEARN THIS IF YOU PLAN ON PRACTICING THE CORNER INFINITE!!

-Use this for BLASPHEMOUS MIND GAMES. Only the true experts will understand where I’m getting at here…and for those that don’t…just watch IFCYipes’ match vids and see why he uses Magneto’s Fly mode…Don’t abuse this though for you WILL get shot…

-While flying and going straight up, you can dodge stuff like Sent’s HSF and IM’s Proton Cannon…just DON’T do this if they have another meter, for DHC into something like Hail kills this…

-RESETS!!! When I’m able to produce vids I’ll showcase some…

*Air Dash (in air any direction + PP)
Slow as hell…not even close to Mag/Storm…but many tricks such as tri-jumping, cancelling the Dive Kick recovery, positioning in air combos for APA, and corner combos…oh…and MORE RESETS!!!

*Fierce Throw (FP while close to opponent) <FIX YO FACE!!>
Doom clutches the opponent and blasts them across the screen with a point blank ranged Plasma Beam. There are 2 places where this can be teched out (right when Doom grabs the other char. and when you hit the ground afterwards). I recommend only using this throw in 2 ways: abuse this in the corner and seldom mid-screen when an assist is in the trajectory ov the throw (again…DRONES!!)…

*Roundhouse Throw (RK while close to opponent)
Doom once again clutches the opponent and slams them to the ground. If done on the ground the opponent will bounce up afterward, making it possible for crossup/reset folowups. Done in the air the opponent hits the ground period (though they can still tech roll). Teching out ov this grab is the same as the FP throw (as he grabs and as you hit the ground). This is the throw to abuse mid-screen…

Here’s a cool trick I’ll mention here…and trust me when I say it works: In the corner after some sort ov reset you can RK Throw them and, as they exit the throw, start walking casually behind them so when they hit the ground you can tack on another HK Throw. The dumber your opponent, the more throws you’ll catch them with!!

------5. HYPER COMBOS/SUPERS------

*Electric Cage (qcf+2P)
Doom creates a ball ov electricity and it slowly travels straight to the opponent. If it connects the opponent is engulfed in an energy ball and takes moderate damage before being hurled into the air. Anyone with flight will gain unfly mode after this alone. It does a decent amount ov chip BUT the recovery time is so horrendous that they can dash in and punish Doom.

Neat trick here, if the opponent gets too assist-happy (especially those that stand in front ov the opponent <Psylocke, Cyclops>) you can throw one ov these out and, hopefully catch both point and assist in the blast (since the Cage is set off by the assist, if their point character is anywhere in the vicinity they get caught). Just don’t attempt this if you cannot DHC in case they actually block this. This is actually a great tool to use against the Strider/Doom trap!!

AND another thing…SNAP into Electric Cage super on the assist sets them up for an assist kill 100% ov the time since the super sends them upwards after the 14th hit (oooh, I can come with so much shit for this super it’s not even funny, it’s soo good for a ground super!!)…though you’re using 2 meters just to kill an assist, if it’s someone like Psy or Cap you’ll most likely cripple the team you’re playing against.

*Photon Array (hcb+2P)
Doom does the same thing when he does the Photon Shot, but shoots out 5 sets ov 5 lasers from both sides ov him. Massive chip depending on how many lasers connect. It also has the same execution and recovery times as the Shot…and more time for them to get you from above…without the option ov cancelling, but the option ov DHC.

The air version sends 5 sets ov lasers in an angle downward…the higher you are the more space you’ll control, but the more space they’ll have to wavedash under you (unless you DHC into something). Another key keepaway move. It leaves Doom up there for quite a while though and if they wavedash or super jump to your level your practically screwed. The #1 air combo ender…and they can’t tech roll once they land (for some reason there’s an anomaly in the super that prevents tech rolling) ABUSE IT…when you can…

Hell…if you have more than enough meter just burn it with this super and gain possible free chip damage plus a lead…

NOTE: There is a small anomaly in the ground version ov the Photon Array. Right at Doom’s hands during the super there is a hitbox that will smack anyone trying to jump in there (unless they have some sort ov disjointed hitbox (Magneto)…so this is just to verify that this super is semi-safe…when you get lucky…

NOTE: There is a certain time when you use the APA that allows Doom to become invincible to whatever is onscreen at the instant ov the supers’ activation…let me put it this way: I used APA against a Storm using hailstorm…and the hail went THROUGH Doom…while the photons hit their mark from way up the screen…also works against Commando AAA and such…timing is extremely strict but highly rewarding when used in the right situations!

*Sphere Flame (qcf+2K) <ROMAN CANDLE!!>

“OMG This super is useless…”

“This super sucks balls…90% of the time you’ll miss or it gets blocked and you die!! Recovery is HORRIBLE!!”

“It goes UP…not FORWARD!!”

“It does craptastic damage for a super…”

…sorry about all that…but I had to quote a few ppl who I played with in the past and said such things…not knowing the truth…and I’d rather refer to this as the Roman Candle instead ov the j.FP beam gun (which I refer to as the Butter Beam) cause it just looks the part…


I’ll re-word this… Since this super goes straight up, it covers the ONLY place where Doom remotely cannot reach and get killed…above his head. Remember the Photon Shot and Rocks? Here’s a little trick for Magnus if he tries to come down on you. Startup time is INSTANT so this is also the key super to DHC from…but the recovery time is about 3-4 seconds after the flame is released, and if it misses you’re DONE!! Horizontal range is actually decent so you can connect something like c.LK x2 into this for decent damage…add in a DHC for more.

The Roman Candle also tags anyone trying to tri-jump to get you, but don’t use it against Sentinel’s limbs cause they’re only extended hitboxes and Sent will fall right in front ov you…you must hit Sent’s body for it to connect fully.

The Roman Candle is good…but you have to be SMART when wielding it…

------6. ASSIST TYPES------

Alpha -Variety-
Normal Assist/Counter Out: Ground Photon Shot
THC Super: Ground Photon Array

Decent for keeping super jumpers and wavedashers at bay…plus pushes them away some…but be aware that if you don’t cover the area directly abover your assist you may have some problems…

I use this assist once in a while to mess with stuff like Sent unfly combos into one ov the lasers to then get juggled again (kinda like Cyke’s optic bullet from the Gene Splice assist). Besides that…not too useful, but nice to mess around with.

Beta -Anti-Air-
Normal Assist/Counter Out: Molecular Shield
THC Super: Sphere Flame (Roman Candle)

Ok, I explained the fundamentals ov this assist but if you didn’t see that then know that this is the swiss army knife assist…it has a use with ANYBODY…massive chip, space control along the ground, and trapping capabilities…I say no more…

Gamma -Projectile-
Normal Assist/Counter Out: Plasma (Yellow) Beam
THC Super: Electric Cage

This assist isn’t too bad, kinda like a better version ov Magnus’ Alpha Projectile assist (the EM-Disruptor) and can be used the same way (although the beam itself will send the opponent flying to the opposite end ov the screen). Controls space along the ground but that’s about it.

Assist ov choice 99.9% ov the time…obviously the AAA!!!


Alright, I’m not gonna post a shitload ov combos and setups for now (unless some are pointed out that are a necessity for BASIC COMPETITIVE Doom play. If you want to see some more wicked combos and resets/setups I highly suggest watching the 2 vids I mentioned at the beginning ov this guide…VERY WICKED!!

-And now a quick quote from BshidoHEAT:

"IMHO, Doom combos are for two things.

Meter, or DHC. (that’s if you’re playing a something like Doom/Storm/Sent or Doom/Storm/AAA)

They’re also best done basically, so a lot of combo’s aren’t going to take as long as a fast fly to learn. (Although with a little imagination they can get pretty cool)"

In most cases these are the most practical combos to pull off with Doom…just, like I said before, don’t rely on mainly rushdown Doom cause you’ll get killed."

Keep in mind, for the ppl that don’t understand the lingo, when I say ‘magic series’ I mean sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP(MP), sj.LK(MK); APA is Air Photon Array; F.LK and such is Fly.LP. Just want to clarify that. Also, where c.LK is you can also substitute it for c.LP as well for it’s just as fast.

Ground Setups and Combos

-c.LKx2, c.RK…
Basic setup into the sweep. Opens up a few options depending on what the opponent does after the sweep knockdown. If they stay there (big mistake) you can sjc the sweep or activate flight and APA them for an OTG. If they tech roll then you can go for either a follow-up unblockable sweep after they exit their roll or attempt to cross them up with nj.LK.

Doom’s basic normal jump crossup attempt…well, whether you’re crossing up the opponent or not it’s still useful. From this you can start up any ov Doom’s ground combos/setups…hell, you can even attempt to trijump them afterwards for a nice litttle trick.

-c.LKx2, c.FP…
Basic air combo setup. c.FP sends them straight up for the AC ov your choice. Beware if you get blocked though, if such happens cancel the c.FP into yellow beam or flight and get the hell outta dodge.

Another basic AC setup. The second s.LK is actually Doom’s df.RK Nazi Kick launcher, which is deceptively fast. If blocked you can delay the second LK enough so that they’ll try to smack you and you can trade with this…unless they go low.

-trijump, ad.LKx2, /…
Basic trijump option…best done off a normal jump as a sj’d trijump is kinda slower for some reason. Obviously use this if they’re blocking low as it’s an overhead and go into whatever you want from there. You can use ad.LP x2 as well…just watch the spacing and dash in with the follow-up combo if necessary.

-…sjc.RK, APA
A pseudo reset off ov c.LKx2 that can net you decent damage if done in the corner…otherwise you’ll most likely get about 5 hits mid-screen if they don’t get to roll out before the lasers connect. This can also be done by itself in the corner after they’ve been sweeped or after a blocked c.LKx2.

-…s.RK (2 hits), Electric Cage
Like I said earlier the s.RK allows the Electric Cage super to combo cleanly on an opponent…just keep in mind ov the recovery time after the super ends, and DHC’s from this are kinda limited cause something like HSF won’t connect afterwards…

-…db.RK, sjc…
From this you can go into either a crossup trijump or ad/down overhead LKx2, Dive Kick or APA if blocked low and they don’t suspect it, or a switch into keepaway mode and air dash back + butter gun (and if they’re blocking low…free overhead!).

-…s.FP, sjc…
The most I’ve done from this so far is either ad/back + butter gun overhead attempt or ad/forward + APA in the corner…the only way the s.FP sjc is applicable midscreen is when a horizontal assist is in the mix (and the majority ov the time I use drones, typhoon, or EM-Disruptor).

-…c.LKx2, sjc…
Same as above…ad/back + butter gun for momentary lockdown or you can sj.LK xx APA as a comedy option…

-…s.RK (one hit), sjc…
Same as above…till I find some other properties for this move…

-…s.RK (two hits), sjc…
The opponent will most likely be too far from you UNLESS you use Drones to keep him juggled on the spot (and in that case, launch into an AC or resets are possible)…so I just switch mindsets into keepaway with the butter gun and proceed with keepaway…

Air Midscreen Setups and Combos

-…launch, /, magic series, sj.FPxxAPA
THE BASIC DOOM COMBO…PERIOD!! After the launcher you just dial out the magic series and then as you pull out the butter beam sj.FP you cancel it into APA. What that does is as you pull the gun out it gives Doom a slight forward movement that will position him just above the opponent for most ov the photons to connect. Feel free to DHC into Hail or HSF after this for it’ll net you SERIOUS DAMAGE!!

-…launch, /, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.RK, ad.f, APA
Dial out those hits and then, after the Dive Kick connects, IMMEDIATELY air dash forward and APA them when you’re in range. Take note though, for some odd reason, when you do this combo you may sometimes get a regular Photon Shot instead…though it’ll just chip them…and you’ll fall as if you exited flight mode, unable to do a thing but refly…

-launch, /, sj.LP, sj.LK, ad.f, crossup APA
(Featured in TotT-Vol.4) A trick crossup that nets you sever damage with APA if the opponent doesn’t expect this coming…and most ppl DO NOT see this coming…but, as said above, you fall as if you’ve just exited flight without unfly so be careful afterwards.

-launch, /, ad.uf, crossup APA
(Featured in TotT-Vol.4) Another trick crossup…same ending properties as above…

-…launch, /, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, wait a quarter ov a second APA
Another way to combo into APA in an AC.

-…launch, /, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, ad/uf xx APA
Yet another way to combo into APA…and this is for those instances when you’re not in position for most ov the photons to connect and you need the damage to kill someone…

-…launch, /, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, Photon Shot…
This is an air option when you have ZERO meter or are saving it up for a DHC. The Photon Shot isn’t meant to combo, but it’s 100% safe and the opponent is forced to block it…for an added bonus you can APA after the Photon Shot comes out for some major chip (and I hope everyone knows that your opponent does NOT gain meter when taking chip…so this may prove useful).

Air Corner Setups and Combos

-…launch, /, magic series OR sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, ad.df, FP Throw…
One ov the basic corner reset options for Doom. Now the reason I say either magic or sj.LK… is dependant on the character. If you try to magic series a light char such as Storm you may end up missing the FP Throw attempt entirely…so that’s why I use that alternate…but many ov the other chars fall victim to the magic setup…

After the FP Throw connects (and they don’t tech out) you have several options…and they include:

*…wait till they fall by Doom, APA
*…wait…, j.LK, j.RK, APA
*…wait…, j.LK, (j.LP), j.RK xx Fly xx INF

The first 2 are fairly obvious…I prefer doing the second one for more damage. For the third one the j.LP is there for any heavy characters…otherwise just use j.LK, j.RK into the infinite…Beware ov throw techs…

-…launch, /, sj.LKx2 wait, APA
Simple and does a lot ov damage. Can also set up DHC’s (Hail, HSF).

-…launch, /, magic series OR sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, FP Throw wait, j.LKx2, ad.uf, FP Throw…go into one ov the options from the first example.
Here’s the double throw setup in the corner (this was shown in the Mike Z video towards the end on Cable). Like I said earlier, they can tech out ov either throw attempt here…but what I phailed to explain before is how to stop that:

When you throw them and they tech out you can then activate Flight and F.LKx2 to guard break them then air dash up and APA them or go into the infinite…TRICKED!!

-…launch, /, magic series, FP Throw, /, c.LK OTG, c.FP, /, magic series, sj.RK, APA
Just about the same as above except you’ll want to fall to the ground before the opponent falls there and OTG launch him into another AC…

-…launch, /, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK (dial those 3 out as SLOW AS POSSIBLE while still comboing), FP Throw…
When you do this correctly you should be throwing them while Doom is close enough to the ground that he’ll land shortly before the opponent hits the ground…from there you can either OTG them (if it was done kinda early) or go for 1 rep ROM into a ground crossup reset (among other options)…btw, 1 rep ROM is '/, sj.LK, (sj.LK), ad/d or ad/df, ad.LKx2 <heavies get that extra sj.LK, anyone else just omit that unless you’re trying to mix up the reset option>.

Guard Breaks
*Note that these were taken from one ov BshidoHEAT’s posts in another thread…so props to him…I’ll just explain the basis ov each one.

-(in corner) j.LP GB /, Nazi Kick, /…
Basic guard break here…just jump up and jab them, if they block it just time your Nazi Kick so it hits them on the way down. This won’t work, though, against anyone with an air dash or if they just take the jab (thus nullifying the GB attempt).

-(in corner) sj, ad.f, ad.LK, ad.RK xx Fly GB F.LK, F.RK…
This one is more suitable than the above attempt. If the first ad.LK, ad.RK connects you can instantly go into a reset option or the corner infinite. If they block it then you’ll have to wait till they exit blockstun and then proceed with the F.LK, F.RK into reset/infinite. Beware ov pushblockers though…

-(in corner) sj.LK GB, ad.df, FP Throw…
This one can be a little difficult if you cannot calculate where the character will be when you attempt to throw them (missing will just give you a whiffed butter beam). Once again…sets up resets and the infinite…just beware ov throw teching.

-(in corner) Fly, F.FP GB wait xx APA
I use this one A LOT, and for good reason. If you’re at the right distance they can’t smack you as they’re coming in (and if they attempt it that’s even better…for you) and they’re forced to block. Then as they exit blockstun and fall you APA them for FREE!! Now here’s the catch with this one, if they pushblock you’ll have to delay the APA…if they decide to air dash upwards then it’s possible to air dash up with them and APA them anyways.

-(in corner) sj, ad.f, ad.LKx2 xx Fly GB xx APA
And yes BshidoHEAT this works…just the timing is something ov a hassle against experts. Kinda like the second example but just showing ya that you can also follow up with an APA afterward.

-(midscreen) j.LP, ad.f, APA
Now there’s a couple ov things about this one. You may or may not cross them up by doing this (and if it comes out as a cross up…more power to ya). If they take the hit (and you’re fast enough) you can then do j.LKx2 ad.u xx APA and still rack in damage. You can also go into a crossup/reset option from this whether it connects or not…

-(midscreen) j.LP, j.FP…as soon as the gun appears APA
If they take the j.LP to the face then immediately j.FPxxAPA!! basically you wait out their blockstun with the j.FP and then APA them…this GB I don’t really recommend though as pushblocking defeats this somewhat.

Doom only has ONE infinite to date, and it can only be done in the corner…Here it is:

(in corner) launch, /, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.RK xx Fly [F.LK, F.LP, F.RK xx Fly] till you reach the top corner ov the screen then [F.LK, F.RK xx Fly]xN

Contrary to what a few ppl may say, you can use this on nearly anybody in the cast…so those who say that it doesn’t work on Storm can go kick rocks. Depending on the size and fall rate ov the character you’re doing this on, you’ll have to slightly delay the first set ov hits in [F.LK, F.LP, F.RK] so they’ll be hit slightly higher than normal…then you can continue normally.

When you reach the top ov the screen [F.LK, F.RK] slightly delay the F.RK after the F.LK and you’re good as gold. Finish the infinite around the 35 hit mark with APA for some damage!!


Doom has a confirmed second infinite, not sure if it’s character-specific though. Thanx to Sanford Kelly for telling me about this one…BTW, it’s HARD AS FUCK TO DO!!!:

(in corner) [Instant nj.RK (Dive Kick) land-cancel] xN…

I explained the phenomenon ov the Dive Kick earlier in this guide as well as the other thread. It looks simple but it’s NOT…timing to pull this off is extremely strict and after EACH Dive Kick you MUST instantly land and do the Dive Kick again before they land and tech roll…Thinking about this one now it may not work with heavies and looks easiest to do against light-fallers (Storm/Spiral) but I’ll say it again…timing is extremely strict!!!

Assisted Combos
Now, I’m not gonna list a CRAPLOAD ov assisted combos here, just a few that are used:

-db.RK + Cap Corridor, launch, magic series, APA
-db.RK + Cap Corridor forced roll wavedash back, crossup
-db.RK + Cap Corridor xx Fly xx APA

Obviously, in these 3 examples, Corridor OTG’s them into whatever you want. For the second example, this is when they’re able to roll out before Corridor hits them, you’ll want to wavedash backwards and then normal jump crossup up j.LKx2…or you can just db.RK them for the possible unblockable setup.

QUOTE: xxphilopiaxx:
“Corner assisted combo:
c.lp, c.lp, c.fp xx sj.lp, lk, lp, lk, fk xx ad down + capcom AAA, assist hits, land, oc.fk, then…
…sj > infinite
…sj > air combo > fp throw > APA
…s > air combo > APA”

-trijump ad.LKx2, /, dash in RK Throw + Storm Projectile (Typhoon OTG’s), RK Throw…
As you may already know, the RK Throw slams them to the ground and they bounce upwards…but if an assist is there waiting as Doom chucks them they’ll stay grounded and get hit…possibly opening up crossups/resets, or just another RK Throw as stated above. After the second RK Throw (or any RK Throw for that matter) you can pull a mind game and wavedash back and forth under the opponent and possibly cross them up with c.FP…
You can also substitute Storm Projectile for Magnus Projectile (thanx to daddyneptune for that quick note)

-nj>ad.f, crossup Dive Kick + call Sent Drones…opponents lands into Drones, dash-in Nazi Kick…
Normal jump air dash and call Sent…he should appear by the time the Dive Kick connects. Rush in Nazi Kick and do whatever from there…

Doom Resets
"Just to add a midscreen doom reset:

c.lp, c.lp, c.fp, sj.lp xx ad df (under) lk (juggles mid air), land, then…
…sj xx ad df lk, lp, land, c.lp, c.lp, c.fp, sj.lp, lk, lp, lk, fp xx APA
…dash under, c.fp, sj.lp, lk, lp, lk, fp xx APA
…[set up into launcher], sj.lp xx forward xx APA"

-Corner Reset (works on ANYBODY…with varied timing):
anything into c.FP, /, sj.LP, ad/back + butter beam (if an AAA assist is called before you launch them the butter gun will connect and combo, setting off a pseudo FS effect and possibly setting them up for unblock or crossup) the butter gun is actually not meant to combo, but as a scare tactic to MAKE them block (cause if they try to hit you most likely they’ll get hit…if they crouch, OVERHEAD!!). Done on Sent this is actually free and Sent can’t really do much to you besides call AAA (and if you predict that, dash back Electric Cage stuffs that shit clean!!)

Doom Full Combos
-On Storm (or any light-falling characters) in the corner:
trijump LKx2, c.LKx2, s.FP, Electric Cage (yes, it combos on Da Bitch…and does moderate damage to boot)…this is character specific like I said though…

I’ll post more as I get the time…

Doom Assist Infinites and Setups
Here are several assist kill options I use in match…well, when I can get them off…since Doom’s Snapback has short range you can’t really combo into it after 2 hits besides trijump/crouching LKx2:

#1: SNAP!, c.LK, c.FP…
#2: SNAP!, c.LK, s.LK (Nazi Kick launcher)…

Now for the actual infinites…obviously done in the corner…most ov them…and if you want to show off…mix and match as you please:
#1: Repeated df.RK Nazi Kicks (KillaKelly)
#2: launch, /, sj.LP, ad/down, ad.LP, /, repeat XX till assist dies…
#3: launch, /, sj.LK, ad/down, ad.LKx2, /, repeat… (I use this one) <if they get too low add another sj.LK when you sj. upwards…

There’s a few where you can use s.FP and db.RK sjc’s into air dash options but I haven’t fully utilized them yet and am still figuring out who it works on since those are character specific (Commando anyone!?)…


As I have said at the very beginning ov this guide, you want to have a balanced mindset when playing Doom on point…whether he’s backed by assists or on his own…

-Quoting VolTRON here:

"Runaway Doom is…

sj.fp (no laser) ad.u xx yellow beam like 5-6 times… and if anyone jumps at you… xx APA fo freee!"

This right here has the potential to be annoying as hell…as long as they don’t have an AAA that reaches the top ov the screen (Commando, BH, and in some cases Cyke). Do just as it says…keep on shooting yellow beams till either they attempt to close in or you drop too low. Approachers gets APA’d…and if you fall either try to repeat the runaway method or switch to rushdown mode if the flow ov the match calls for it.

What ppl tend to do is repeated sj’d Photon Shots/APA’s…and that, my friends, gets you killed nowadays if the BH Syndrome kicks in. Repeated sj Photons nets you the following against a seasoned player:

-If you’re too high and they’re on the ground they WILL wavedash under the photons and either jump up there with you or wait till you come down so they can attempt a crossup when you land (and if their name is Magnus or Storm you’re practically eating 100%)

-If they telegraph this and they super jump with you you’re screwed…Cable WILL shoot you, Sent WILL activate flight…close in and stomp the crap out ov you, Storm will most likely LAxxLS you on reaction, another Doom will butter beam you, etc etc etc.

Play it smart if you decide to runaway with Doom…and with which projectiles, depending on your matchup…and if they telegraph it or you get too predictble you can throw out a butter beam and tag them out ov the sky. This is also a safe tactic to use and NOT abuse when Doom is going solo…just beware Sent/CapCom…and if something like that happens, that’s when you go into Keepaway mode…

Keepaway Doom isn’t as great as Cable, but unless you’re fighting a Cable this may prove some worth. Unlike Cable though, Doom NEEDS some sort ov assist for his keepaway game to be effective (Drones/Corridor/Typhoon/Inferno).

-Horizontal projectile assists:
These, along with nj butter beams (and the occasional yellow beam), will shut those wavedashers down. So now they’ll either square jump to Doom (this is for those air dashers) or super jump over you to try to get above Doom’s head (remember I spoke about this earlier). First the super jumpers…if they’re stupid enough to come down on Doom’s head when he has meter, ROMAN CANDLE THEIR ASS!! If you have 2 meters and a safe second character, DHC DAT SHIT!! Sorry ppl, but the BH Syndrome also applies to repeted butter beams…so don’t fall into the trance. Square jumpers are a bit more difficult as the Roman candle isn’t 100% probable here. This is one ov several reasons why drones works for Doom, since he’s succeptible to getting hit on the head. If the drones connect you can either crossup or Nazi kick them for free…

Storm’s horizontal typhoon can work here as well…unfotunately unlike drones, Magnus can square jump you freely and most likely snap out your Doom or worse UNLESS you time your butter beams right and smack Magnus out ov the air.

-Vertical projectile assists:
The opposite ov hori-projectiles. This shuts down the super jumpers, all the while being vulnerable to wavedashers (except for a few cases with Corridor). We all know what to do when we have Cap backing us up…they super jump you tag em with Corridor…nuff said. As far as BH Inferno is concerned, it’s more for Doom’s trapping game: put them in a position where they’re forced to super jump escape and call BH. Whether they get hit or not you then sj up and toss out a photon or two, then safely drop back to the ground and change up according to what the opponent is doing. DO NOT GET PREDICTABLE…I cannot stress that enough!! If they dodge the Inferno STAY GROUNDED and wait to cross them up…thus changing you’re mindset to Rushdown mode…

Rushdown Doom focuses more on connecting crossup attempts into his basic air combo (which does about 50% I might add). Nowadays, though, you’d have to be a hella lot smarter than the opponent cause you can’t just blindly pull out setups and resets and pray that they’re stupid enough to let them hit. Players see Doom and, if they know you’re gonna rush them down, will expect c.LKx2 or nj/trijump LKx2 often.

Oh wow, they’re blocking low expecting me to c.LKx2…sweep unblock them!! If they’re caught by surprise they probably won’t have enough time to roll and you can get in an APA if you wish. If they roll you can chase them a la Magnus and cross them up or unblock them again. Another way to trick low turtlers is the Dive kick, which STILL catches ppl off guard to this day. If they block it, though, I highly recommend you cancel into flight and get outta dodge (or, if you want to risk it and have meter, APA them if they try to do anything that isn’t blocking…and even better…if you know that you can chip them to death with a blocked APA then DO IT!! You may scare the opponent into countering out with another character to get their point character out ov there but hey, they wasted meter while you racked damage on their former point.

Blocking high expecting trijumps or nj crossups…don’t even hit low as they’ll expect that and block accordingly. Instead dash in and RK throw them. This throw sets up a lot ov Doom’s options and you may catch the opponent if they don’t know what’s coming next. Well, they’ll most likely expect a crossup c.FP, but that’s about it.

…and if you want to imitate Sentinel a bit you can get a little gimmicky and go…

This is more ov a gimmick than a tactic, but it has it’s uses. It fully utilizes the Dive Kick and flight cancelling and air dashes…plus whatever you feel like throwing in (APA anyone?). This is a ghetto version ov Sent’s stomp rushdown…basically you Dive Kick cancel repeatedly while above an opponent’s head (for some odd reason this works wonders against Sent when he DOESN’T have an AAA backing him up…TASTE YER OWN MEDICINE!!). Though you’re weak to pushblocks during this tactic remember that you have APA and DHC to work with if you have meter, and flight xx air dash xx escape if you don’t have enough.

Another gimmick that I kinda came up with…well, let’s just say that this style ov Doom want’s to mimic Yipes’ Magneto as much as possible. In it’s basic form it’s just throwing out a series ov attacks that keep the opponent in a constant BStun and, thus, setting them up for random bullshit. A lot ov Jabs will be thrown out here, especially after dashes to keep the opponent at bay, for some poking priority. Other moves that deal out a decent amount ov BStun are s.FP, db.RK, s.RK, the Plasma Beam and the Butter Beam (j.FP). If the opponent gets smart to this tactic and attempts to pushblock to escape, either throw out an Electric Cage DHC or nj.FP back plus horizontal assist (Drones/Typhoon) <wavedashing back also works to bait shit out>. Also, to further keep up the constant blockstun the normal moves stated above are all super jump cancellable…though the timing for some ov them are later than usual (explained in the moves section).

Off ov db.RK sjc:
If they attempt to jump ad/f or ad/uf and LP.
If they stay crouching trijump LKx2 into whatever options.

Yeah, dash back butter beam is something that ppl don’t expect these days…and if they wavedash towards you cancel into APA…that simple…

Other moves that give a decent amount ov blockstun:
-s/c.LP: Use them like you would Magneto…hell, if it’s meaty enough RK throw their asses!!
-s.FP: Especially if you mastered the sjc out ov this, go into dash back butter beam or Electric Cage DHC for massive chip if the situation calls for it…
-Plasma Beam + horizontal assist: I use Typhoon or Drones here as they work best. Plasma Beam leaves them in quite a bit ov pushback blockstun actually and while they remain in blockstun by i.e. drones you can rush in and jab them for more BStun…but beware AAA assists as they can get them out ov that situation if they just so happen to get out ov BStun…


Note that I’m only going to put strats against the top tier characters + Blackheart (I don’t have the time to deal with the rest ov the top/mid/low tiers for the time being). Also, expect a lot ov quotes here since alot ov the other guys have said it as best as I could and there’s no point in me saying what was already said in the past…I’m sorry if this is incomplete but I just wanted to get this guide out ASAP…I’ll deal with any edits and changes when I have the time away from my normal life:



"First off, an anti-air of some sort is required if you’re going to seriously take on this fight. IMO, Cyclops, Cammy and Guile are the best, but any decent one will do, actually.

If you can keep Sentinel beneath you, then firing photons is never a bad idea. But that’s ONLY IF he’s pinned. Otherwise, firing photons is always a BAD idea, as it is a bit too easy for him to superjump and just frying pan you.

There is a certain distance (about two steps or so in between) where Sentinel can’t do anything about Doom jump roundhouse. So between shots of photons, do your best to get in that range. Helps rush his metallic ass down.

If you’re on the ground and Sentinel is above you, calling out your anti-air and then ground photons is a nifty way of making sure he can’t fly. Alterntely, you can pushblock the fly rush, call BH, then dash forward (to protect BH).

If Doom has an anti-air, he is good to go cuz he can actually do something about Sentinels that stay on the ground as well as Sents that fly.

You know, I’m one of the very few people who think Doom vs Sent is relatively winnable. You prolly DO need a good AAA if he gets on you, but the point is to never let him get on you.

The butterbeam (J+FP) used with Storm-A can REALLY pin a sentinel down on the ground. It works REALLY well. It also should be used when Sentinel superjumps (and you are across the screen).

Ground Photons are essential. Ground photons (and GPA’S) can keep sentinel from flying.

Air Photon patterns work really well on sent, since he is so big.

Also, if you have Storm behind you, the match becomes a WHOLE lot different once DOom’s at level 2. Then, a random APA->Hail comes out and sents hurting 50%.

I’m pretty sure you can APA any Short or RH Drones, or HSF and you’ll still win out.

So, doom can win. But his game revolves around a LOT of little hits. Whereas sent gets in once, it’s over.

That’s why you need a really good get off me AAA to have a good chance.

Some things Doom has that no one uses:

dash jump jab - This move is great against people with no anti-air available to them. It’s really hard to get around and zones the opponent the fuck out, esp. in combination with an assist like Storm or Sentinel

sj.short - If someone is beneath you, wavedash under them then sj.short to catch them. This shit beats things it really doesn’t have any business competing against. GREAT vs. Sentinel.

air yellow beam - Already discussed, but seriously, use this shit.

Some more thoughts about Doom vs. Sentinel…

First off, if Sentinel is directly above you, don’t even try to fight him. Block and push until you get free enough or you see an opportunity to sj.short at him (ie. Sentinel does a roundhouse). When you get him off, call an anti-air assist and superjump. Hopefully, your anti-air assist protects a good space in front of you, which gives Doom freedom to jump fierce without fear of frying pan retaliation. From there, you have to try to work Sentinel beneath you and pin him down with photons, and as you land, begin planning for a ground rush.

Sentinel’s weak zone is that while he is on the ground he has a hard time dealing with aerial rush. Your air roundhouses will knock out Sentinel and outprioritize whatever he could do. So do those followed by photons. It might give him room to get out, but you’re in a perfect spot to call an anti-air and bring him back down to earth again (read what I said above).

Don’t bother trying to hit Sentinel with a crossup launch, since he can pretty much come down whenever he wants.

And finally, if you score a clean hit on Sentinel while he’s in the corner, DO THE INFINITE, it’s the most damaging thing you can do to Sentinel and it really is worth the effort (one of the rare times when I’ll actually try to do his infinite).

Does anyone know how to fast fly a fp?

I imagine i’d be quite helpful in Doom vs Sentinel or Storm situation.

Oh yeah I also found out against heavy characters you can end the infinite with hk xx fly wait (the screne will shift) APA… it takes a lot of time to get used to since the screen shifts."

-QUOTE: DevilX:

“push him the fuck off of you and run. he cant really lock you down without assists. you can pushblock his stomps, backdash and superjump , airdash up and build meter for free. if he comes at you super his fat ass. on your way down use sj short if they try to come underneath you with anything, it will almost always beat out anything sent is trying to do. dont do jump guns so much or anything along those lines unless youre way across the screen, even then use jump gun low to the ground so you dont get hsfed. when sents in close stomping the only real option you have is to hit him with a jump jab, forward land and go from there. doing anything else is not worth the risk because 9/10 youll get out prioritized. block/pushblock or jump jab vs stomp. put in your damage by using photon super chip damage when you get the opportunity. also dont forget to unblockable his fat ass, d+rh, buffer hcb. you see the unblockable hit and they dont roll out, hit’em with the rocksXXcancel to pa super. good luck!”


“Devil X has a good post. Another option if Sent tries to stay away from you is ground photons. On the ground against a lot of people that hold up back, try s.lp, / c.hk it sets up the unblockable sometimes.”


“Regarding Sent vs Doom: this depends a lot on teams. Sent/Commando is different from Team Row, and if Sent doesn’t have Commando behind him, that makes things easier for Doom since Sent is more likely to get his assist DHCd on. Advantage still with Sent, but at least then he sorta needs to know what he’s doing. Commando cuts off a lot of Doom’s options.”

-QUOTE: beatsofdevil:
"…Doom has a nice thing to do against flyers (read: Sentinel):

When Sent gets above you (not neccessarily literally, but up there with you) and he’s flying APAXXany super usually gets him. Because of the screen shift sent gets pushed down and so do the Pink Shit. When I was starting out marvel I was flying above my friend’s Doom thinkinghaha, whatchu gonna do? Then he did an APA and I’m like hah, not even hitting me, time to die! then he cancelled to Proton Cannon…screen shifted…got hit with pink shit and PC…ugh…After the DHC you don’t really have any time to unfly either D"



"Not that many pplz start the match defensively against doom. Magneto will like cr.lk lk or trijump, both of which will lead to pain. Alotta sentinels either jump and block, dash back or start with s.short. Cable’s usually jump at the beginning, or sometimes do cr. jab which seems just a notch slower than magz c.short becuz it beats almost everything at the start of a match.

HOWEVER, if ur opponent knows the speed of doom’s d/f FK (especially when switch tricked) then they’ll stay on the ground if they’ve got any sort of common sense. So as long as you mix it up with it then occasionally starting matches with the unblockable should work well, but sucks if they roll."


"I stand by what I said here.

Doom vs. Magneto is only unwinnable because players are scared of Magneto. Lose the fear. Stop being afraid to lose and you’ll find yourself winning more."

-QUOTE: coos coos:

"As always, you two are entitled to your opinion.

The thing is though, I play very good Magnetos on a very constant basis, and the fact of the matter is, maybe you guys should try facing good Dooms.

A good Doom will take into consideration and respect the fact that a Magneto player can kill in one hit. The thing is though, is, and this what I think is the major key to the matchup, how is he supposed to get that one hit when there are projectiles and assists all over the place?

Also, I find, that a cat and mouse based game will work against Magneto. Why is this? Because of the simply knowing that every Magneto has to get close to actually hurt you, you can condition him into some situations that are a very bad disadvantage to him. This is because by rope-a-doping, and by switching to the offensive (becoming the cat) at the same frequency of play defense (becoming the mouse), you can really confuse the hell out of anyone, because they will not know when to do what at times, and thus leading in to an advantagous situation in which Magneto will get fried. It’s also pretty funny to watch a Magneto player chase you like Tom chasing Jerry.

And also, keep in mind, that if Doom has Storm behind him, and two meters, that Magneto has to respect that APA xx hail will take off 60-90% off of anybody.

In closing, it is my belief, in that any strategy when playing Doom against a Magneto, that allows a player to be flexible on offense and defense, and most importantly, allow the player to lull the Magneto player into a false sense of security, will lead to Doom killing Magneto 98% of the time. Let’s be honest, a high percentage of people plus the two up there, do not respect Doom and assume that is a free kill when he is on point against Magneto, however, with a calm mind and proper planning, any character can be beaten by any character, no matter who the player is using, it would do you some good to remember that. And also, before you go saying what you can do to counter things, remember, you won’t know what you’ll do until the match starts, so, it’s useless to say “I’ll do blah, and blah to counter that”. It has no bearing to stop a properly executed gameplan, and speaking for myself, I execute my gameplans flawlessly.

That is when I don’t have cold hands…"


"Relying on APA against Magneto is a fast way to die unless you have a good DHC, which of course means you’re banking on getting Doom out. In any case, it’s not true that Doom doesn’t have good normals.

In just about any situation you can think of when fighting Magneto, you can dash up to them and hit standing fierce, and they’ll run right into it. It doesn’t do any damage. It could kill you if it whiffs. But the point is to make them THINK. Once they’re playing at your pace, you can start doing things.

In just about any situation you can think of when fighting Magneto, you can dash up to them and do a hopping roundhouse, and they’ll fail to block it. It doesn’t set up a good situation. It could kill you if they do block it. But the point is to make them THINK. Once they’re playing at your pace, you can start doing things.

You want to play counter to common sense in this case. Magneto’s rushdown is, for the most part, so good because nobody dares to challenge it. But if you attempt to do so, then it ceases to become about whether or not you’re blocking correctly, and becomes about who can guess better.

It’s never a good situation to be in in any game, but in MvC2 you’re forced to be the best guesser to win the game.

Challenging Magneto’s rushdown means knowing that he can’t be everywhere at once.

Doom’s worst matchup of the “so-called” god tier is not Magneto, it’s Sentinel."


"…you an superjump cancel Doom’s c.RK if it’s blocked? …

What’s basically being said is that Doom should make Magneto doubt himself. Anytime Magneto is thinking, that is a bad thing for Magneto. I can understand why that would be a new concept to a lot of newer players (MvC2-only, specifically Magneto players), but it’s actually something you’ll stumble across a lot in any underdog/disadvantaged match."

-QUOTE: BlackHeartKing:

"wow you people are so violent =P

IMHO Doom can fare pretty well against Mags even on a one on one matchup unless the Mag player has really good patience, and these are my reasons why.

From personal experience, Doom’s air lk beats out just about all of mag’s air attacks, so most mags will be using the ground dash to get close up b4 they can tri-jump rushdowns. This is where what Dasrik said comes in.

If you actually interrupt their ground dashes by doing the standing FPs and crouching RHs enough (I’ve found that you can often catch a ground dashing Mag with the basic dash in cr.lk, cr.lk, cr.FP) instead of being beam happy in the air, the opponent will usually take to the air to try and get closer to you. And this is where you have the advantage.

In short, if you do nothing but run from Mag, he’ll catch you eventually and rape you. But if you actually come to him and “hit him” as it was put, you’ll cause the player to take to the air, at which point you can cross them up.

I know this has been said like 80 times but that’s as simple as it can be explained.
If you want to see this tactic being put in action, watch some of Mike Z’s vids and see how a lot of what he does would work even without the assist.

Final comment, what I’ve put by no means says that a doom will be beating Mag like it’s nothing by doing this. It just says that you won’t just be a combo video waiting to happen by using doom. ^_^"


"Important Moves

s.fp- Should be using this move anyway… this move is especially good against Magneto, since it’s fast and hits Magneto before he can dash in and c.lk.

Ground Photos- Covers the ground quick and easly… and it’s hard to get around. G.Photon’s and Sentinel drones are also annoying to Magneto players… but make sure he’s far away though. (duh!)

j.hk- Instant overhead. This move out prioritizes many of Magneto’s ground moves. A good strat for this move is j.hk+drones then dash to the other side photon procede to rushdown.

j.lk- This move is QUICK… I’ve caught many Magneto’s by surprised by this move.

j.fp- in conjunction with sent drones and ground photons this move also important, this gives Doom an almost instant weapon that goes across the screen (think of it as a pseudo uni beam). As an added bonus… if someone gets hit by it multiple times, you can land xx Electric Cage.

df.fk- This launcher you should be using a lot more than the d.fp it’s his fastest launcher and an it’s one frame launch is really helpful.

Useful assist

Cyclops AAA - The all important and useful assist. Cyclops is one of Doom’s overal best assisters. Against Magentos, Cyclops + ground photons and other keep away moves is hard to get around. Also, if you manage to get Magento to block Cyc, rush him down! Cyc puts a decent amount of block stun on an opponent since he hits more than once.

Sentinel Ground - I’d say this is the best anti-rushdown assist, it covers the area right above Doom’s head, and then moves across the screen just getting in the way of everything, which means bad things for Magneto. Once Magneto sees this assist comming from close up, he’ll usually send out his AAA, or try to cross you up, or both. Prepare for that.

An important thing that Sent-ground does is also stop Magneto from continuing to combo you. So if you get hit by psy but psy doesn’t hit Sent, Mags can’t do much but try to possition himself for another offensive attempt.

And like mentioned above, j.fp + drones works wonders on Magnetos. This can get fairly annoying to Magnetos, so they’ll move around trying to avoid it (he’ll most likely sj out of it sometime) so, give him some ground photons to think about.

Another thing I like about Sent-ground is that if DOom is in a tight possition and a drone hits something you can DHC into Storm (via Roman Candle) and in most situations it’ll connect.

Psylock AAA - She’s really good against a sugar high Magneto, but good Magneto’s will bait her. It’s important when you use Psylock that you don’t use her too much. Magneto has that deadly triple fierce combo (drop AAA, launch fp, ad.df fp, fk). Or launch into hail or whatever. The good thing about her is that she covers both sides, taking away cross up options, and one hit is automatic s.lk, d.fp combo APA.

Other good assist
Cammy, CapCom is decent, Cable, and Guile

General Strategy

Ok, your going up against the biggest rushdown whore in the game. What are you gonna do? Runaway? Rushdown? Combination of the both?

I usually try to rushdown/trap. For example, I’ll start my j.fp + drones routine to get Magneto to sit there, then when the drones close in on Magneto I’ll run up to Magneto and see what he does (most likely try to ward you off w/ AAA)… that’s when you can fry his assist. If that Magneto isn’t so fast to pull the assist trigger, make him think twice by rushing him down. Normal jump rushdown w/ j.lk is quick! Or you can go for the instant overhead j.fk.

Make sure Magneto doesn’t gain ground on you, thats where he wins in this fight. If you find yourself on the defensive often, and Magneto is jumping all over your head, give him a Roman Candle, this super is Doom’s quickest and it covers the area right above his head. If you happen to miss, DHC into someone else.

If you happen not to have a enough super to DHC, I suggest you go for a j.fk, if Mag’s is under you. If he’s above you, try a df.hk or j.lp. Most of the time a good timed j.fk will work.

Runaway Doom
Once again, I’ve yet to see this tactic work against anyone with assist, but it looks like it really has the annoying potential that Storm runaway has. When Magneto sj’s then airdashes you can blast him in the face with photons.

Most of this match, your gonna have to play cat and mouse. Keepaway and rushdown. Try to bait his assist out, photon xx hail that shit. Make sure you keep Doom healty so Storm can use him. Storm/Doom = top tier! :p"


General Tips

Well timed ground photons to stop her from running.
Df.hk will stuff her jump in’s.
Tiger knee photons to keep her from typhoon xx hail.
Doom’s s.fp will either trade or beat Storm pokes.

Recommened assist

Sent- Y
Covers ground… helps Doom control space and rush down. Not to forget the chipping power of manuel rocks and drones. Also…
Storm has a hard time rushing down against it.

Cyc- B
When Doom can’t set something up for himself Cyc can do it for him. Whenever Cyc hits it’s a free AC into APA into the next
person, it also stuffs out a lot of assist.

This helps stop Storm from running… if she blocks an inferno you can follow it up with some photons.

Same with Blackhearts AAA… helps stop Storm runaway (and rushdown). As an added bonus… unblockable + CapCom = free AC
easly doing over 90 points off damage ending with a APA.

-"Originally posted by DASRIK to BshidoHEAT:

"Originally posted by Dasrik

Originally posted by BshidoHEAT
How do you fight a runaway Storm?

My main teams are Doom/Storm/Sent or Cyc (mostly Cyc) and I have Storm on Vertical Typhoon assist… but it’s still a hard


Switch Storm to Alpha assist. First off, runaway Storm only works if Storm is winning. Wait for her to land (try to keep your distance), and call Sentinel as she comes back down. When she blocks them, it’s your opportunity to get a hit. Usually what I
do is just dash up to them, then tap up and roundhouse. It’s not much, but it’s damage and sets them up to not want to block low the next time. Keep her on the ground with smart use of jump fierce and calling of Storm assist.

You can also jump up after her (still keeping your distance) and do jump fierce xx fly. If it gets blocked, go into photon array. If it hits, do roundhouse. If she push blocks it, unfly. It helps to bring her down.Alternately (and riskier), you can try to get above Storm and try to bait her into a Lightning Attack (if she hasn’t done one already), and react to it with an immediate Photon Array. As I said… risky.

-Originally posted by Clockw0rk at www.top-players.com

I honestly don’t have alot of experience with Doom v running Storm, but what I do is try to sj fierce the same
time she sj fierces to get a fly screen (which leads to you rushing her punkass down). If the fierce whiffs and she flies off
the screen, you could try to fly and fierce at the top of the screen then xx photons xx unfly. Hopefully that’ll bring her
down (whether the fierce connects or not), and then you can limit her runaway with a reg jump fierce + assist (which leads to
you rushing her punkass down). If she’s losing and still running away, don’t bother chasing her. Just time your air/ground
photons so that she can’t dodge them. Sorry for the halfassed answer =
As for myself… I can’t add against the fight with runaway Storm… but whatever I try they’ve summed it up pretty well.

My Doom rushdown game consists mostly of:

triangle jumping - main rule with Doom is to NEVER superjump when triangle jumping. He’s too slow, and the superjumpcancel
splash doesn’t help. Instead, use normal jump triangles (like Iron Man). Their speed is pretty deceiving and you’ll prolly
catch people with regular non crossup triangles more than they’d like. Once they start catching on to that, start using cross
up triangle jumps (normal jump forward, then airdash df and short fwd when you get a little before the top of their head).

That shit is harder to block than it seems, esp since they gotta switch directions. Sent drones or Storm typhoon assists set
cross up triangle jumps really well.

Divekick - it’s way faster than triangle jumping and easy to perform. If you have an assist backing you up, you can do
divekick (assist hits) xx Photon Array.

RH throw - definitely one of the best throws in the game. Use it either when someone is coming down from a sj (works good
against Cable - people are afraid of the c fierce crossup so they try to block), or when you’re dashing in (people expect c
shorts). Like Mag, you can dash then qcf+k to instantly throw since Doom doesn’t have a qcf+k move. After the throw, Doom has tons of options. Err, I made a huge post about it on srk (in the Doom thread iirc) but if you want me to stick it in here too
then I will!

c short - usually only if I know it’s gonna hit. I honestly don’t know exactly how safe his blocked c short c short c fierce
xx whatever options are (since I don’t do that much anymore) but as long as you have an assist backing you up, ending with
yellow beam should be ok.

Also, a lazy tactic to do is to jump over your opponent (mostly Mag or Storm) and call Sent. Since people are so anxious to
carelessly beat up Doom, what often happens is you’ll block whatever they try to hit you when you land, and then the drones
will interrupt their attack sequence, leaving them giftwrapped for you to launch (sometimes even their assist too). Make sure
you call Sent sorta early though… that way, the drones will come out even if Doom gets hit.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot one. A really good trick to do when your opponent is close is to normal jump straight up, then
airdash forward over your opponent and Photon Array immediately. Since APA has no start up, that shit is super hard to block, even if you know it’s coming. Make sure they’re not in (or won’t be by the time you do it) blockstun before the crossup or
else they’ll block it automatically. Use c rh or an assist to set that up. Also, this is way safer if you have something safe
to DHC into, in case it’s blocked.

EDIT2: Oh shit, I forgot something else. C RH!! If you land this and they don’t roll, it sets up alot of shit including cross
up photons (see above), triangle jumps/cross up triangle jumps, rh throw, etc etc. All sorts of goodies. Also, if you have
Doom/Commando, you can c rh + Commando, and if they don’t roll, corridor otgs and you can launch for BALL BUSTING DAMAGE.

My thoughts were kinda jumbled right there, so maybe I’ll add more to that later.
I find that a lot of people do get really careless when rushing down Doom, opening up a lot more options for him. And like before, Sentinels assist helps against rushdown.

Along with Sent drones, you should also get used to df.hk, it really works well against Storm’s jump ins, and fly xx unfly
cancel should make it hard for her to get to you.

The Dive Kick shouldn’t be over looked, it’s Doom’s highest priority normal in the game, and you can do just slightly off the
ground, it’s real deciving. Especially after a air combo air dash down forward hk throw you can play a small simple mind game
like dash in lk,lk or u.hk or unblockable c.hk or standing hk throw. Don’t forget that after the u.fk ends you can call an assist and go into a photon spree or rush down.

Well… thats it. I hope this helps :)"



"Important moves
Roundhouse throw - Sets Cable up for all sorts of stuff… too fun!

Wave Dashing - If Cable is dumb enough to sj.hp + AAA + grenade wave dash that shit!

df.hk - this will beat out Cable’s j.hk!! And most Cables like to think that’s invincible or some shit.

unfly - if there is anytime you think that Cable has a chance to beam you… fly xx unfly that shit! (ie: d.hp xx fly xx unfly)

s.fp - I haven’t tried this against a Cable too much, but it might trade/beat Cables s.fk.

useful assist

BH AAA - Cable has a difficult time keeping up with the Doom/BH trap.

Cyc AAA- Always useful. Goes through AHVB, goes through CapCom at times, and is useful for being a sheild and such.

Sent Ground - Good for rushdown. Doesn’t die easily. Can easily bait Cable into wasting meter into killing him.

Storm Vertical Typhoon type - This is decent for trapping Cable, like j.hp + storm land, yellow beam sj photons if he stays on the ground, if he tries to jump air dash up and throw ONE photon. If you do anything else, free AHVB.

General strategy You can either runaway from Cable, or rush his ass down. I preffer the latter. :evil:

Get Cable into the corner. With smart sj.photoning.

HK throw him a lot… this is such a good move… Cable has less to nothing mobility so it’s gonna be hard for him to block resets and setups.

Wave Dash to get into gain ground on Cable.
Don’t do anything other than normal jump rushdown against Cable, sj rushdown is just too slow.

Runaway Doom
To be completely honest, I’ve never seriously tried running away with Doom… if someone can correct me on this…

Runaway Doom is mainly super jump, air dash up cancel it really quick with a special move. Prefferably the yellow beam… people just need to be smart I guess running away with Doom… although I’ve never seen it really effective.

Doom vs. Cable really depends on the dynamic of the match. First of all, you have to decide if you are winning or not. This doesn’t always mean if you have more life than them or not. ie. if you have Doom/Storm with half life each vs. half life Cable/full life Commando, I’d say you’re winning. Think about the matchup.

If you still have work to do in the match, then you’re going to have to close distance to Cable, and best way to go about this on the ground. You have a bunch of moves that beat Cable’s, but still have that pesky anti-air to worry about. Bait it out. Now you can decide whether to take on Cable directly or hit his assist. You might take on Cable, but a simple kick launch to his assist will make him nervous if you do it often enough, and if for example you have Doom/Storm, you have the trump card of launching into photons and basically daring him to try to stop you. You have the potential to kill Cable off of a roundhouse throw, so keep on the lookout for that.

If you’re winning, then you don’t have to do too much work. Take to the skies and rain down some pink shit, and maybe a yellow beam or two. Fun thing to do is to leave Cable unprotected and superjump and do a yellow beam; usually too fast for Cable to SJ. on reaction and get you, although if he’s come up with you, you would be dumb to do anything). Chip with occasional photon array. You won’t have to worry about meter too much, since this is usually a midgame fight you play and the assist character won’t be too much of a hassle. Don’t forget your guy in the back, if it’s Storm you get to get away with a lot more.

Overall, remember that Cable has AHVB and respect it and you should do fine. Most Dooms lose to Cable because they fear AHVB and think there’s nothing they can do and just do dumb shit anyway and, of course, die. A lot of times, doing nothing vs. Cable is the best strat.


"As a player of both Doom and Blackheart, I have a good perspective here…

Doom has a definite advantage over Blackheart. In general, people with beams mess up BH’s ground game, but Doom can also do lots of damage to someone off a superjump which makes the whole match a ticklish affair on the BH player’s part.

However, BH is not without options - in particular, the ground dash is going to be of a lot of use to him here. While definitely NOT a safe thing to do vs. jump fierce, against someone who thinks that’s all he has to do, calling drones and ground dash can mess up Doom. Of course, the ground dash prevents Doom from adequately using his photons to cover his assists, which takes away his chip game.

If you face a Blackheart player that isn’t scared of blocking oodles of jump fierce and doesn’t sit there and let you chip away his life, you’re going to have to rethink your plan. Fortunately, Doom has more than just jump fierce going for him:

  • if you’re in the air, have meter and you hear BH begin to Inferno, APA immediately. The damage trade is going to be in your favor big time, even if he doesn’t cancel into HOD, and if you’re lucky the photons will come out in a place that nullifies the Inferno so you’ll get BH with the whole thing.

  • his launchers outprioritize BH coming down from a superjump. So if BH tosses demons then tries to come down on you with shorts, get on the other side and kick him up.

  • in a superjump air-to-air melee, Doom has all the weapons he needs - jump jab into APA versus airdash attempts, jump roundhouse for in-close fights, and jump fierce from afar.

  • ground photons are decent to make BH think twice about tossing demons; definitely not abusable though.

  • BH can’t punish blocked APAs from afar, and in a superjump space unless he’s above you he can’t get you with much. They’re not good to pull out of nowhere unless your opponent doesn’t use the ground dash, but definitely something to know.

  • assists that help you fight BH - BH (Doom/BH is REALLY bad for BH); Cyclops (bullet closes out a good BH zone); Commando (pretty much the best “get off me” assist vs. BH; useless on Doom, though); Storm (Storm actually comes in handier than Sentinel here, plus having her 2nd is always good)"

With Spiral you’ll have to approach the match-up in one ov two ways: whether she has a trapping assist or not! If she doesn’t have that assist then congratulations…easy match (unless your opponent is adept at rushdown Spiral…like myself) as Spiral won’t be able to do much keepaway-wise against Doom as he’ll be out ov range and dropping Photons…If Spiral gets too teleport-happy you can predict where she’ll go next and APA her on reaction (Spiral does have that momentary recovery after her teleports). Rushdown Spiral may be a bit ov a problem if you don’t know how to deal with it. Expect a lot ov Speed Up infinites and Quick Drop FP if they’re smart about the matchup. Your best bet is to rush her down as well and attempt to get the upper hand (and an APA combo). Don’t bother trying to runaway from Spiral as her teleports WILL get to you…and you have nothing to stop her from getting above you in the air…sans the Roman Candle…

Spirals’ with assists are gonna be a problem for Doom to fight unless he has some sort ov horizontal assist to combat the possible traps (Typhoon/Drones). Butter Gun and Drones pwns the shit out ov a Spiral trying to reload swords unless they take to the air (and in that case, expect load swords xx Quick Drop call assist <remember…when you Quick Drop you’re in normal jump status>). Most likely if you’re facing Spiral she’s most likely gonna be with Cable/Sent (Team Duc). The most important thing here (and in any other matchup) is to be patient and wait for an opening to counterattack…just don’t wait too long and get corner trapped/chipped in the process.

Iron Guy can be a huge pain in the ass to deal with at any rate…one correctly timed touch will result in a most redundant death (damn 4 button infinite)…and this goes for in the air as well…for if your opponent’s name is KillaKelly or J360 you’re gonna get air combo’d into the ground infinite. Outside ov the infinite IM sorta plays like Doom, except his air priority is pretty damn high. KEEP HIM AWAY AT ALL TIMES!! You can safely runaway from IM and build meter to chip with APA as long as they don’t have Commando (seriously…who plays IM with CapCom nowadays!?).

…sorry for being half-assed with some ov this stuff I haven’t had time to playtest against good players to know what works and what doesn’t…if anyone has anything to contribute then be my guest…

COMING SOON…but for now just search the Doom forum and look up BshidoHEAT’s DSS thread…there’s a lot ov useful stuff in there that I will incorporate into the guide in due time…

Nah, it’s cool man…just wanted all this done in one shot since I had so many requests for this guide to be done…I warned everyone though that it’d be long as hell lmao!

I updated the M. Shield cancel part…added your quote…thanx man.

for rocks cancel into PA, you only need one HCB. just do HCB+K, then quickly P+P. it’s very easy. yeah just moved it. it’s not real quick like tekken 4~3 quick, just duh…duh

sj. hp when it causes FS is great setup for unblockable, and you can wave dash on reaction to their roll. (for repeated unblockables)

whoo, I’ll read when I get much more time! hehe

wow doom post

wiki madoo? beast post.

good shit putting everything together

Yes good job man. I had found out the MS cancel on accident one day play one of my boys and they were not happy with the results.

I don’t know if it was mentioned, but Doom has a nice thing to do against flyers (read: Sentinel)

When Sent gets above you (not neccessarily literally, but up there with you) and he’s flying APAXXany super usually gets him. Because of the screen shift sent gets pushed down and so do the Pink Shit. When I was starting out marvel I was flying above my friend’s Doom thinkinghaha, whatchu gonna do? Then he did an APA and I’m like hah, not even hitting me, time to die! then he cancelled to Proton Cannon…screen shifted…got hit with pink shit and PC…ugh…After the DHC you don’t really have any time to unfly either D:

it’s not new, but should be included?

…it hath been added and done…

Ugh…looks like I’m going to have to invest in a camcorder or something cause I’m kinda lazy to put up the notations for the custom resets I came up with over the weeks…mostly against Sentinel (It’s confirmed…Doom has a ROM semi-infinite…sort ov…but it has to be done off a reset or in the corner off a throw setup).

I’ll continue to figure out gimmicks and setups with Doom that haven’t been sought out over the years…I feel that, despite his slower speed, he is capable ov performing Magnus tricks…but only time and patience will tell…

…wow…I didn’t think that ppl would actually read through the whole thing…and I’m still not done yet…

lol you don’r have to copy paste, you could edit/shorten/etc. but check the last thing you copied&pasted (from me) I think you did it wrong XD

I subscribed to this playa. Keep it up people.