Dr. Doom Faq/guide...the Absolute Source Ov Doom!

Any tips for playing doom on point?

Read the guide I typed up…specifically the strats’ section…Doom on point is open-minded and can be played in any way possible (though some ways are not as safe as others against certian characters). If you want any specific strats I’m on AIM for a short while or just ask here and myself or someone else will help ya out…

Off the top ov my head though, focus on the basics and either rush down or keep away depending on the situation and who you’re going up against…but yeah, read the guide it’ll explain all that it can right now till I update it soon…


i was thinking about team chemistry

Ah, I haven’t come around to finishing that part just yet…I’ll just point out the ‘Doom on point’ teams that I play and you can go from there:

DSS (Doom/Storm/Sent)
Doom + drones = he can practically do whatever he wants as far as keeping away and seldomly rushing down is concerned since the drones cover Doom in almost every way (above his head being the exception unless you’re right next to Sent as he lets the drones loose). For this team your tactic should be to rush/keepaway till you get 2 meters at least. Then you can proceed to find an opening to get off an AC in APAxxHail for about 50-90% damage depending on the opponent. Storm/Sent is a no-brainer.

Same as the above team as far as building meter and getting that APAxxHail off…from there, Storm will wreck havok from there. Doom/Cyke is actually a very capable on point duo, as Cyke’s AAA invincibility upgrades Doom’s rushdown potential by a lot (though watch for assist overuse as well as snapouts…and counter-calling).

DSP (Doom/Storm/Psylocke)
Take note that I’ve seen NO ONE use this team other than myself…yet!
This team can from a theory ov mine and utilizing Yipes’ style ov play with Magneto and putting that to use with Doom. At first glance ppl will say that Doom/Cyke overshadows this, but there are a few aspects that put Psy over that. Example 1 being that Psy covers DIRECLY over Doom’s head (so just when they thought that they got you…Psyblade invuln. fucks them up). Off ov Psyblade it’s easy c.LK OTG, c.FP, AC into whatever options you feel like using. Storm/Psy is a no-brainer once again.

If you have a team in particular LMK and I’ll come up with something…

How about doom/blackheart/sent?

Lol, more ppl are playing that team nowadays…good shit…

The chemistry ov that team is very open minded and dependent on the player, you can start with any chars and have at least a decent strat to back them.

In the case ov Doom/BH/Sent, Doom has both drones to cover him on ground and Inferno for the super jumpers (though beware…experts KNOW when Inferno is coming out and will time their airdashes to dodge it). For this team Doom is relying on trap work to build meter via either the Doom/BH zone tactic or rushing down with drones. Please keep in mind that Cable becomes an issue with this team so when he’s in the picture you’ll have to play it safe and smart (you don’t have a safe assist to counter call in case he’s backed by CapCom AAA, but Doom’s Electric Cage super at the right time can change that…and if Cable winds up dying off ov it with CapCom in the picture, this leads to a free assist kill!).

BH/Sent is pretty obvious, just again you don’t have an optimal assist for counter calling (so teams with Sent/CapCom will be a huge threat and once again you have to be patient).

Normally though I’d start the team with BH…BH/Doom in the corner is murderous when used correctly…and with Doom AAA you have a counter assist weapon against those that abuse Cap AAA. I just use BH as a zoner/battery while seldomly rushing down (LP/LK pokes) and waiting to see what the opponent does. I’ll emphasize it once more…this team requires patience to win…

Good luck with the team dude…

if i switched out bh for captain corridor against cable players would that work?
And yeah what i like about that team is you can play all of them on point.

That could work as well, as not only can Sent benefit from the Cap AAA but Doom also has some devious OTG combos with Corridor (they’re in the guide on the combo section). Just keep in mind that by having CapCom you’re more vulnerable to Magnus snapout infinites, so vary usage against him obviously.

Uh, every team has a weakness to something…gotta hate it xD

…for the record, I’m still at work updating the guide in my archive…just haven’t had time to update it here for the internet connection on my laptop is on the fritz (cause ov that damn Winsock error…which I’m still trying to deal with).

Congrats to me cause I’m now a dad…heh…

And just to put a few random somethings for you guys: Doom’s standing RK is unblockable when done in the corner as the opponents character is coming in due to snapout or point replacement. As his leg is brought down there is a double-sided hitbox that hits slightly behind Doom’s head as well as in front ov him.

Out ov that unblockable the easiest follow-up would be Roman Candle super…more advanced follow-ups are done out ov sjc’ing the first hit ov the s.RK

And speaking ov sjc’ing the s.RK:

1st hit sjc: Right when the first hit connects and before the second, sjc is possible.
2nd hit sjc: Count to 3 starting from the first and second hits (1…2…)…then on 3 sjc!!

Doom’s c.FP has a built-in invuln frame (right as he smashes the ground and the flash shoots up). Useful for passing thru a set ov Sent’s HSF drones and attempting to Cage him afterward (for when the Cage connects the drones are deemed useless). Don’t attempt this if you either already pushblocked or are full screen cause you won’t be close enough to Sent for the Cage to hit him early before the second set ov drones comes on screen.

Random Doom/Psylocke combo I showed Yipes some time ago:
-tj.LKx2, c.LKx2, c.FP call Psyblade, /, sj.LP, ad/back (Psyblade hits) ad.FP <FS>, dash-in c.LK OTG, c.FP…

And here’s something I was messing with during a Random Doom session at home (which I record and review to see what fucked up stuff I did by accident):

(in corner) /, sj.LK, ad/forward, ad.LK, ad.LP, /, dash-in c.LKx2 call drones, s.RK 2 hits <sjc on 2nd hit>, drones connect ad/forward, ad.LKx2, /, dash-in c.LKx2…

options afterward:

…<sjc the c.LK>, sj.LK, ad/forward, ad.LKx2 xx APA
…launch into corner options (rethrow setups and infinite)…

Have fun with those and try to find some more stuff with the info I just bestoweth upon you all (for the ones that didn’t know this stuff anyways…I know there are a few that know this shit).


this thread has been selected for movement to the general strategy forums.

Greatly appreciated:tup:

are you sure c.fp is invincible? If you’re basing it around going through HSF, it could very well be the hit box on c.fp is trading with the HSF to allow doom to go through the first set.

I always thought it was just a high priority move.

I think that c.lk+assist, c.mk, c.rh SJC before it comes out is under rated. A cancelable block chain with hi\lo series after it fucking stupid. Doom ron in that circumstance is pretty good.

lmao @ roman candle super. Thats a good name for it:rofl:

Heh, I misworded that when I compared it to what I have in front ov me on the archive…thanx for catching that…

The cancelable blockchain is also in the archive…

Try messing with this combo as well:

“s.LKx2, db.RK”

I was basing this off ov a combo from GGX2 (Potemkin) where if they block the first 2 hits high you can get in a quick sweep and, unless they’re actually expecting this (which they WON’T), sjc it into a quick gameplan change (keepaway with butter gun) or attempt a random crossup with tj.LKx2… (or you can activate Flight and call something like Tron if they’re dumb enough to stay there).

I guess I’ll go home later and record another random doom video and see what else I can find out through carerful analysis (I have 2 Doom vids and about 2 1/2 hours ov match vids in my HDrive that I haven’t been able to edit due to lack ov video editor nor send to Preppy so ppl can actually see some ov this stuff in action)…

Heh, this thread died…looks like I’ll have to speed up the process then…

Cough, cough…flight cancelled rushdown…

I thought about this actually this week because I’ve seen Wong do a very small rundown (like two hits) in the FRXI videos where he played Shuma Hulk Doom.

Well now that I’ve had more time to practice…sjc’ing moves into the Dive Kick for pseudo-rushdown is pretty good…if you’re close enough and they’re blocking low, free overhead. If you’re a small distance away you can set up a quick high-low mindgame (when used in conjunction with drones or such). Doing the sjc Dive Kick off ov a blocked c.LKx2, db.RK early sjc is a godly surprise tactic…

I’ve also been messing around with that Dive Kick corner infinite…can only get 4 reps at most on anyone (I really don’t think that it’s character-specific). Quoting Kevin Landon at a recent crack-session: “…(his) Doom is on CRACK!!”

And now for a quick reset if no one knows about it:

tj.LKx2, c.LKx2, c.FP, /, sj.LP xx ad/df (X-Up), ad.LP (should either hit as a juggle or make the opponent block in midair), /, wavedash under (but not too far) c.FP (you’ll either be slightly behind them or still be in front ov them if you’re slick enough)…do whatever you want afterward, just keep in mind this plus an AC into APA xx Hail (sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.RK xx ad/f xx APA DHC Hail) is 100% on anybody that doesn’t have tricked out defense (Sent, Juggz)…

I MIGHT show up to CF later today so if anyone is around see ya there…DSP is too good since ppl still think that it’s safe to rush Doom down…stupid Magnetos…

Doom/Storm/PSy?!?! lmao thats almost as good as my Gief/S/P. Good shit as usual.:china:


Doom has teleport glitch tricks too. Pulled off a corner tj.LKx2, c.LKx2…the first c.LK was dashed-in at the cornered opponent, then Doom winds up on the opposite side when the second c.LK connects.

Psy/Doom is downright nasty when played with a Strider/Doom mindset.

I’m trying to step up my other chars as well, namely 'Karis, Bison, and 'Sim…this may take a while…

Deth-Scyanyde**, have you put these afore-mentioned videos on Youtube yet? If so, I would be interested in seeing your Doom in action. If you don’t mind sending raw files, I will be available on IM most of this week. Needless to say, good thread btw.

Nope…blame real life antics for this…I have a kid now so stuff like this is usually on hold till I’m actually able (and to make it worse my current location lacks online access). I still have mad Guides/FAQs (DMC4, this very Doom guide) backed up as well so it’s not just the video project that’s getting pulled back -_-

What I can tell you is I sent some combo schematics to DJ-B13 since he’s planning on releasing a second chapter for Doom due pretty soon. All I can say as far as that’s concerned is to watch out for that vid (I won’t guarantee that he’ll use my shit, though I don’t see many peeps doing what I do xD)…

I got to run for now, have some business to attend in a bit, but I’ll keep you guys posted ov any change…the actual Doom FAQ is going through final stages since I decided to stop adding new stuff or it’ll NEVER be able to get released in full!!

Peace out Doomers,