Don't Try To Throw A Sumo: Honda Remix Thread #2

Only the start-up (without blue hitboxes) is unthrowable. Honda is probably throwable during the frames with blue hitboxes, but most characters don’t have the reach to grab him before getting hit. (You can see that the character pip - the little red dot - stays on the ground the entire move.)

SPD out of torpedo is not a rollback… scary to know there are some people able to pull that off consistently… makes me think that the E.Honda v. Zangief matchup is not all that horrible…

Does that mean you can wakeup throw Honda out of his meaty super at any point? I wonder if SPD timed perfectly can stuff Honda’s super as a replacement for cr. jab or lariat. I’d love to see some testing on this.

So this probably means any character can reversal throw a super that doesn’t have a long invincibility window on wake-up? I know there was discussion in another thread about there being a 1-frame of invincibilty on wake-up, to where you can throw people out of meaties with perfect timing. So as long as the Super doesn’t have a long unthrowable period on start-up that overlaps this one frame, this should work for anyone (even Guile, apparently, LOL).

I was thinking more of using Super to reversal a tic throw attempt, which it should still do (even against Gief) every time if timed right.

Thelo: Sounds like the super chip might have actually worked if you had done the super a fraction later (so Honda’s unthrowable window overlapped Guile’s reversal throw on wake-up window). Though that probably would have increased the chances of eating a reversal Flashkick or Super.

Or I may just be full of beans, LOL.

i have a question vs blanka “again” …lol

does honda have any normals that can beat Blankas super. I know that Blankas super is not the best one in the game and its pretty easy to get around. But ive been able to stuff it with jumping back lk many times , sometimes i win cleanly and sometimes it beats my jumping lk clean.

I think jumping LK will beat Blanka’s super if it’s high enough, but will lose if Blanka rams into you while you’re too low. To avoid giving Blanka enough time to time his super so that it beats my jumping LK, I like jumping forward on Blanka with LK, so he doesn’t have the luxury of waiting for my jump to get low enough. Sometimes that means his super will go cleanly under me, which is fine too.

That’s fine unless they are holding in place waiting for you to jump :sad:

They can only hold for 1.2 seconds or so. There’s the ever popular block & punish. Alternatively, sumo drop when you’ve got charge.

If Blanka holds his super, that’s fine, forwardjump LK beats that too. That’s the whole reason I jump forward - at the right distance it’ll either cleanly win or fly over it.

Usually the only reason Blankas would have to launch super at you is to chip you to death (since people usually aren’t dumb enough to jump into blanka, especially with a downback charge with meter). Typically good blankas like BTC and Emperon launch it from out of forward jump range. It’s SOOOOO fast too that I pretty much never can avoid it once they let go. Hell, when I do magically clear it, they usually are charging down for the instant vertical ball on recovery.

In summation, I hate blanka.

The only time I’ve had Blanka Super beat jumping forward/back LK is during the start-up (that little hop up it does when it first activates) once it’s being held in place or rolling forward it seems jumping LK beats it almost 100% of the time (with a nice little Ochio follow-up).

Sup fatties. I threw Honda out of his super today. Was point blank and saw the super flash and went for the spd and sure enough, he went for a ride. I specifically looked at his meter and it was drained. Wish I record it, so cool to see lol.

Yes I read the above posts about it :slight_smile:

I was playing a set with Thelo and was able to mexican pile drive him out of hondas regular headbutt a few times. We were both pretty surprised. But there you go, its possible.

Is there any real way to time it? Like a almost point blank SPD to counter a wakeup reversal headbutt? I’ll play in training later and mess with it if I can teach the wife how to do hondas super, rofl.

I always just thought it was rollback when I’ve done that to Honda in the past. I guess not :p.

it was online, and I do have bad connection. so I still wouldn’t throw out the chance of it being roll back. My connection was so bad today I just wanted to smash my xbox.

If it was a rollback, you wouldn’t have seen the headbutt startup at all, it really is a real thing to do.

I played a good amount of honda’s last night and had no success trying to empty jump a waking honda to grab his headbutt. Anyone know which frames can be grabbed?

It almost certainly depends on the strength of the headbutt (and you’re basically SOL on throw attempts if he goes to the drop).

I always try to reversal tick attempts with the Sumo Smash or Ochio (if in range) instead of headbutt, headbutt’s start-up frames are throwable. Sucks that it seems the super is also throwable on start-up (If I have Super I try to super the tick instead of the throw).

Of course my reversal timing has been so bad lately it hasn’t mattered much which move I tried, LOL.