Somehow I’ve lost all my patience and just want to attack, attack, attack anymore, LOL. I’d rather play all Honda’s bad match-ups because he has to attack in them, all the others where he has to turtle I get bored and do something stupid, LOL.
Heh, I still consider playing flawless Guiles and DeeJays with Honda as the most tedious matches in the game. The ones that ALWAYS have a charge when they shouldn’t and always guess right. God I hate that.
Does Honda get a free HP headbutt after a blocked Cammy super or can she reversal at the end every time?
Honda gets a free fierce headbutt every single time, so go nuts.
Is it ok if I go nuts without doing the free fierce headbutt?
As far as Honda players are concerned Cammy can always…
No I can’t lie. Thelo is right. If you block Cammy’s super, HP Headbutt is always going to reach her before she’ll have a chance to TK your headbutt. Now with that being said, you throw Jab or Strong out there… you might get kicked in the face.
Been learning to play as honda, been doing pretty well, just went 15-3 online until i fought 3 akumas in a row, he should just be banned in ranked.
Anyway i notice that the good players will know when i do a tick whatever into ochio and will counter throw me.
Is this a viable counter to ochio ticks? or am i simply mistiming my ochio?
If it is in fact a viable counter. How would i counter their throw when i know its coming? So instead of tick -> ochio, when i know the throw is coming i should tick -> ???
Thanks in advanced.
Here’s the way throws works. When both characters are grounded and throwable, and both characters try to throw each other, the first guy to input his throw command wins. If both guys input throws on the exact same frame, then the result is 50/50 random.
When you get up from a knockdown, you cannot be thrown right away - you only become throwable 13 (?) frames afterwards. In addition to that, you cannot be thrown during blockstun or hitstun, or during one single frame at the end of blockstun, hitstun, or knockdown (the so-called reversal frame). During the reversal frame, you can throw or DP, but cannot be thrown.
So how does all of this work during a tick throw? Let’s say you knock down Ryu, and you want to throw him when he gets up. You can’t throw him right away because of the 13f (?) of throw invulnerability from a knockdown, so that’s why you walk up right next to him and try a meaty low jab instead. Ryu, at the end of his getting-up animation, has one reversal frame to try either a reversal throw or a reversal dragon punch. If he manages to input a reversal dragon punch, then he wins and hits your low jab. If he manages a reversal throw and you are throwable (in range of his throw), he also wins by throwing you out of your low jab. If neither happens, he gets hit by the low jab, or blocks it, which puts him in hitstun / blockstun for a short while and pushes him back, hopefully out of his own throw range.
Then you input an ochio, and try to time it so it happens just as Ryu gets out of hitstun / blockstun. When Ryu gets out of hitstun / blockstun, he has a reversal frame again, and can try to either reversal dragon punch, which will win against your ochio attempt (unless your ochio attempt was negative edge, in which case you block the DP and win), or reversal throw, which will probably fail because the low jab pushed him out of his throw range (but still in range for the ochio).
Piecing all of this back together, Ryu has four realistic ways to beat a generic tick throw:
1) Reversal throw the tick
2) Reversal DP the tick
3) Reversal throw the throw
4) Reversal DP the throw
How do you prevent those?
1) Reversal throw the tick
To beat it: Be unthrowable when he tries to reversal throw you. That can mean being airborne (using a jumping tick), or just too far away for him to throw you. Using a jumping tick can make you more vulnerable to Ryu’s option 2 (reversal DP the tick) or 3 (reversal throw the throw). The earlier (higher) you hit with your jumping tick, the more vulnerable you become to this.
2) Reversal DP the tick
To beat it: Use a tick that is immune to the DP. Safe jump short is such a tick, standing jab from max range is another. Safe jump short is generally very solid, but unless you do it from max range, it can make you more vulnerable to Ryu’s option 3 (reversal throw the throw). Standing jab beats the reversal DP, but doesn’t let you throw at all afterwards (you’re too far away to throw).
3) Reversal throw the throw
To beat it: Your tick must push Ryu out of his throw range. Most of your grounded ticks do that for free, but towards-jumping short generally doesn’t - it leaves you too close to Ryu. Vertical jump short tick usually does push you far enough away (especially useful against characters without a DP).
Another option to win here is to combo your initial tick into another attack, like low short -> HHS, instead of trying to throw him. Since Ryu won’t leave hitstun / blockstun, he won’t have a reversal frame to throw you. The downside is that if Ryu was blocking, you’ve given up your opportunity to really damage him, and have just dealt some block damage instead.
4) Reversal DP the throw
To beat it: Use a purely negative edge ochio as your throw. This will make you block if Ryu reversal DPs, and throw him otherwise. Non-Honda characters don’t have a negative edge throw, and must guess whether Ryu will DP (must block it) or not (must throw him). As Honda, you have the power to bypass this guessing game entirely, so abuse it for all it’s worth.
Once again, you can also deny Ryu his reversal frame by comboing your initial tick into other attacks.
So there is no 100% foolproof way to tick throw, but several subtle variations that beat different tick throw counters. Once you figure out what kind of tick throw counter your opponent likes to use, you can use a tick variant that’s immune to that, and win.
If they’re throwing you, then you’re allowing them to come out of hit or block stun. How do you keep someone in hit or block stun? Attack them. For more information, read my signature. Also remember that Honda has more throw range than anyone except Zangief’s and T.Hawk’s special throws and that special throws like the Ochio Throw will (usually) outprioritize regular throws. Like I said, read my FAQ because I cover this info regarding tick throws.
Really? I’ve never gotten a definitive answer to that question. Why did you qualify that with a “usually”? When will the opposite happen (assuming that special throws do have priority over normal throws)?
Thank you for this, definitely a big help. Personally i notice that most players like to reversal throw. But here is the thing.
I played this one ken who, whenever i knocked him in the corner. if i tried c.lp into ochio he would throw the tick. if i tried jump short into ochio he would throw the throw. What do i do in a situation like that?
For the most part i can take on most characters. but ryus and kens can zone me like crazy, and i played against a guile that i couldnt get close to. Then there is dictator, no matter what i did he just spammed psycho crusher and chipped me to death, i tried all my specials, normals nothing would stuff it. Everything would only ever trade and he would end up with the life lead.
Any tips against zoners and dictator?
Also, last but not least, i think i kind of understand the idea of honda.
but just so its clear. What exactly is my goal as honda to be shooting for in the match?
Play defense?
Tick ochio all day long?
chip away?
I know there is a time and place for all of it. but in reality what im saying is.
Thelo, when you play honda, what are you trying to do to your opponent to win? Are you trying your damndest to get that ochio throw?
wouldnt let me edit for some reason, weird.
Anyway another quick question, mostly a hypothetical.
So im playing this ryu. And i knock him down, so i j.short into ochio, then hes down. I manage to do it again to him and knock him down again.
So i think ok, this is working, i try it a third time, but this time he reversal throws me.
Now i got him thinking i go for the ochio after the j.short every time.
Next time i knock him down, im going to trick him into thinking im doing ochio from j.short, but in reality im doing something that would beat that throw of his.
what is that something else? Because what you are saying means that an observant player could effectively make it impossible for you tick throw him. So there must be something i can do to make him THINK im going for the throw, then go for something else.
Everything i have tried in that situation doesnt seem fast enough.
So, is there something else? Or am i committed to trying a tick throw?
All matchup info on the first page btw:
vs. Bison:
If he ends up behind you after a fierce Psycho Crusher, you get fierce Hundred Hands or Ochio (if he’s close enough for that), free. Standing jab also stops crushers with good timing, or short/light kick buttslams before he gets there. Once he’s knocked down, you can have your way with him since his only non-super reversal is the Devil’s Reverse… which, frankly, against Honda kind of sucks. Honda’s pressure against Bison is sick: buttslams, tick throws, hundred hands, or sitting right outside his crouching medium kick range and stuffing him when he tries to leave.
vs. Guile:
I used to have a lot more trouble with this match until recently, the trick is to mix up how you get in (still harder than it sounds, I know!). From fullscreen, jab headbutts and diagonal jumps. From 75% screen to cr. mk range: Walk-up, block the boom, walk-up, block the boom, etc. etc., floating fierce, diagonal jumping short, and even regular neutral jumps work. Once you get to about his cr. mk range, if he still throws booms you get to buttslam him for free every time. Once you get him knocked down, unless he has super, always always always cross him up with jumping roundhouse, since even if he Flash Kicks it completely misses you if you time the crossup correctly; this is your opportunity for big damage, so make it count! You can either hitconfirm into a combo (if he didn’t block), or tick throw him (if he did) into more knockdown/mixups. Also, if he abuses his crouching kicks, remember that your crouching medium punch stuffs all of them.
vs. Shotos:
I don’t feel as qualified, unfortunately, these matches are a pain, 3-7 or worse for Honda, easy. Best tip I can offer is floating fierce is in general your safest option over most fireballs, and once you have meter and a feel for their pattern, any fireball they throw loses them 35% of their lifebar and knocks down (just be sure not to throw it out randomly or you will get punished, for free). Also, standing jab from max range stuffs all of Ryu’s reversals, so weave in and out a bit and try to bait one out. Against Ken, do your best to bait out his shoryu’s; at fullscreen you can diagonal jump his fireball or floating fierce (into Hundred Hands) it, but in FP DP range, unless you can bait out an early shoryuken, his fierce shoryuken stuffs a lot of options (if you find a way to 100% beat Fierce DP, let us all know so we can turn Ken into a 6-4 match!).
Other tick setups:
cr. jab -> any throw (you were already using this)
cr. jab -> link to mk buttslam (chips, safe on block, and you land within your throw range and out of theirs, feel free to use either of Honda’s holds or Ochio throw!)
cr. jab -> walk backwards (blocks high if they tried to DP; backs out of their throw range slightly if they tried to counterthrow, you can punish that with far sweep)
Those are just a few, feel free to experiment!
Starting at [media=youtube]XbkXfXuhS7Y&#t=2m07s"]the 2:07 mark, you can see that if spaced correctly, Cammy can land and be able to block a headbutt attempt. Granted, this wasn’t a true reversal. Again, at [URL=“”[/media], you can see another attempt at that, with Honda trying for the headbutt and getting Thrust Kicked for trying. Again, that also was not a true reversal attempt by Honda.
Typhon, as I said earlier, if your opponent is always trying to throw your tick, just do a combo from the tick instead, or stay out of throw range with something else than towards jump short (meaty fierce HHS? cr. short -> HHS? vertical jump short as the tick? the choice is yours!)
For the “general idea of Honda”, there really is no single directive. Honda plays really differently in each matchup, perhaps more so than any other character, so all I can do is point you to the start of this thread for my thoughts on each matchup.
Not true, I tested this a while ago. The only advantage the ochio has over regular throws in a throw clash is range - if both characters are within each other’s throw range, and both are throwable, then neither has priority over the other and it’s just a 50/50 random coin flip is both throws are done on the same frame.
All that happens in that video is that Honda is way too slow in doing the headbutt. Believe me, when Honda does it as soon as possible, it really is guaranteed every single time.
I’m no Honda or Cammy expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I think it has to be a reversal Fierce Torpedo, or else Cammy will not be hit after her Super IMO.
Come on what happened to [media=youtube]hLRN7DwnZPs&feature=related"[/media]… its probably due to playing online…
Doesn’t have to be a reversal. Depending on the spacing you have plenty of time. Super works as well.
Oh I forgot to ask about super. Good to know.
i need some tips vs blanka
does anyone have any tip on what to do when the blanka player positions himself on the other side of the screen and spams jumping lk and randomly uses electricity when landing. i could possibly slide myself towards him with fierce hhs and keep my charge and kick his ass when hes jumping forward , but i havent gotten to test this enough.
and also if i jump in on electricity and get knocked down a lot of blanka players likes to roll over me when im down and land next to me with more electricity. Does honda have anything that can beat electricity on wakeup ?