Don't Try To Throw A Sumo: Honda Remix Thread #2

If you have really good timing you can hit Blanka just as he lands with a Fierce Headbutt. You have to time it perfect, though. It’s not to hard time them if you’re around half screen or closer and they keep doing it over and over.

If they are far away you’re best bet is to use HHS to creep up so you can keep you’re charge. If they see you just start walking up they will try to jump in on you and start Blanka cross-up LK shenanigans. Once you’re in sweep range just use towards+HK as they land to trip them.

It’s much safer to just block the electricity on wake-up and then punish with HHS or trip. If you have to stop it on wake-up (chip will kill you) best bet is Short Sumo Smash or Super.

Yeah, what possum said. Use HHS to advance while holding a charge. Just get close enough to where it looks like you could threaten a jumpin and wait for them to do something stupid. My basic premise in this fight is to not be down on life (so as to make them come to me instead of the other way around). A good tactic I like to do is sit at downback pressing crouching LP. This will hit them out of electricity at max range and stuff blanka balls. Of course, you have to be on your toes reaction-wise for jump-ins (which from Blanka requires quite a bit, especially his jumping HK).

A nifty trick you can do for wakeup electricity is to negative edge ochio them (which will throw them out of electricity). Only really works when they are predictable on which side they blanka ball to. If they are smart enough to mix it up just block it.

Someone asked me the other day why I main Honda when he has virtually no chance of winning against top-tier shoto/guile players. I was trying to think of something to say when I realized that he was right. Even with HDR’s changes to Honda he still gets zoned to hell and back when playing against tournament pro caliber players. I eventually replied back to my friend that I’m lazy and Honda doesn’t really require tight combo knowledge or finger dexterity to know :lol:

Curious as to other Honda main’s thoughts on this.

What is everyone’s thoughts on using jump-in HP on Gief? I’ve been trying it out lately and it seems pretty safe but don’t know if it is susceptible to lariat if you time it meaty.

If you aim Honda’s neutral or diagonal j Fierce right at Zangief’s head (at the height of Honda’s jump arc), it will always beat Lariat. However, if you aim it low (while Honda is descending or ascending), you might trade or get beat by Lariat. Thelo and I tested Zangief’s wakeup cr Fierce vs Honda’s neutral, high j Fierce, and it seems to beat it, but I have no doubts that a late or early j Fierce will beat the cr Fierce. Of course, the cr Fierce could be mixed up with Lariat to keep Honda guessing, but then Honda doesn’t need to attack Zangief with anything meaty, other than max range Slaps. Also, I think Honda’s neutral j Short/Forward beats Lariat and whiffs vs cr Fierce, but I’m not 100% sure.

Not a Honda player but wouldn’t it be risky to jump in on 'Gief? The good 'Gief’s all get those reversal SPD’s the instant you jump in, that’s why I almost never cross them up as Cammy and keep my distance as Vega.

As has been pointed out, Honda probably has better choices. Something to be aware of is that the lariat benefits from late activation much in the same way that Sagat’s uppercut does, so it’s probably stronger live, and there’s a power spike at some level of player capability where it gets ZOMG good.

I play him because he’s fun, and I do ok with him. He won’t win against Ryu or Ken in a tournament, and Guile can be a real bitch, but I think he does decent enough. And I’d disagree with the combo & finger dexterity portion of your reply. :wgrin:

I am no HDR Honda expert in HDR. But, being able to pull off his HHS combo’s is a huge threat in HDR. I’ve had many matched just about won (Sim) with 80% of my life and with Honda on the ropes (less than 10% ). And lost because Honda (EA MEGAMAN) was able to wiggle Honda’s fat-ass in and land that damn combo of his. (:lovin: @ EA MEGAMAN).

I don’t think Honda needs the HDR friendly (they are much more difficult to pull out in ST) combo’s to win, but they are a damn strong if you can do them and command respect from the opponent.

Honda needs no stinkin’ combos!

Megaman is just a showoff. :razz:

The HHS combos do help, a lot, in a quite a few match-ups.

But really SJV, once Honda “wiggles” his way in against Sim it’s pretty much over, combos or not, LOL.


I figured you would. But really, that awesome crossup combo is very situational and doesn’t really present itself that often in Honda’s worst matchups. For me, it’s all about being unpredictable, countering and shenanigans.

Actually there are some other great uses for it. It’s a great tool (crouching short - HHS - Oicho) to use as a meaty, especially in the corner. Get hit with it a couple of times and you’ll turtle up in fear fast. And then Honda will just Oicho you while you sit there. I’ve felt this first hand from Megaman.

Also, if you can combo into it you can kara a short or a jab so that you can use the HHS for mobility a lot more easily. It also presents itself as an option after an HP/HK grab. You can walk under and do it from the other side, or safe jump a lot of characters followed up with cr.LK XX MP HHS and be right back in their grill again.

I’ve actually tried the walk-under cr.LK XX MP HHS a few times, but somehow it never seemed to actually work - seems I have just barely enough time to walk under for the crossup, then the cr. LK doesn’t come out fast enough to hit as a meaty. So I just get thrown every time. Are you sure this actually works solidly?

You can be counter thrown, but yes it works. It’s like the cross under roundhouse (aka - “The Bob Painter” or “The Kuroppi” setup) and you can be thrown out of that too. When I was in practice I would do it a lot. I used a variation of it (cl.LP, cr.LK XX MP HHS) in the following video @ 3:05.


Thelo - have you tried out-turtling Genei? Maybe try throwing out cr. jabs and then headbutting his TAPs and dashes on reaction? I’m trying to develop my own anti-Genei strategy but with Vega, guy is too good :slight_smile:

EA Megaman, you da man. I tried jab link to super, and it works like a charm. I don’t know how you do it but I do the motion :r::l::r: :lp: then :r::l::r::lp:
Learning something new everyday.

You can only do that if you have health advantage, and Genei does a pretty good job making sure he gets the advantage first.