Does anybody think being obese is caused by lack of discipline or genetic

oatmeal is cheap as shit and super healthy. fruits and vegetables are pretty cheap too. rice, beans - cheap. skim milk + healthy cereal - cheap

I hope everyone benefits from knowledge about health in the future, shit is ridiculous

I wish it could be easily categorized like that but it simply is a complex issue.

Sometimes it’s stress, sometimes it’s eating to much, sometimes it’s like of discipline, or genetics, sometimes it’s just being a lazy fuck. Sometimes it’s a combo of all these.

And every person is different. I was a skinny kid up until about 8th grade and i just got lazy. I stopped running around on my bike, and playing ball. I ended up playing video games. And i slowly put on some pounds and i attribute this to nothing more than me being lazy. And having a weakness for General Tao’s Chicken :stuck_out_tongue:

You could literally burn all that shit taking a 1-block walk. The only thing you listed thats really high in protein is Beans. While the things you listed are good for you…how much of it do you have to eat just to get full? The only way it last is if you are taking bird portions.

Personally I eat 4 packs of oatmeal at a time. You only get what? 8 in the box? So thats goin in two days. I eat two bananas and 1 apple a day. Beans every now and then etc.

So what im saying is that shit adds up expense wise. I don’t even eat as much as some people and I could run through your meal plan in a day and a half. Plus its still not complete.

when I say it’s genetics I mean it in way that isnt compounded by unsolvable excuses, im saying your genetics are communicating through your neurons in a way that you haven’t I guess paid attention to and understood so your paying the price of mixed messages. im pretty sure before mass commercialism people were able to listen and feel what their bodies needed

To narrow it down to two items is very shallow because the issue goes deeper than those two issues. You’re forgetting about how much $ you make and peoples’ parents’ diet among other variables that make a person fat.

edit: i like how people point to genetics without any testing of their own genes–which i am not sure is possible–to see if that’s the reason they’re fat.

If they can do that, then i’ll call them out and say that they are idiots and deserve to burn in hell. Don’t blame me for being mean. Blame physics in my brain, which is determined by a chain of prior events. Cause, you know, i had no choice to resist that urge. You call out genetics as way to defer responsibility, then i’m calling out the chemestry in my head as way to call out you’re LAZY, because i am not a mean person at all just like u are not a lazy douche!

your absolutely right, but we want to know the core factor, once the core is sussed then you can work towards the discipline…

…I hope :rofl:

I have to say that this whole America celebrating fatties is news to me. Then again I gave up my tv long ago so I haven’t seen these mentioned ads of fatty celebration.
I blame Sir Mixalot for convincing a whole generation of obese bitches that they were hot.

I’ve been called a “fatist”, but that’s only half true. If I see a fatty in the street scarfing down a couple of burgers and fries, it fills me with disgust. If I were to see a fatty working hard at the gym then I would have much respect for them because at least they’re doing something about their condition.

And as mentioned before, healthy foods are definitely treated as a premium. This morning I spent fifteen bucks on one carton of organic eggs, a pack of organic bacon and a half pound of organic ground beef at the local Earth Fare. 15 BUCKS on food that probably won’t last me the week. For that same amount of money I could buy most of the Burger King menu or five bags of family sized chips and four 2 liter bottles of soda and still have enough left over to buy a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and some candy bars.

Despite the added costs I still buy the healthier foods, but I only go to Earth Fare for specialty items plus it’s down the street from my house, otherwise Earth Fare can suck my organic dick.

I’ll try not to trip on my words.

From the biological standpoint, you could be fat and obese from other factors instead of fat deposits. Maybe your belly is filled with fluid, maybe your large intesine is filled with so much poop that it makes your lower body swell, or maybe your abdominal muscles are in such a bad shape that you can swell. From what I remember there are some people who do not have the correct enzyme to break down certain amino acids or other compounds…yet there is nothing in the brain saying “Hey, I can’t break that down, stop consumption!” So you keep eating that stuff and the body can’t break it. The thing is instead of just saying “Fuck it I’ll put this stuff into poop or the tummy” they usually end up in bad places like the brain or vital organs and fuck your shit up.

On the whole “There can be genetic things to cause compulsion” I do not buy it. If that’s the case it’s willpower. I’m sure there are plenty of court cases where there was this murderer who just “had it in his genes” to kill people but autopsy usually reveals that there’s nothing in the brain that’s different from “normal” people. Genetics aren’t some magic set of data that makes you who you are, most of it is just heaps and heaps of stuff that doesn’t code for everything. The rest of it is just coding for amino acids that may make this protein which does X function and blah blah blah. If there really is a chain reaction of factors that creates the whole “Oh I just HAVE to keep eating even though I’m getting obese” bullshit then what the hell is stopping them from exercising or weightlifting to keep their metabolism up so that they can put on less pounds. Right there you have a personal choice rather than genetics made me fat.

Regarding the father = thin and I’m thin so therefore some type of genetics is involved, you have obviously not studied biology. There are so many factors that determine physique that it’s ludicrous to even make that comparison some kind of truth. Even if there was the slightest chance that you are thin because your father is thin due to genetics alone, then that would have been found a lot earlier due to the whole sex-linked chromosome junk.

I didn’t realise autopsies could tell you about a murderers personality?

questioning the biological make up is the only way, some people are actually born fat and at such a young age crave milk three times as much as any other child. the unknown is definitely magic, and that’s what it will stay at if you really believe genetics is not a factor

I’m not gonna go into a philosophical debate about where our personalities are from but if the brain has similar shape and proportions as most other brains yet the personality was drastically different I am going to go on a limb and say it most likely has nothing to do with the brain forcing the person to do one thing compared to another.

Questioning the biological makeup being the only way or else it’s a magical mystery? You’re funny. Let’s totally throw out other possibilities such as the mother’s diet during birth, the types of meals given to the baby, the way information is exposed to the child, the accessibility of certain high fat content foods, the possible additives that were in foods that create an early imprint on cravings and all that other stuff. Yes, let’s only focus on genetics. Totally right. If only all scientists tunnel visioned like you then we wouldn’t be stuck in such backwards thought of magical anomalies and hocus pocus.

im saying tunnel vision on the human body, which is a bit more easier than focusing on the bodies interaction with external time and space. I think it would be more hocus pocus to actually believe calculating physical interaction with time and space will give you a legitimate answer. we like to believe that we know all that we can about the human body but we don’t, calculating external data is basic scientific procedure, how could you have tangible data if there isn’t a calculated clear slate anyway? :confused: there is still probably near infinite amount of things to find out about the human body anyway so what im saying isn’t anything radical

they eat too fucking much, they need to get shot and killed. theres no way in hell somebdy who doesnt eat too much and only eats healthy gets THAT fat. meaning if you know you got the genes to be a fat fuck unable to see your own dick might as well stop eating fried shit and get yourself in shape. or get a heartattack at 40, whatever fits your needs.

eating healthy isn’t expensive, you just need to learn how to cook & stay up on your best-before dates.

Doesn’t really make much sense seeing as how buying your meals every day while at work is a huge drain on peoples’ incomes. The best way to save money in this case is to make your lunch which, more often than not, is far healthier than the crap people buy. Essentially, you’re saying that want to save money spend more of it in and therefore get fat.

i wish everybody had at least the same brain capacity you got right thur.

Too much fruit = too high in carbs and sugars.

Some peeps think that just because it is fruit, it is automatically good for you. Need to ration out that ish. “Healthy” cereal isn’t even that healthy.

Biggest problem is just ignorance. A lot of people assume certain foods are healthy without doing the proper research. Of course, it all depends on what your goals are. Losing weight to look skinner, yeah eating out less and eating “healthy” cereal will work just fine. But if you are really looking to get in shape, that isn’t going to cut it.

This is true. The things that are good for you are often more expensive than things that aren’t. I bought whole wheat spaghetti the other day, and it was about $1.79, while regular spaghettit was 97 cents, and you got more of it.

The sugar in fruit is not the same as the white refined sugar we use to bake a cake. More importantly, fruits contain vitamins (nutrients our body require but cannot make on our own) which make them a necessity. These vitamins will lower the chances of you being susceptible to disease, and prevent ailments like scurvy.

If people watch Food Inc. the documentary, they discuss many of the topics in this thread. One of the things stated is that certain foods are highly subsidized by the government, thus making them much cheaper than they would ever be on their own. How is it that we can buy a steak so cheaply? And buy a 2 liter bottle of soda for under a dollar. Or get a full meal from the dollar menu. The government is paying companies and encouraging monoplies to mass produce meats and corn to lower their costs. And these products are not the heathiest things to eat, but people will certainly buy them, so it’s a safe bet for the companies.

I think an issue people have is they eat to get full as well, which is never the best thing to do.