Does anybody think being obese is caused by lack of discipline or genetic

Another thing is the more depressed you are the more you eat and before you know it, you look like Precious.

And that’s the problem. Mass production has essentially made shitty shitty food cheaper to consume. We live in a society where by comparison, eating healthy is fucking expensive in comparison to eating like shit. However that is ‘in comparison’. I don’t know the actual income breakdown of all these fucking obese people have, but I doubt that a majority of them are living near the poverty line. If they cut a few luxaries perceived as necessities (i.e. coffee, alcohol, ciggies etc.) then perhaps they might have enough money to by healthy. I’m not drawing a correlation with partying or a poor lifestyle with obesity, but it’s just that IMHO sometimes these type of things go hand in hand. While on the opposite side, eating healthier sometimes leads to more energy and or time to do healthy lifestyle things.


Every fat person I know is fat because they eat crap and are lazy. This lady I work with buys an elliptical, quits after a week because it’s too hard, and chows down on snack cakes all day.

What’s funny is fat diabetics who eat like shit but depend on medicine to stabilize their blood-sugar/insulin. Then they get pissed off at the medical system for putting them on low-priority since they have an easily avoidable, self-induced malady…

You can’t deny some people have it genetically. But that is the exception. Some people were fed a lot as a kid and the fat stuck with them, they won’t work it off because they feel they don’t have to.

Thanks to those stupid Dove commercials, telling fat girls they’re pretty no matter what anyone says. How do I pimp whores if they’ve got all this “self-esteem” in them? wtf?

Must… hold back… sarcastic tidal wave…

i don’t know the cause, but i do know there’s no denying the physiological effect of food. the human body can’t go without water for very long, but it can go without food for weeks. however, not many people could go on a 24 hour fast (water only) and claim no ill effects. so, we don’t really need to eat that grand slam breakfast in the morning or anything else for that matter. yet, our bodies tell us we must eat.

it’s actually true that genetics could increase the conscious need to eat -being a defect in making sense of which neutrients it’s needs, which doesn’t have anything to do with breaking food down

For my own experience, it was eating to much and lazy. Guess my mother didn’t want to deny me food because I had a lot of other stuff going on. I’d sit and eat half a bag of dorritos when I was 8 or 10. Around that same time, though, all the neighborhood kids were learning how to play sports and stuff. Eventually I got dragged out to play and did so almost everyday for a couple summers. I was 150lbs when 7th grade started, and 160lbs when I finished school. I grew, but I never gained any weight, just slimmed up. I never really tried to lose weight…I just started playing football/basketball/baseball/hockey everyday and it went away. Barely noticed it happening. Looking back at how active I was at the time, though, I feel sorry for anyone that’s got to try and shed that weight as an adult. It’s cool for a 12 year old to run around all day, but no one has that kind of time once they have a life.

‘poor’ food is rich in melamin , formaldehyde , borax and other preservatives .

motabolism is the key.

Potentially quite a few factors lead to obesity, but can I say the economy? People working long hours with less pay leads to “saving money” and eating convenient yet less healthy foods. However when they don’t have to work, they’re exhausted or lazy and don’t work out to burn the calories. Then, the children of these people don’t learn the discipline required, and the cycle continues until obesity covers America. Additionally, cars are necessities these days, and that leads to easy access to these unhealthy yet tasty alternatives for meals. I started losing weight when I went off to school when I didn’t have an easy mode of transportation. Made some better choices when it came to eating.

Haha, I’m gonna be the fat guy who comes in here and tells it like it is, at least for me. I’m fat and out of shape because I don’t eat right and don’t exercise. I’m lazy and don’t want to be slim again enough for me to put in the time exercising. I was slim in high school but after I graduated it went downhill. I don’t make excuses, and I am what I am.Maybe one day I’ll find a reason to start losing weight, but right now I’m more concerned with just surviving.

Also, anyone who is saying that it’s much cheaper to eat crappy stuff is right.1 bottle of grape juice at the local supermarket is 4 dollars. 1 2-liter of the cheap brand of Coke is 68 cents. Now, soda is one of my addictions, so I consume a lot, but even without that it is infinitely cheaper to get 10 bottles of cheap soda for 6.80 than to get the same amount of juice for 40 dollars.

One bag of, say, chicken patties with 12 patties in the bag is 4 dollars. Hamburger buns is 1-1.50. I eat 2-3 patties per meal, so I can get 4 separate meals for 4-5 dollars. On the other hand, my aunt will buy two cuts of steak for 5 bucks each, plus potatos and a vegetable for however much, which is most likely healthier…and that’s just one meal.

I’m also poor, been looking for a job for a while and trying to get back into college since the job market sucks right now for people who have only graduated high school, nevermind college grads, so I’m on food stamps. For a single person the government gives 200 bucks per month in food stamps. For a single person who eats crappy food, that’s enough to get by, but you can’t support a healthy diet for an entire month on 200 bucks alone, assuming 3 square meals a day.

man everyone who thinks eating healthier is more expensive is tripping on serious shit.

dont make me do a documentary on this shit so i can shit on everyones argument. show me a fast food place where for breakfast in 1 week you will spend no more than 3$, 1 WEEK. and i will show you “healthy” 1 week for 3 dollars. shit, actually show me fast food place for 1 WEEK 7$, thats 1 dollar a day (and you better believe fools be spending more than 1$ on bread on some fast food shit), youd be hard pressed, but that shit will get you some premium shit for eating healthy.

im outi


I’d love to know the breakfast thing man. Not because I doubt you, but because I want to eat healthier and save money :tup:.

Also, I feels it’s laziness. I used to weigh 330lbs, got down to 240. Then when I went to Japan my host family fed me like a king, and I didn’t have my gym anymore. I gained a ton of weight back, came back around 285lbs, (sounds nuts to gain weight in Japan) and since being back in Hawaii I’ve just found myself too lazy to get back into the gym. It’s my own fault, and I really do need to push myself back in the gym and get healthy again. It’s really a pain too, because I was doing so well :bluu:

Its genetic for only but a few people, the rest of us who get fat either don’t make healthier choices in eating for various reasons and simply not getting enough excercise.

The thing is, eating healthier and more natural food can be a lot more expensive but in the long run you will end up spending less on your medical bills when you don’t have all of that fat, artificial flavors/colors, preservatives, and HFCS clogging up your system.

And eating healthy can be cheap and affordable, but you’d have to prepare and cook that shit yourself, something that I’m able to do but I know many people who simply don’t have the time, so they say fuck it, I’ma eat my instant noodles.

I have a glandular problem!

Generally with the internet though, people always claim that they are like 6’ 4 and buff as hell, especially if they play Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Also, it seems calling someone fat over the internet is like the go to insult, being called fat is worse than having AIDS I guess on XBL.

I’m 99.99999% convinced there is a genetic factor involved.

How do I know this? I’m about as close to a ‘clone’ of my father as is naturally possible (no, seriously. The resemblance is uncanny), and I, just like him, am completely unable to put on the pounds.

My diet is ‘unhealthy’: red meat, fried foods, 2-liters of cola, a general dislike for ‘rabbit food’, a moderately-high salt intake, and a buffet is not an opportunity, it’s a challenge. Nothing sticks. All goes right through me like grass does a goose.

Clearly this is a case of genetics preventing weight gain. If it works in this fashion, then the reverse is also very likely.

LOL what are you eating? Bird food? Do this documentary…we don’t believe you, you need more people.

Edit: Eating oatmeal everyday does not equal a healthy diet either.