DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

DOA5LR wouldn’t even have half the content and characters the DLC added, if it wasn’t for DOA core fighters genius business model. :slight_smile:

anyways, it’s messed up Mai Shiranui is not available for PS3 version DLC. does PS3 have a cap on DLC that can be added to the PSN Store? it must be Sony’s fault. some like to play it on both PS3 and PS4. PS3 for the living room local friends sessions, and PS4 for bedroom online.

Well at least PS4 has Mai Shiranui, some say it’s a miracle Mai Shiranui is official playable in the latest and in greatest DOA ever!
the greatest fighting game character crossover ever, with top graphics and mechanics too

now DOA5LR is the ultimate fighting game ever!!

PS3 doesn’t get support anymore afaik. Surprised they finally started supporting PC again since they were at hella odds with that community.
Core Fighters is pretty solid, probably the only thing I’ll give TecmoKoei praise for with the game at this point. Although I think they should have reduced character prices to match the fact the game is going X years old now.

Yeah, last gen is no longer supported because of memory limits. They always released the DLC for PC, it’s just actual port that’s junk.

Playing this for the first time in months and aye, it’s like all the muscle memory just disappeared.

I actually forgotten how to KBD for a short moment. But, playing DOA5LR is always refreshing after a short while, especially if one is able to play offline with others who take an interest in the competitive aspects of the game. I am also thinking of adding Kokoro as an extra pocket character in case I go to some other tournament again later. She has most of the practical tools necessary for winning.
… And, I like the character. And, of course there is Mai and Nyotengu.

DOA5LR has evolved into the ultimate fighting game in the whole industry overall!! I played the series since the first one, but DOA5LR has refined and perfected things to greater levels. they might as well use it as the foundation for DOA6, and establish a Xenoverse HUB for offline and online, as well as more features, even perfection can be improved upon, but yea DOA5LR sets the standards for the genre and has foundation to go even higher!!

I guess. I don’t think 5 is the worst in the series.
I think they made the stun system as good as they could moving on from 4, even though I wish they would have dialed it back instead of making it the focus again.
Some of VF elements were a good idea, but I hope if a DOA6 ever happens it doesn’t pull in people from other FG series…

what/ people from other fighting game series is awesome and DOA5 does it right! the crossovers elevates the DOA roster and possibilities even greater, and they made good picks without adding outrageous characters like Tekken dinosaurs, or Cyberbots mechs.

DOA universe has excellent roster, but in actuality, its already evolved somewhat like KOF, with even adapting Ninja Gaiden universe with DOA universe. both DOA and other series characters do improve the world and selection as a whole, and DOA5 raises the standards, overall keeping characters instead of cutting characters, and even bringing back ancient/legendary characters, overall DOA5 team has a better understanding of moving up with roster instead of wasting characters and leaping backwards. DOA5 moves forward overall and has the most definitive roster in the series to date, without needing to resort to a tekken tag to bring back favorites while maintaining classic and newcomers

I actually don’t understand what you’re talking about or even trying to say.
All DOA5 has done though since Ultimate is bring back old characters, clone characters, guest characters, and garbage loli bait…So I think that’s a counter to whatever you are saying.

bringing back classic characters is always a plus. more favorites and more incentives for veteran fans to get the latest game.

clone characters are good and DOA doesn’t overdo it like DBZ, MK Trilogy, and other series do clones. also Kasumi, Phase 4 and Alpha 152 are all awesome and unique in their own ways.

guest characters are a great thing, where else can you have Virtua Fighter, Fatal Fury, and Samurai Warriors reps together on the DOA platform??

Also its sexist and misogynist to call the younger girls “garbage lolis”, you never complain when a videogame has young boys, no matter how much skin they show, so don’t assume “young girl dressing pretty = pedobait”, that’s immature and a toxic perspective to have.

If it were up to you, you probably just want men in the roster, but then people could label that fighting game “garbage male homosexual fanservice”.

Like grow up and don’t be so insecure by the pressure of society machine’s ignorance, as to lash out at sexy girls just because you don’t want to be mistakened for a pedophile.
The true creeps are those that reject girls based on how young they are and how pretty they dress, and this isn’t the only fighting game with teenagers. they are there to fight.

if you call them garbage loli bait because you think they are intended for pedos, then you are fabricating a pedo perspective yourself. not everyone likes Marie Rose and Honoka for perverted reasons, some like their moveset, fighting style, personality, not just appearance.

Just like DOA5’s slogan: “I’m a fighter”.

** If you see the characters as something other than fighters, then your mind and perspective is the problem, not the character. **

Wow an assload of assumptions there Affinity.

God Damn you are garbage.

Marie Rose and Honoka are loli bait because they are designed to look like teenagers and continuously get sexual outfits, the former more so, but there is no way to know they are 18 without looking that shit up. Is it a big deal in the long run? Not really, but those two characters have destroyed much of the female cast in terms of popularity. I love Lisa and Tina, but those characters play second fiddle to fucking Marie “Actually 18” Rose? Honoka is just a complete gimped version of 5-6 characters, all of her stances she uses from other characters has missing moves, or don’t properly replicate the character she is imitating( i.e. Bokuho stance)

I’ve played DOA since 2, and in tournaments since 3. I don’t give a fuck how much skin characters show, but I know they use it way more as a dlc cash grab now than when Oatmeal Cookie was the game’s designer. That’s my problem. That shit used to be: Here’s game, also ladies are in it and they are attractive and might have a swimsuit outfit. Cool? Instead DOA5 has over $1000 worth of dlc. How is that a good industry standard? If it were up to Tecmo Koei, DOA6 would probably just be an all female cast anyways so they can move straight into that sweet dlc grab.

You can get off with that shit fam. I fucking love DOA, so a random person on the internet assuming I’m scared of video game boobs can get bent, male or female.

Bonus…In tournament I have used Lee, Leon, Rachel, Marie, Lisa, Tina, Hitomi, Fu, Momoji, Ein, and Nyotengu. But no you’re right, lady characters gross me out cause I can see their thighs.

if you keep clinging onto the “loli bait” perspective, that just gravitates towards insecurities and misrepresentation of the DOA fanbase as a whole. in a sense you are insulting yourself with that perspective, because over half of the fanbase don’t even think “loli” when they fight or play as Marie Rose or Honoka.

they are girls, they are fighters. get out of the creep mentality, and nevermind the weirdos that may see the girls as those things, they only make a small % of the fanbase (which I’m sure they rather look up porn than play the actual fighting game).

as for Tecmo’s intent on how they are marketed, it’s subjective. People can like DOA and ignore DOAX, and can play DOA for the fighting and acknowledge all as fighters.

so what, you think just because DOAX exists, suddenly all the DOA girls are prostitutes to you?

Like come on, it’s that kind of mentality that’s giving conservative idiots like SJWs and misogynists fuel to oppose, condemn and oppress all things feminine, beautiful and sexual.

Sex and sex appeal is a reality, no matter how much its censored or measured, it’s a natural innocent and pure thing.
It’s overly sensitive cultures, politics and religions narrow minded perceptions of right and wrong, that are being so offended and fearful of exposure and glorification of what’s most natural about human form, and especially the form of the fairer sex. If those backward idiots had their way, everyone would be dressed like nuns.

So being an advocate to the whole loli labeling, is just making you generate slanderous assumptions towards anyone that happens to be a fan of fighters like Marie Rose/Honoka.

putting an age limit and dress code on things, is really just running away from reality and merging normal subjects with perverted subjects, which then misinterprets a character’s purpose entirely. DOA doesn’t even delve into 1% of real world cases involving young girls world wide, so leave the whole “loli bait” childish labeling out of the DOA discussion. they are fighters in the game.

anyone, man or woman, can be perceived as a sex object and sexual pandering to a certain category of people, depending on perspective.

an individual is not limited to being perceived as that.

Yea, jeeze Ribu, stop wrong thinking man. Gawd.

Is this nigga ribu talking ill about Marie Rose and Honoka?

Only an idiot would think that Honoka is a loli.

I’ll take the L on calling Honoka a loli…

I’m not reading all that shit affinity. I don’t need a psych evaluation to determine if I’m justified thinking characters are garbage design or not…


Meanwhile, if anyone is interested in high level matches or events please feel free to watch the following videos. Some of you may need popcorn.

Ah, yes, in facebook lots of people whining about why there’s so many DLC every time team ninja posts something, and demanding they make DOA6, which they probably won’t because of FF dissidia.

Someone should have gotten a red swimsuit^

And they’re doing work on FE Warriors. A new DoA is at least a couple years off, 2019 at the earliest.

think a DOA6 could be risky if the devs get lazy and then start with an underwhelming roster. even Tekken 7 suffered from lack of enthusiasm in including all favorite modes and stuff.

DOA5 still has solid action online with skilled players too, the DLC model helped it grow, and people actually saved more money than buying separate editions that divide communities and content.