DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Tina as Bullet looks cool but I wish they changed her hair and added the scar/tan. Bass could’ve get a Tager/Potemkin costume too.

They kind of announced every character that would be used up ahead:

For those who want to learn more about DOA in general, character game play, system mechanics, stun system, or frame data please click the following link.
Shout outs to Sly Bass and everyone who made a contribution to the documentations.


@d3v Please front page this if you haven’t already

Oh, so I can finally learn why I’m so bad with Mai and Tina. Huge thanks Great_Dark_Hero

Been messing with lei fang and liking her tsubaki and hold options but guide seem to state she a well rounded character. I was trying to play a defensive lei fang. Am i going about her wrong?

She excels at defense. Some of her best offensive tools are very evasive (like her Shoulder is good when you want to abare a counter-hit and is even a special wake-up option). She tends to do pretty bad against Grapplers like Bass, Lisa, Bayman, etc.

Ah thanks. It thanks to her that i like doa5lr. D3v had suggested rachel who i was warming up to (may still sub her). But some one had made the comparison of lei to VF5FS Aoi (my main in VF) and i was sold.

Are you part of the Freestep dodge discord? Been using the link in one of the threads but couldn’t connect.

He should be, Mr. Wah owns FSD.

I don’t think there is an official FSD discord, mainly because I haven’t yet seen the appeal of Discord. There is a DOA discord though, and the PC users use it as a faux Lobby system. The people who run it don’t work for FSD.

I would always recommend having a pocket Rachel lol…character has been solid her entire life in DoA5…and is baby easy to pick up.

I got Core Fighters for Last Round

I’m not to keen buying Costume, I mean Playing the Game to earn them

For PS Plus members only, #DOA5LR character Phase 4 is now free until Jun 27!

Any chances for a DOA6 announcement at E3?
I guess they’re still making money off DLCs but I’d love it if they at least show something new.

Doubt there will be DoA6 for another few years. They are just enjoying profit from DLC costumes for DoA5, DoA Extreme while busy with Dissidia.

Yeah, I think they are focusing on Final Fantasy, and maybe more DLC for Ni-oh. If they were also working on DOA6 that would be nuts.

DOA5 Last Round is a masterpiece and one of the greatest fighting games ever. more fighting games too lazy to be content filled like KOFXIV, should learn from DOA5LR, that is modern fighting game done right. letting players get good core content for free, being able to play online as well, with freedom to pick and choose what content they wanna add. DOA5LR is still updating with more DLC, so it does its business model right.

if more fighting games give their core basic content for free, along with online, and let players purchase the content they would use/be interested in, that can help players have money and determine their own ideal content for the game, kind of like a buffet, instead of some $60 game that doesn’t even give half of the standard modes. DOA5LR puts SFV, Tekken 7, DBFZ, MVC:I and other fighting games to shame. DOA5LR really the most generous fighting game in history overall, and at the sametime, it keeps the community together.

Doesn’t stop Affinity from being right about that though.
If you are going to drop bucketloads of DLC at us, atleast have a completed game first.

DOA5LR is a weird part in the franchise imo.
It’s pushed the game in a really poor direction, and given their current model I doubt they can realistically make a DOA6.
I think the decision to try and cash in as much as possible with multiple dlc packs every week basically keeps them in a loop of having to do that. But people like that so I guess it’s w.e…

DOA5LR Matches! Grab some popcorn.

Shout outs to Project Bokuho

Bought 3 (Vanilla, Ultimate, Last Round) version of it and then a downgrade port on Steam. Don’t think they worth that kind of praise about full product.