DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

God damn it, my wallet is crying right now.
Just bought the ultimate costume packs for Rachel, Tina and Helena.

I wonder how this new costume of Helena looks like.

I missed the final round top 8. Have to wait until they upload it. Btw, I didn’t know Itazan played DOA5. More to my surprise, I didn’t know he played Soulcalibur 5. He has a pretty good Astaroth. I hope to see him in more tournaments.

I saw Itazan play SC5 in SEAM 2013. Not surprised he picked DOA5 up, especially considering that he came from VF.

I’m not too surprised. The Japanese generally are more open to cross-playing titles than Americans. There isn’t as much a stigma on “That game sucks.” over there than here.

They’re finally here.

Today is a good day.

I think those costumes look quite good. Mila looks good. I see why they gave Helena that costume.

Post the trailer man:

Played my first 30-40 matches online. Lost most of them of course, but it was fun. The netcode on PS4 is pretty good (at least for me). Only had one laggy match so far, rest of them were very playable.

About the costume pack, Europe is getting it tomorrow I guess?
I want that lion’s mane for Rachel lol.

Those outfits… I actually like them

Edit: what type character is momiji? I got the chance to try and she seems interesting

A quick synopsis? She has good zoning poke tools such as her 2H+K and 66P. She can also deal decent damage, including stun->launch. She also has a pretty okay pressure game with decent mix-ups.

I don’t user her personally though.

Yeah I notice her she has interesting pokes. But how poke games in DoA5LR? or 3d fighters in general. I use to Play Anna, Bryan, Kuma because they seem to had good pokes.

I’ve leveled up my DOA game to scrubby string/hit or block confirm/throw gimmicks with Mila. The flow of the game is finally starting to click and it’s getting addicting, but I still suck.

I’m making some videos showing the destructible costumes:

Kasumi & Ayane

Nyotengu & Phase 4

Honoka & Marie Rose

Can anyone give me some advice on how I should tackle the process of learning my character’s moves? I’m playing Sarah and she apparently has 123 moves. I’ve completed her command training 3 times already, but it isn’t really clicking.

Should I prioritize learning and applying only certain moves rather than trying to learn them all? And how do I know what moves are practical and what moves are less useful in general?

In general you’d be fine with starting off by learning her basics. Her strings that start with P, her 6P, and her low attack options. Then find a simple launcher you can easily perform and learn the best juggle damage from it at the various launcher height levels.

Once you get that down you want to explore her moves to see which of her pokes and strings lead to good Critical Stun options. Basically learn the properties of each of your pokes both on normal hit, on counter hit, and when an opponent is in Critical.

After that you should learn which attacks are safe pokes and leave you at an advantageous situation when the move hits or is guarded.

Sarah has a good offensive pressure as she’s generally safe from her pokes if she’s not disadvantaged.

Here’s an old combo video that could give you some ideas of moves to fool around with to start:

Some Final Round DOA5LR Videos!


I really like your avatar.

Thanks a ton. And I guess I can segway into utilizing her stances and such later on, after I get a feel for playing her.

The fact that you have so many options in this game is pretty daunting, but I guess it’s also an point of appeal as well. I feel like it gives each character a tremendous amount of depth and makes offense in general really powerful. In that regard, beyond learning my character, I guess the scariest aspect of this game for me is just the idea of defending against characters in general.

Thanks! I’m sure you can imagine how I feel about yours… /Kreygasm

Learning what moves you can perform while holding block was a huge “ah hah” moment when it came to building a good defense/counter hit/momentum swing strayegy. It’s simple and seems stupidly obvious now, but I see a lot of online players not taking advantage of this. You can block a string and read if you can poke them out, and the poke fires from this situation where block activates asap when the move is done. It also helped me stop accidentally holding. Maybe that is a key element that is missing in your Sarah arsenal? At least to make defense not as scary.

Is that like a pseudo-option select or something?