DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Its not so much an option select as its just taking advantage of the system. You won’t stay in guard if you do an attack.

Most of the option selects are in the ground tech system.

Right. You’re not in guard as the move happens, but you’re also not timing when a move ends in order to hit block. You go into block immediately after the move.

When I started I was doing attack, see what happens, then hit block/direction on reaction (usually too late and accidentally holding at times). Now there’s no hitting block on reaction when I am in a face to face situation where we’re poking each other. I let go of block when I want to sidestep/walk/dash/do a move that requires guard+kick.

I am making it sound more complicated and special than it is. It just helped me eliminate a lot of issues I was having with defense and getting in counter hits (well…at my scrubby level ;P).

This will be my first 3D fighting game I’ll try seriously. Any guides out there that teach 3D fighters and anyone’s that focus on DOA5 any good videos and guides?

Team NINJA own Get Ready Fight tutorial series is a good way for anyone to learn how to play 3D fighters. Granted it’s designed for absolute beginners, meaning it covers alot of ground most of us already know.

Other than that, there are a good number of tutorial vids around the net. You can try searching Free Step Dodge’s media section for some of them.

Yeah I heard people love that version.

A little early but…

Nice April fools joke :slight_smile:

it has begun

What’s the verdict on the PC port?


Just waiting for that online play as only other thing is to play locally, train, unlock outfits, and texture swap.

I’m back again. Did a little bit of the tutorial. And I’m liking like Kausimi and Mila but are they easy to learn? And what top players play them?

The only issue with the PC port is that it’s lacking certain things that it seems that Team NINJA wants to keep exclusive to the PS4/XBone. The game itself isn’t just a quick port of the last-gen versions though.

Kasumi is built for speed and has some crazy mix-up potential. A neg to her is that she’s generally disadvantaged on guard, but some of her best pokes (like 6PK) have good pushback and can keep her safe by that means. Some players to look out for are Allan Paris, J.D.E., and M C Kwiggle.

Mila is more like Super Turbo. She can space and zone pretty well, has good stun options with guaranteed damage opportunity or easy access to Critical Burst (lv 3 threshold). She also gets to take advantage of the Ground Throw option select, and her ground throw is one of the more damaging in the game especially if on electrified floors. Remember, you can guarantee any breakable combo throw if you press H+P on the first frame of the window. She also has amazingly good juggle damage. Some players to look out for are Something Unique and UGS Gill Hustle.

I do not believe it has anything to do with exclusivity. I think it has to do with the stages using DX11 features of the new systems, but the game on PC uses DX9. Just a theory.
Also, the ability to give AA on the PC version helps the engine immensely, and I’ll even go so far as saying that I don’t care about the “Soft Engine” look. The PC version seems to look better to me at many of the instances.
Of course it also helps that I am able to run the game at 4K resolution.

Some will be already familiar with this, since it has been front paged previously.

It appears that the so called Rapid Step, an old DOA5 technique with a very short life span, has actually been virtually possible for this whole time. Thanks to the recent PC release, it has been possible to execute it again but tool-assisted this time.

It seems to be a severe exploit.
Link to the video

Merged! When a thread for a game already exists in FGD, you don not make another thread for it.

shit, I totally missed it, be good and forgive my sorry ass d3v

Korea held a recent international tournament. Here’s the Top 8:

Itabashi Zangief participated with his Pai play as well.

Too bad it’s not the official upload and therefore we can’t run it on the front page.

In the past I thought this game was a joke fighter.

I already played about 90-100 hours and I am still a scrub. =D

Never judge a game until you played it.

I always though of this series as just fan service fighter until DOA5. Now it seems the devs want this series to be taken seriously as a fighter, while still offering than fan service we have come to expect from the series.