DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Play through arcade/time attack/survival solo/tag.

Don’t know the actual requirements but just doing that a few times in Ultimate was how to unlock them.

Is it just me or Ranked takes forever to get a match?

Is that Ultimate DLC enough to get all DLC from past DOA games? Transitioning from 360 to PS4 is rough.

rank matchs I go in training and leave fight request on.

I didn’t realize those Fight Requests were Ranked matches.

About that preorder bonuses, anyone got theirs or is something that was scrapped or what?

Which retailer did you order from?

Amazon, but i never got a code or anything :disappointed:

Ah yes. That’s actually a problem with Amazon. Check this thread for more:

The gist of it is Amazon are being dicks by not honoring the bonus for those who pre-ordered before the bonuses were announced. That said, it seems that calling customer support can help you get the bonuses.

Really hit or miss, sometimes it gets extremely sluggish on 4 bars

Ok got my copy today and whenever I try to do Raidou’s hcb throw his standing throw comes out.

I’ve tried doing it fast and slow, I’ve tried hitting throw as I hit back and I’ve tried letting it return to neutral before hitting it, does anybody know what I’m doing wrong?

It’s too bad they didn’t use more of the power of the newer consoles. There’s no anti-aliasing whatsoever.

It’s not a hcb throw. Look at the directions. It’s a raging storm motion: f, db, d, df, b or 61234.

Hint is that if it were a semi-circular motion it’d be a single arrow going in a semi-circular pattern. Since it’s all individual arrows it is an unorthdox directional input. I’m told a shortcut is to do a 360 then hit back and throw, but haven’t confirmed it yet on my part.

Ah so basically I should have taken a second to actually look at the arrows lol.

Thanks for the heads up.

Edit: Btw sorry for the noob question, but does anybody know what the DOA equivalent of Dustloop or Tekken Zaibatsu is?

My google fu just bought up free step dodge and all I saw in the last round section there was a page full of topics about costumes and fluff.

Has there been any freaking word on a stick patch for xboxone yet

It’s already out.

Thanks for the heads up. Been back on the 360 version

Does anyone know if auto saving causes corrupt saves or it it purely random? I’ve read about the tutorial one but I picked up a copy yesterday, got to about chapter 31? in the storymode (Eliot) and saved it. When I booted up my PS4 later, started story mode, it crashed that fight and save was corrupted. Did story mode in one playthrough after that but I’m worried I’m just going to corrupt my game and all my work will be for naught.

I can’t believe I am reading this

The Dead or Alive community aims to ban over 120 overly-sexualized costumes in Dead or Alive 5: Last Round


No seriously I sort of get why they’re doing it, but nobody’s shaking that rep now and the idea that having over 100 costumes having been publically announced to be banned for being “overly sexualised” makes the game sound less pervy is funny as fuck imo.

If a tournament is running at a venue where you may want to keep it somewhat family friendly (community centers/churches/ect.) then I can understand asking the players to stay away from the swimsuits and shit, hell I’ll be the one saying that myself if my local anime club picks it up since we’re in a villiage hall which frequently does old folks folk dancing clubs and quizzes in the other room, but a straight up list of banned “overly sexualised costumes” sorted by character is just straight up clown shoes.

Still find the “Tengu was banned in 4 because he was banned in 2 even though he sucks in 4” and “The Sparten was banned because she looked out of place” at the bottom of the post even more laughable though, do these guys even play fighting games?

Please tell me these clowns aren’t the best source of information for this game, what I’ve seen of this site is sub gamefaqs tier right now.