DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

As difficult as most other 3D fighters. What you gain from not having to learn the game specific stuff from Tekken/VF, you spend on learning the system specific stuff for DOA.

The question now is if you’re willing to learn what is basically a 3D cross between 3rd Strike and Killer Instinct, thanks to the hold system. Just like 3rd Strike, where being predictable gets you parried, being predictable in DOA means that you can get easily held in neutral. Of course, this does mean that being random can get you far, against certain kinds of opponents. When comboing someone, the hold system means that, just like with KI’s combo breakers, your opponent can guess the next strike (whether it’s a high punch, low punch, low kick or a mid strike, unless you’re able to launch and juggle them. The new twist is the critical system, which is a semi-hidden meter (you don’t see the amount, you just see that your opponent is in critical) that you can build in the combo that allows you to extend and then juggle.

If you do want to continue learning the game, there’s a great beginners guide over at FSD.

Good stuff. By the way, you see the Critical meter, maybe not clearly but it’s there. It’s in the life bar. The flashing area of the life bar is the critical stun. Any damage that goes beyond that flashing area will knock them out of critical. Also, all damage is halved while in the critical state.

Lastly, another good tutorial thread is here:

I grabe dthe core fighter so I could get introduce to the mechanics. I felt bit overwhelmed too but at the same time I was trying to learn all mechanics, but I think I’ll take my time and only do few lesson so the knowledge sinks in. I’m more afraid of trying to find character that fits my style.

Battle Royal 2015 tour announced.

What character styles do you prefer? or what characters do you use in other games?

since were talking 3d fighters I;m not sure what I’ll be looking for. I think in the past you recommend ryu hayubusa since I am fan of grapples. so I am keeping that in mind though I am interested in Bass (throws), Kokuro (not sure what she is), and zack (pokes). Im slow at adjusting so I think I should focus on character who can be well rounded.

as for character well In soul I play Zazalamel, setska/A.Patrokolis,
In bloody roar I play :Buzujima, Chronos, Alice,
Tekken :Anna, Brian,

For grapplers, I’d add Rachel to the list of characters you could try out. Though it’ll probably also depend on how much you like setplay.

What kind of molds do Hayate, Alpha-152, and Kasumi fit into, if any?

And do I need Raijin to play Hayate fuck that

Kasumi appears to be a functional rush down character but she has quite a bit of mobility options to support a defensive play style. Kasumi has quite a bit of strings that are delayable. She is not the safest character in the game yet she can still resort her delayable strings for implementing an offense. 6P causes stun on CH. 66P stuns on natural hit. When you are playing the stun game or if you spacing yourself, please keep 4K+H in mind as it will cause a sit down stun (the opponent can not hold). Take advantage of the i9 punch, with some discretion advised. You can use 7P back flips to space yourself a bit quicker (outside of BDC) and when you do knock the opponent down you can discourage get up kicks with Kasumi’s 9P or by spacing them out and then going for whiff punishment.

Hayate is a character who resorts to a relatively balanced game play… In some cases he has several moves that make him “appear” to be unsafe (or throw punishable) but he is not. His evasion can also be pretty nasty as well. Unfortunately, I can not say too much about this character because I had never played him myself (I only played “against” him while only going as far as to test things on the training mode and read what people say about him through the other forums).

Alpha… is a Scrub-Killer character and a "Glass-Cannon."
The main idea behind Alpha is that she eats people alive who are… not overly knowledgeable of the game. Generally good at dealing with “bad” players (think Dragunov from Tekken or Clark from KOFXIII). The reason why Alpha is referred to as a Glass Cannon is because she can dish it… but she also can not take it. Her defensive options become too awkward to implement consistently in matches and she lacks wake up kicks after getting knocked down.

GT preview

New Get Ready Fight video. Be curious?

I really like that locked move list feature.

Honoka and Raidou combo videos.

So it looks like some people got access to the game early. Either through a mistake on Microsoft’s part (the trial on XBox One was available for a short time before they pulled it) or though retailers breaking the street date (a couple of guys already have it on PS4).

It seems that the cutscenes (win poses) are in 60fps now, at least on PS4 (there are conflicting reports on the XBox One version).

Also, some folks from NeoGAF have posted some screenshots.


Would really like to see PS4 VS P3 comparison pictures.

ABC Interviews Tom Lee

What’s with the cow motif Honoka sporting in her alts?

It is so blantantly obvious, but if you must know, it’s because of her “udders”…

1.01 character balance adjustments c/o werewolfgold from FSD.

The difference in graphics quality between DOA5 and other fighters is almost like the leap in quality between console generations.

On xbox one. Game looks the same to me as 360…it did a synce thing at start to bring my save data from 360…does not seem to work…did not bring over my story progression or titles or outfit unlocks earnef through beating arcade modes all courses… fucking blows

I believe you need the latest patch on 360 in order to move your save over so you can tell it to send the save file. Reports I’ve seen is the patch hasn’t been released yet. You can attempt again later by deleting your Last Round save file on the Xbox One.