DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

I saw the news of the delayed Steam version.

And what scares me is that even with the delay, unless there will be a surprise later, the netplay option is also pushed ahead (why did they delay netplay on PC version I still don’t know. Any answers?)

I figure they realized that there actually was a large demand for the PC version and it hit them that they couldn’t just phone the port in as originally planned.

Well they shoulda realized something sooner as soon as they saw the preorder numbers skyrocket the way it did.

But eh, useless to bitch about it. Gotta play waiting game, now.

Somebody at Tecmo must be like “you mean people overseas play games other than doujin and visual novels on their PCs?”

Team NINJA Debuts Get Ready Fight Official Tutorial Series

Team NINJA has started putting together an official tutorial series aimed at bringing in players who aren’t already members of the FIghting Game community or genre as a whole. They have released their first video of the Get Ready Fight series which goes over Basic Strikes and string input delays.
It is going to take sometime to explain everything but keep in mind this is aimed for people with no experience in fighting games.

I thought it was a good video, and would have liked to see something like this years ago.

I WISH there was a way to pry out a REASON why online play over PC will still be delayed by three months after initial release.

Assuming it takes you x + y to get the game without online play, and let’s just say to get online play it will take z more.

x + y = release

release time + z = online mode released

if you find that x or y will take you longer to complete like let’s just say twice as long for y to complete than you estimated, it doesn’t affect z

x + 2y => release
release time + z = online mode released


So they are working on other things besides Online mode because they want to focus on getting everything else besides online mode working. It’s most likely no one is working on online mode.
Once the game releases, those people will work on online mode and estimate it taking no more than 3 months. It could be 1 day, or it could be 3 months. It’s in the future but requires the game to be done first.

Don’t know the whole thing seems a bit sketchy. PC users should wait for the online before purchase. Also what does everyone think of what the DOA creator thought of the progress of series?

Who the heck cares about what Itagaki says.

His ideas and the way he tuned 4 are basically how a scrub would react to seeing and not understanding high level play.

I don’t have anything personal against Itagaki. But, he does seem have a very… questionable outlook on fighting games and DOA.
I remember at one point he stated something along the lines of grappling characters should never defeat ninjas (Me paraphrasing a tad but did say something like this). Then was DOA4 which he had a much more direct influence of, that which did not turn out too well, especially from the standpoint of the competitive fighting game environment.

… Also. DOA5LR… is just around the corner.

It’s not that he had more direct influence in DOA4. Its that he was for the first time shown video footage of how to actually play the game competitively. He delayed the game a month before original launch to “Sakurai” it shortly afterwards. We know this because the x06 build a few weeks before 360 launched played like a growth of DOA3.2. All of a sudden by release time almost everything known competitively in the system was removed and the hold was allowed in more areas including throw advantage. Then the patch came in to clean up the few mechanics that were missed.

By mechanics I mean natural combos, frame traps, free stepping linear attacks, etc.

Is there a retail release of Last Round coming to PS3? I’m not sure whether or not it’s a good idea to buy DOA5U right now and just upgrade it or not.

Never really played anything in this series.

Only in Japan. Otherwise 5u gets a free balance update for parity and you can buy the two new characters and costumes in an upgrade pack separately.

This is how updates to a fighting game need to look like. This doesn’t split the playerpool everytime a new version comes out.

Character changes:

Google Translated (WARNING: Some of the statements made in the change list may confuse a lot of people who are playing DOA5LR).

imo the hit effects should just be turned on at all times. It’s not really that hard to get use to and it adds some flash to the game. The environment effects can stay the hell off though, does anyone remember the demo? Shit was a nightmare being forced to play that stage with the camera shaking all over the place lol.

I think you’re referring to “Action camera” in which, yes, I agree. Hit effects… meh I’d still prefer them off as they are distracting to me (and others).

I’ve been playing with hit effects on since Vanilla. They’re really not that distracting once you’ve played with them on for a little while, and they give the game a nice little amount of spice.

Anyone willing to do a proper translation of this. We’ll give full credit on the front page.

I just got this game today and I’ve been having some buyer’s remorse. I only intended on playing this game “semi-casually”, but after doing the tutorial and quite going through a few character’s Command Training, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I’ve never played a 3D fighter before, so everything feels super awkward; from defense, to movement, to offense, and so on. On top of that, every character has so much different moves so it seems like this game requires a significant amount of match-up knowledge, especially in regards to blocking or holding other characters. As exciting as this game is to watch, I have too many fighting games to learn to really focus on this 100% as I feel I may need to. If this game requires me to take as seriously as I feel it does for me to even hope of to get a solid grasp over it, I think I might have to drop it…

TL;DR how difficult is this game to get into?