DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Tekken and two Smash, damn MEH. I would have preferred Blazblue took one of those spots.

I am reading a discussion with Bloodburger, Aris and Rip dissed DOA in front of 5,000 people? When did this happen?

Which is retarded considering DOA4 came out in 2005. It’s just weak excuse, with no facts behind it.

This is how the cookie crumbles… but still keep your heads up and continue to support the games you love nevertheless.

Pretty disappointing news. Better luck next year, I guess…

But seriously, this game could’ve easily taken the spot of Melee…or Killer Instinct…or even Marvel for all I care, honestly.

I don’t really feel upset about Melee getting in because Apex this hear had over 1000 entries for just Melee alone, and the community’s very vocal and supportive of their game. Melee players always show up in big numbers when possible. Street Fighter and Marvel are probably going to be EVO staples well, forever but…yeah…I haven’t even really seen much of a scene for Killer Instinct from tournaments I’ve watched. I’ve seen Blazblue (which has even had its numbers decline a bit), DOA5U, Skullgirls, and KOFXIII either have higher entries than KI has, or just be featured at tournaments with KI being absent overall. So…yeah, that one doesn’t really make sense.

I wouldn’t have a problem with Melee being in the lineup if it was the only Smash game, but there’s no need for two. That’s the same as them including both MK9 and MKX just because reasons.

Having Smash 4 being the standalone Smash game could’ve given it momentum in the competitive scene. It would’ve been really cool if we got to see some Melee players going at each other in the new Smash, and at the same time giving that slot to a game that could really use the recognition. KOF, DOA, BB, or even maybe Under Night In Birth would’ve been an infinitely better option than putting two games of the same franchise in the lineup.

The diversity of games EVO includes seems to dwindle little by little as the years go by, and it’s just kind of saddening.

Diversity is down because not enough people show up to tournaments throughout the year for their favorite fighting game.

That’s how it is.

So Eric “Big E” Small of Big E Gaming, tournament organizer of the biggest East Coast events such as NEC, Summer Jam, Winter Brawl, and The Fall Classic as well as various minor events throughout the year, has decided to be the organizer in throwing an “official” side tournament for DOA5 Last Round at Evolution 2015 to show the strength of the game. If anyone here wants to contribute, there are many big players planning on attending to show their support. Even I’m coming out of retirement to show my support and make this my first Evolution.

Based on the past two years of competitive DOA tournaments, we could potentially get more numbers than one of the ‘main’ games. Possibly Tekken 7 or Killer Instinct is where I think it’s definitely possible.

Hey! That’s cool!

Also check this video out!


Glad to hear there’s gonna be a side tourney. This game deserves it.

On another note, I just bought Phase 4…really liking this character. I just finished all her combat challenges and she seems to have a slightly larger need for good execution than most of the characters…but her damage output with dem teleports is crazy. She’s all over the place. I’ve never really liked Kasumi that much but I’m loving this character so far. Gonna have to spend a lot of time with this one to commit her teleport links to muscle memory…

Anybody care to share some advice on her?

Yes sir. Phase 4 is another character who can do an absurd amount of damage (See Claw Iori from KOFXIII or Evil Ryu as he stands now on SFIV series). She is not necessarily the safest character in the world yet she saves face because of her speed and the nature of her moves. 3K works the same as Kasumi so you keep the opponent out temporarily if you use this in moderation. You can a lot of lethal guessing games when you stun the opponent because a lot of her moves will transition into her teleports.
6P is the quickest mid hitting move… (I think it is i12 frames. I “think”… but I am at work). You have i9 frame jab strings so try to take advantage of this, especially of you are fighting larger/slower characters. I believe her K+H and 3P are great options as well. As far combos, be sure to convert as much as possible… she has pretty decent comeback factor because of how much damage she does. 66K is a great option for players that are just… dancing around too much at the mid screen (whiffing). 2P is a quick low poke that will also help you get out of bad situations but be sure to move around appropriately as you start to attack and/or adapt to what the opponent is doing. Don’t over rely on Phase 4’s moves if the opponent and keep her throws in mind as they will convert in a large amount damage. The reason say this is because a lot of her stuff is throw punishable on block. When you juggle opponent keep 8K in mind as well because it is generally useful in multiple situations as you juggle the opponent. Don’t forget to make use of her mobility options as well.

Here’s hoping that people actually show up to the side tournament.

Very helpful, thanks a ton. Did you mean to say 1K instead of 3K though?

Also, kind of a random question, but do any of you know if it’s possible to get the system voices from previous DOA games? I want the announcer from DOA3.

1K also works nicely because of the hit stun it cause even on NC. I only mentioned 3K because of its range and to stop some incoming attacks from long distances.

Also… for those who want to take a glance at the customization options among other subjects, please watch the following video.


What I am really curious about are the changes that were made to the characters’ move set properties, new mechanics and/or moves altogether…

After watching some a-cho video’s got me getting pretty hype for last round. But as said before I’m Not big fan of memorising long move set but the pacing of DoA5 may be an exception. I’m not sure how I should go about of playing or how my nuances can come into play.


He is a champion.

Well somebody is happy that their costume finally got in the game.

Been waiting for awhile. Can’t wait to mod the belt to be the Big Gold Belt from WCW.

Here is a DOA5LR stream… but hold up for a sec:
… This stream took place very recently. I did not get to watch it completely and it may been a good idea if I didn’t. The audience (and/or stream monsters) and the players that were outright participating in the activity were… unprofessional (or extremely awkward) to say the least…

Watch this video at your own discretion! While this is relevant to an actual showcasing of the DOA5LR installment, the game play is… sub par.


… Otherwise, if you do not want your eyes to start bleeding from the… strange game play sequences from the DOA5LR footage, please watch the following videos to be given a reminder of why this game is awesome.


Some more Honoka-related game play.


Steam version delayed to March 30th.