DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Various DOA5U Arcade matches, Recent Last Round Trailers/Game Play


Jacky apparently has a new costume

I;m Glade DoA series doing well. part of me wants to give DoA another shot but I im not confident I can adapt to this game. I usuay stay away from game that require me to learn alot moves for characters.

Imo despite the large movelists 3d games are a lot easier to learn than 2d once you learn the more commonly used moves and frames and what moves are kinda intended to do its purely yomi and spacing as the games tend to deal in absolutes. in 2d games there are so many ways to use just 1 move and moves are super oppressive that learning the game requires not just more match experience than 3d games to get to an acceptable level but 2d games also require more matches with players of a certain skill level more specifically certain skillsets that use moves in the most oppressive fashion with robotic consistency.

Alot of 3D and DOA players I know will disagree with this.

According to them, since 3D is more about controlling time (frame data) vs 2D which is more about controlling space, 2D is easier to grasp since most of the data you need is visually accessible.

Heads up!! Brand new Kokoro combo video by EmperorCow!

Sorry I havent played a DOA game since DOA3, so bear with me.

Is the last round version coming to xbox360 in disc form?

If not, is it a paid dlc update similar to AE for SF4?


If you don’t have DOA5 Ultimate, you can buy Last Round as a standalone disc.

If you have Ultimate, you will get all the gameplay updates to Last Round for free. The characters however you will have to buy.

The new stages however will not be on the last gen (PS3, X360) versions of Last Round.

Will Last Round have cross play?

As far as we’ve seen, nope.

360 & PS3 (outside of Japan): Digital Only
PS3 (Only in Japan): Disc & Digital available
Xbox One & PS4: Disc available (Not sure about Digital since I don’t have either system so don’t know if you can digitally buy every game online).

Then there’s Core Fighters, two different versions available on Xbox One. One acts like a timed demo, the other you are required to pay for the starting characters (Microsoft ruleset I imagine due to being against F2P games). Core Fighters as it was on PS3 I believe will be available for PS4.

All versions of DOA5: Ultimate will have a system and balance patch update to be equal with Last Round (So players who buy Last Round digitally can play against players who have Ultimate on the same system). The two additional characters and new costumes will be available at a separate cost on the network so you can purchase the “content” separately from buying the full game.


They are announcing EVO lineup tomorrow. I much rather see DOA5 than Tekken AGAIN.

Team NINJA creative director Tom Lee had some words to say on why people should make it out to tournaments.

You are likely to form some long term friendships with other players when you do go to events overtime…
I want DOA5LR to make it to the EVO line up…

Check this out.

Didn’t happen and I’m not surprised. There are more than a few people up top who really don’t like the game, based on their previous experiences with DOA4.

Well, they put UMVC3 there again without thinking even once. Quality was certainly not a criteria for choosing the lineup.

I just want to say that I’m so sorry that the DOA scene got denied its chance to have another EVO moment to make way for more Killer Instinct. I don’t blame any of you for being upset about that.

I had a feeling this was going to happen on the behalf of KOF and DOA for this year.

That game really ruined everything. I can’t tell you how many people think that that gamedefines DOA (and thus have said people think DOA5 was a step backwards). Still have yet to get a solid reason to ever attend an evo, and I’m personally upset with how it turns the FGC against itself with “Your game’s not good enough” taunts all around instead of supporting one another. Every other major event including Big E’s can run 10+ games in the main roster and I always have trouble seeing why evo can’t do the same.

Might as well just hope that TN shells out for an official side tournament this year.