DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

The sad thing is that people HAVE been voting for that costume and the Rainbow Alpha one. It is upsetting really, and knowing Team Ninja, they wouldn’t have a problem making those costumes givin how easy it would be and how lazy they are…

So it is written…

Good news :tup:

Just a note that they also bought trademarks for other (older) games like Dynasty Warriors Xtreme Legends.

Sounds more like they’re renewing the trademarks or planning a bundled re-/next-gen/mobile.

I hope it’s true, a new DOAX would be fantastic :slight_smile:

I would rather they work on NG4.

We just got NG3/NG3RE, let the Xtreme players get their game back. :slight_smile:

The Xtreme series is a very bad volleyball game covered up with tons of Fan Service. It would be a different story if the game was actually good covered up with Fan service like the main series, but it isn’t…

I wouldn’t say bad, going off the first one at least. I’d say simplistic, but it isn’t necessarily a bad volleyball game, and it’s what they were shooting for anyways. “Competitive” volleyball they weren’t.

I dunno man, those games were “decent” at best… I think it would be best to leave that series alone IMO. It is probably one of the reasons why TN had to push the"Im a Fighter" campaign so hard…

DOAX1 sold great and was good. DOAX2/DOAP, not so much.

Just because some games weren’t good in the past doesn’t mean it can’t be way better the next time.

We just got two DOA5 games and two Ninja Gaiden games, and a brand new game called Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. I think it’s time the Xtreme series makes it’s return so that fans who want to see that game return get to be happy too.

Whether games were good or not really isn’t the point im trying to hard make. The problem I have with the Extreme series is that they put fan service first, and gameplay second. And they drive that point home with the second Extreme Beach game. I like to expect quality games from TN and the Extreme Beach series isn’t exactly a game with great quality…

It has a lot of PLOT Though Kappa

I can’t wait to see DOAX3, I wonder how Mila,Marie Rose,Momiji,Rachel, and Phase 4(perhaps) will be like in DOAX3

TN is listening to their fans now, so I’m sure they’d approve the gameplay of DOAX

I doubt it. We’ll just have to wait and see if they are even making another entry and not just renewing trademarks.

I personally don’t want an xtreme series. More fighting games please.

We just got DOA5 and DOA5U, and DOA5U is still adding dlc. A new DOA would be to early and DOAX3 is the last game the new TN has to revive. Don’t be so greedy :slight_smile:

TN doesn’t have to revive the Extreme beach series at all honestly speaking. They’ll be fine with or without another installment.

However, if I worked at TN, I would find a way to implement some of the features of the Extreme series in the next DoA game… Like the Tekken series and their different minigames. This way, they can have all the fan focus on ONE game, instead of separating it between two different game.

Just because we got DOA5 recently, doesn’t mean they have to ever go back to DOAX series.

It would undo practically everything they tried to do with DOA5’s “I’m a fighter” campaign.

You guys are so cynical, well doesn’t matter. Let’s just see if it actually happens

Yeah because the tons of swimsuits, breast options, the ability to move breast, and the gravature vids help the I’m a fighter campaign? Right

What happens in DOA happens in DOA, what happens in DOAX happens in DOAX.

DOA5U already has almost every single feature that would be in DOAX. All they need to do now is add volleyball, the other games, and the other things like gift giving, friendships, buying swimsuits/accessories,ect.