DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

I wouldn’t mind DOAX3, but there are many improvements the series must make first.

The difference between DoA5 and DoAX is that they actually put in time to give us some good and somewhat balanced gameplay PLUS fan service, instead of throwing in some half assed gameplay on top of fan service.

Plus they are going around sponsoring other tournies and promoting the competitive side of their game, along with the T&A already in the game. And like you said, if DoA5U already has majority. of the features of DoAX in it, why would they need to release a whole new game when they can just improve on what they have now?

But how do you know DOAX3 will have half assed gameplay? How do you know it won’t improve when it’s made and turn out to be very fun? You can only give a valid reason and not a “I just have a feeling” thing to answer that.

Just because the past games weren’t as good as it could have been doesn’t mean it’ll be the case this time.

For example, SF2 is the most popular sf ever and had great gameplay and was very fun, but what about SF1? That game was unrememberable and looked quite bland. See my point?

Well I have more reason to believe the game will be bad instead of good because:

1:The first two games were half assed. The first game was “meh” while the second was just bad. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice or more, shame on me.

2: The DoAX series is a fan service game first, volleyball/minigame second. And that is just asking for disaster…

Like we already stated, current DoA games are already filled up to the brim with features from DoAX, them making it into a big Minigame for the next main series sequel would be the smartest and most cost effective choice for them instead of making it into a separate game.

PS: SF got its act together on its second try, not on the third game. And the game was mainly criticized for its difficulty, not because of how “bland” it was…

Still sounds like a “I have a feeling” reason and using the past as oppose to a valid factual reason to why DOAX3 would be bad.

Ahh it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s all just opinion. Let’s just see how it’d actually turn out (that’s to say it’s gonna happen in the first place).

And saying to add xtreme games to the fighting game is like adding racing to the adventure crash bandicoot. Doesn’t make sense

Well sorry bro. I don’t like to be a negative nancy or anything, but when you release two sub-par games without improving on anything except their absurd breast jiggle physics, then what else can I think???

If they do plan on making another DoAX, then I hope they make it better then the previous games.

This is what I’m concerned about the most. They’ve done so much to bring the series back into the competitive FGC that a new XBV game feels like a step back.

That said, if they are bringing it back, I’m hoping for a more technically focused Volleyball game.

-Have Sega-AM2 help in the development. Copy the Virtua Beach Volleyball engine inf necessary.
-Playable male characters.
-Toned down dating sim elements.

Sorry, but had they focused focus on NG2 instead of DOAX2 the former would have been a much better game. I can never forgive that.

Saw this on FSD, this should be the cast

Rachel is masculine and ugly.

Yeah NG2 wasn’t as good because of DOAX2. (sarcasm). Let’s not pull crap out our butts

Honestly I’d hope they didn’t add males in DOAX3, the game would be nice just with the gals

Hey gang, if your looking for a regular DOA5U stream check out my twitch channel:

Tons of archives featuring THE BEST OF THE BEST DOA5U players.

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french tournament going on right now

Close grand finals.

Those of you who may be looking for some DOA5U game play in the near future, be sure to follow these streams:

We need more Akira players.

Tengu is next

Bah… I never liked Tengu… I was hoping for somebody new or unique…

Don’t worry, their will be at least one more character after him