If Capcom can do this with the SF4 & Marvel 3 DLC’s carrying over to the updated versions, then Team Ninja can damn sure as hell do this with theirs. They’ll be stupid not too.
Outside of the first free pack, the price for the DLC costumes overall is already too damn much as it is and there is no option to buy one character’s outfit separately like I had hoped. Sighs
May 22, 2013, 3:29pm
Yay Ein is back and Jacky Bryant from Virtua Fighter will be joining the cast as well
Good news
But if your looking Team Ninja give me my Eileen
TFW you’re faster than lightning.
May 23, 2013, 11:31pm
Love the new trailer can’t wait for more
May 24, 2013, 8:50am
Team A looks the best imo. But is that voting official?
May 24, 2013, 11:12am
I’d like to find out as well.
Paging @Sorwah
1-O 2-D 3-A
Mila needs a nice costume.
May 24, 2013, 1:05pm
Dunno, not really digging that idol shit.
May 24, 2013, 4:25pm
14 new swimsuits for the Collectors Edition (minus alpha 152 they are only 13 girls, so it’s likely we are getting one more)
Got that info from the japanese amazon
Fuck it, I voted for the Idol Set D. <_<
Me too, Ayane>>>Everyone else
As a fellow AKB48 fan, I have to choose Team O
I do love D and A though.
I’m sure we will get these, but hopefully as pre order bonuses instead of just later dlc.
It’s japan only right now, but I’d like to see costume pack A, if we by chance get it