DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

Damn. Went through Rachel’s combo thing once and I already feel substantially better with her. She’s pretty damn fun too…

All these new awesome characters…so little time… :sad:

So this is still just a disc release?

Yes, you can’t upgrade from vanilla without trading it into some third-rate retailer.

Full version, yes. Free-to-Play version, no.

GG to The Martian, he was exposing the fraud that i am :confused:
Also i want to say that he is a fucking pussy for fleeing away when a Taiwanese Hayabusa player entered the room and started sonning all of us, leaving me alone with him suffering his high level play :rofl:
At least i started to get close to beat him :looney:

I am in no mood to fight any more Hayabusa players after what I went through today. Lol.

PSN has the full retail version on PSN for 39.99.

It’s out? I haven’t seen it on PSN yet (US & HK).

Also, redundancy is redundant.

I bought mine on the US psn

Probably just me not understanding the new store layout I guess.

Yea, I have the download. $40. It installs Core Fighters + a full game unlock which is another 2.6GB, I think.

Haven’t played DoA since the third game. Getting absolutely wrecked online. I don’t get to do anything long enough to get a feel for the game.

You should try that one game mode that nobody ever plays any more. If I remember the name it is called training mode??? Also I still have one DLC code left, if ANYBODY has an extra Amazon Ps3 DLC code, I’ll shoot the last code to ya.

Picked up my copy today. It seems that the stuff sold here in Asia comes with the Team A and Team D costumes as well as another microfiber cleaning cloth (just like vanilla).

I’m very excited to get this game! It will be my first DoA and I’m stoked!

Going through a character’s move trials even just once helps immensely. It’s the perfect tool to just learn what your main is capable of.

EDIT: Is there a real purpose that Rachel’s little stomp move accomplishes, or is it pretty much just to aggravate your opponent? Doesn’t seem to do a lot of damage but maybe I’m missing something.

Yeah it’s up on the PSN store. I’ll get the digital version.

It forces them up so you don’t have to deal with the wake-up kick guessing game.

If she connects with it she’s +15 due to the attack forcing you off the ground, if you tech before it connects, then she’s +11 from the recovery of the attack.

Keep in mind that if you tech away (4H on P1 side) you have no hurtbox. If you tech in any other direction then the 2K can catch you in tech as those have a hurt box.

Effectively, it keeps the guessing game in her favor where as a defender you have to worry about being counter hit with an attack/launcher, offensive hold (catch throw) that leaves you back-turned and her +5, and a launching throw.

Same here Federov, and while I am bit overwhelmed by how complex it is, I’ve certainly been enjoying it thus far.

I always have an issue of overthinking gameplans early on rather than just playing and gaining firsthand experience. What would you say would be the minimum level of tools one should have for their character before they can start playing others and really learning the pace and flow of the game? Something like:
-2-3 safe poke options
-Several strings that cover high, mid, low, optimally ones you can alter during them.
-Vanilla throws if they are not mashing (throws are guaranteed punishes in this game when, during move recovery?).
-Vary wake up
-Reserve holds for obvious strings, focus more on stand blocking (I find myself mashing holds a lot which is terribad)
-Several critical stuns, then using above strings to add damage.

All that enough to start enjoying online? I won my first match last night mostly just using Lee’s qcfK, I think that is an exception not the norm…

Start mashing out the full circle while doing the rest of the move. That’s how I get my Izuna drop to come out