DOA5 Ultimate/Last Round Thread

From what I’m hearing, online is better than vanilla DOA5. Still, you need to remember that it’s peer-to-peer so your connection matters.

Apparently Arturo is saying that the netcode is good as well.

The game isn’t out yet in Europe, till then i’ll be seeing how the impressions shape out a bit more, hearing some mixed reactions atm. I hope this game is one to stay, hate to see a game “die” because of bad online.

Glad to hear it, I basically have to pick my games based on how good the netcode is.

Is there a website that has overviews of general character strategies? I’d especially like to know the differences among the 4 ninjutsu characters to help me decide who to play first.

Try Freestepdodge.

I really don’t understand why are people saying the netcode is the “horrible”. If you want HORRIBLE net code, go play UMvC3 online and fight a 2bar opponent and lets see how far you get with that. I swear peoplee expect the game companies to magically fix their shitty internet with great net code…

Rachel is basically Nicole the Spartan. Or if you wanna be topical; Mother Russia.

Lots of Alpha’s online. Not saying she’s OP or anything this early on a game I’m just getting back in - but I *know *why she’s showing up so much, I know what the intention is. And it makes me frown upon the player base.

Is the usual grappler syndrome, at the beginning they seem powerful, specially at low to mid level play.
Not saying that she is not strong, mind you, just saying that this usually happens with all the grapplers at the begining of each new game/revision.

Jokes on them because Alpha’s wake up game is non-exsistent. Keep the pressure on her to make her hella Free


Eventual DLC, I guess.

Holy FUCK Hayabusa is pissing me the absolute fuck off right now. Did he get some new buffs or moves or something? Because I was fighting this dude and I swear to god it felt like I had no options. I’ve never, EVER had this much trouble against Ryu. I was at the mercy of a barrage of crazy fast attacks, an ambigious foot-grab that is insanely hard to even tell it’s happening until its already happened, and he has that stupid fucking teleport which basically gives me two choices on wakeup, and those choices are:

a) Eat a fucking grab.
b) Take a hit/block a hit, rinse and repeat as he barrages me into another foot grab or knockdown, in which the cycle fucking starts over again.

Holy goddamn. :mad:

EDIT: PLUS, he has that bullshit lunge/dive move on his wakeup which even if I block it he seems to have an incredibly easy time just stringing it into another ridiculous move before I can even get half of an animation out of my character.

It is probably going to be that bitch made nigga Tengu everybody has been asking for, but I HOPE it is a brand new character…

I don’t remember hearing Ryu getting a bufff but he might have gotten one. Alot more Ryu’s are getting more and more agressive though…

Hope it’s a brand new character or another VF character. Tengu…meh, i would rather not have him but i’m sure other people like him. Undoubtedly the character will come to consoles as DLC, free or payed.

Yeah I never liked Tengu… I just hope they use this slot for somebody BRAND NEW for the game. Because honestly speaking they only made TWO new characters for DoA5 which is the least amount of new characters introduced in a new DoA game.

And to help you a little The Martian, Hayubusa is a mid to long range fighter. Now i’m not the best at this game but I do know if you pressure him down he can’t really do much about it, since his moves are pretty slow. Who do you use?

Tengu is one of the few VG bosses that legit made me tear up in salty frustration.

Since Vanilla? Eliot and Mila. But I’m using Momiji a lot right now.

I think i figured out why people kept cancelling against me in ranked matchmaking yesterday (though I may be wrong).
Arcade has as “throwdown (solo)” setting turned on by default, which lets people jump into your arcade session if you press “select” when it flashes.
So it could be that people don’t realize it’s on, and ranked matches you with them; they don’t notice the flashing icon, and eventually the stage ends and disconnects you.

The other part of that is that it says they cancelled if they don’t respond to the throwdown request.

Yea, in street fighter it automatically says “HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER”.
In DOA you get an icon in the lower right, but if you don’t realize what it does, you’re just as likely to ignore it. I was getting messages after I had ignored it for a while saying “The opponent can’t fight”, which was very confusing at the time.

Come one Irene!