Divekick - The One True Game - Out now on Steam/PS3/Vita BUY IT

fuck that, mr. n is one of the best things about divekick

Just put mr n as a future dlc already on disc and exclusive to the ps3 version…

oops, not good idea.

I was exposing bitches with Kung Pao all weekend. K-Factor KP is ridiculous.

It seems that the more buttons you take away, the more mind games you create. The game is fast as hell, but I can’t tell you how thick the atmosphere got when two people would pause for even one full second. You could feel the tension in the air as they blew through the decisions in their head.

I can’t express how amazing the game is, and how balanced it is as well. It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played, and I would gladly take the $60 I spent on SFxT and spend it on Divekick instead.

I don’t think anyone would spend 60 bucks on SFxTekken again.

But we’d all buy this in the indie section of XBL / PSN Keits!

Do it! Make some money and give us a drinking game worth Divekicking for!

Why don’t you do a Kickstarter for this? Seriously. Could add people in the game for big donations, add extra characters, stages, music, and get it published. Steam would eat this up, and it would work on any platform considering the button layout.

Just a +1 for Divekick official release. I legit wanna play this game. The replays are amazing.

We are exploring our options, guys. Be patient and continue your verbal support :slight_smile:

I really don’t think the game will be the same without DiveKick controllers. Once I tested those, I don’t think playing on controller or keyboard will be the same.

I think it could be adequately played on a stick, one hand on x/a and the other on r2/Rt. Wouldn’t be quite the same, but close enough to count. What I DON’T want is the mobile version everyone is clamoring for.

I’d probably have you play on the left and right bumpers on a gamepad, FYI, but i really do want this game played on the DK controllers.

Time for those friendly neighborhood SRK stick builders to make that paypah.

Definitely want DK controllers when possible. Makes baiting far more viable (and more fun).

I’m hosting the first brazilian major for DIVEKICK the moment you make it get to Xbox and PS3, Keits.

You have my word.

I will do everything in my power to bring Divekick to the east coast.

I will also add it to my tournaments ASAP. Let’s make it fucking happen.

Amazing how one of the simplest games at UFGT gets so much discussion on strategy. I’ll help finance this in any way possible.

Just found out Divekick is coming to CEO and I will be playing this game in a week.
Also, every time someone plays Divekick, a dollar goes to the dev team to cover production costs.

So not only do I personally get to play it (not saying that to be a dick, I’m just legitimately excited about this), but by simply playing the game, everyone at CEO is bringing Divekick one dollar closer to a full release.

People don’t realize how expensive it is to release a game with no publisher. And a lot of haters/pretenders who have never played the game are getting uppity about something completely optional. Sad.

I was actually just raging about people trying to put you on blast for that on the front page. (Charging $1 per play)

It’s rather obvious which people have and haven’t played it.

I mean, I’m cool if you aren’t interested or don’t like it, but there isnt any need to lie about having played it. Also, clearly a lot of people are very interested in it seeing release and while we are working hard to make that happen, the costs associated are not laughable.

I’m going to have to drop 10 grand minimum on software licenses alone.

Looks amazing. Day one purchase of the (Hopefully inevitable) Euro release.

You have just read a post by the 2014 SvB Divekick champ :wink: