Disgusting ignorant "analysis" of the FGC's "highly problematic player culture" from MIT

Is this guy just trolling here? He registered last month so I’d like to know before giving him a serious reply, anybody?

He never said anything that you are describing. It’s you who assume everyone who disagrees with you is 13 y/o and hates on women who dare pick up a controller and play video games or some retarded shit that you came up with in your imagination. I’m sure it’s easier for you to think in black and white terms where you represent the light against the darkness, but your simplistic world view doesn’t cut it, if at the end of the day you can’t even understand the situation at hand.

stfu and stop labeling an entire community of thousands under the umbrella of a few extremes. sexism exist every goddamn where and women aren’t just the victims of it. men just dont usually fucking care to bring it up and have ted talks about it. sexism in our community has been addressed. if there are those who want to continue to act that way, they have every right to be whoever the fuck they want to be, and no person or community has the right to make someone be something they dont wanna be. so thats on those individuals. evo backed out of wnf after marn made jokes about the miranda situation the following week. spooky straightened up his stream too, along with a general kick in the ass across the board of the community when it comes to offline and online (mostly stream etiquette) when it comes to sexism and misogyny. aris has long since apologized, and even came into irc apologizing and feeling really shitty about the flack that came down on everyone else because of his opinions and statements during that reality series.

also, dont assume online personalities are anything like offline personalities either. if you were thinking that, dont. most mofos are in a constant state of louis ck mode online. its relatively anonymous and fun, but 9 out of 10 dudes at any given major or local arent going to just walk up to a girl and be like wtf are you doing here, sexually harrass, or do much of anything towards a female, and those that do, well are those that do and the female participant should go about handling it the best way she can, like talking to a T.O.

it might be hard to get something done about rudeness or harassment at a tourney because its all volunteer staff, and people are really busy, but someones usually got your back, even if its just a random guy who over hears something or sees you sitting by yourself upset. shocker, there are immature people in the world. shocker number 2, usually the type of asshole that would shit on a female right to her face, probably is a fucking dickhead to guys he doesnt know either, and is most likely a hard to like person in general. many of us all have sat down to play before and you hear the whispers of whos this guy, whos this scrub, omg he sucks, etc… but you dont see me jumping up and down like OMG THE MERITOCRACY, WHY CANT I JUST BE AN EQUAL. you suck it up, keep practicing, keep showing up, talk to people, and eventually it all cools out. if there are guys who still wanna be extreme dickheads, then thats on them.

lets not front like some of these girls arent trippin either. evo 2k10 i believe at the xvsf setups, there was an attractive girl there playing. a player asked her how long she has been playing xvsf, and she replied, i have a boyfriend in a rude way. i was standing right next to her, and i look at the dude who i knew, and was like wtf after she walked away a bit later. he was like, wtf i wasnt even trying to holler at her, i just have never seen a girl interested in xvsf of all games. maybe she had a reason to act weird, maybe she didnt, because she was acting like that the whole time almost, and i’ll say allegedly she was also a stalker of a top florida player, and bedded by others. not to air her out, but i could imagine her playing victim of the all boys club, when in reality she herself was being unapproachable and bitchy, maybe prompting someone to be like, fuck you bitch, at a tourney. just like if a dude brushed you off like a dick, you would be like, fuck you then.

she got that work from aznretro too. that shit was funny as fuck, he was spazzing in a funny way on her. too bad that was never recorded. shit was hilarious. clops!

no one says the nfl is shitty and sexist when female fans are harassed at a game. they hold those individuals responsible.
no one says mcdonalds is shitty and sexist when one manager at one store harasses an employee. they hold those individuals responsible

i could go on forever, but point being is, rather then hold individuals accountable, a bunch of nerds who have to lay on their backs in the shower to wash their ass cracks have just generalized the entire community as sexist pigs for no god damn reason.

srk didnt have a big sign on the front page that said boys only, fuck you
evo never advertised itself as a guys only tournament
hundreds of og community members didnt come out and speak against females in the fgc in any way
the majority of commentators never sat down and were like man, girls suck, why do they even play, when one would be up to bat
nobody boos females when they are playing except fucking retards
no one was booing the transgender umvc3 player with the dress on, busting ass with spencer at evo this year

all people have as evidence are isolated incidences of individuals being who they are, stream chat nonsense that means absolutely fucking nothing, hearsay, lies, and bullshit. im not saying there is zero discussion of females within the fgc, the past, present, and future, but lets not start painting bullshit on the canvas about the community just so you can have that discussion.

just how i do not think that all women are crazy bitches because of the hundreds of thousands that are, no one should think the fighting game community is a bunch of savage sexist because of the like .05 percent that are.

**you know how i know not all women are crazy bitches, even with all my bad experiences, because i still continue to go out and meet new people and find great women to be around, date, etc… the problem with all this sexist bullshit getting tossed around, is unlike me, these people arent really looking to talk about the good, or really put in some effort to seek out non tools in the community and build relationships. they are just like the nerds who sit on the internet saying all bitches aint shit, shes a 5 out of 10 too chubby, and do not have any real life experience with women at all except for maybe a middle school girlfriend. i think through more experience then 1 or 2 in a short period of time, the so called sexist fgc might turn out to be pretty chill and cool once you get to know it, and not come at it so antagonistic. **

Oh my god, THIS. I watch a lot of Aris’s FT5 vids and he talks that way to everybody (including on a large number of occasions, an entity known as ‘Online’). He comes across as a jerk in the Superyan vids cos, y’know, most of the time he’s kind of a jerk! To everyone! If he were to tone it down and be all polite and flowery every time he spoke to someone with a uterus then he wouldn’t be treating them equally, which surely would be sexist?. Catch 22.

somebody should email him this thread.

Those actually had PC ports.

Sure there are, thanks to emulation.

You have no idea how that girl had felt. Damn, if I was accosted that way every 5 seconds I would have felt very bad, I can’t how a girl what would have felt. She was not only bullied, and sexually accosted, she was humiliated on front of everyone with no one to defend her, not even the event runners. But primary, it was Aris fault.

Insensitive misogynistic bully pig, that’s how I would define Aris. And yeah, that’s being a poor pretext of a man and a human being. I don’t care if he knows how to play Tekken, I don’t care if he donated $10,000 dollars to an orphanage or whatever, I can’t imagine any “good” person treating that way another people for real, and publicly. He’s still a big fat hideous piece of crap.

He’s not even able to recognize the bad what he did, he thinks it’s normal and good, and everyone should act the same way (the way he practically said misogyny is “the heart of the community”).

It made mi disappointed not really of the FG community, but the American gamer community at least, and it was seriously damaging that this piece of crap came to do that in this particular community. And seeing how you keep on defending him, I’m even more disappointed.
Seriously, if you can empathize and defend that kind of idiot, you really need to have your mental balance checked.

I was just responding to the one guy I quoted.

White-knighting and passive sexism in the same post? Multi tasking at its finest! Why does it make it worse that she’s ‘a girl’? Why does she even need someone to defend her? She’s a grown woman who has to handle day to day life and yet sure, a few poorly judged barbs are gonna cut her to the bone. Those poor women folk. My guess is in fact she was trying to be professional and so she didn’t ‘defend’ herself, which she was most likely more than capable of.

Putting Aris aside a sec, the whole ‘FGC=misogyny’ equation doing the rounds right now is a joke. Arcades where I played were always full of people talking shit after a match, before a match, during a match and even watching a match. That should not change as it’s part of the hype of a game, bodying someone who bragged how his Sagat was god-tier etc.

It’s not misogyny, it’s also not as bad as it’s being made out. From watching that vid and reading recent articles, you would imagine that a female walking into an FG tourney would be assaulted by crazed cavemen shouting ‘Tits or GTFO!’ and ‘Solid 4!’. Quit with this sexism bullshit.

Are people expecting someone high up to come out and publicly denounce Aris whereupon fighting games instantly become the highest paid sport in the world overnight?

I don’t exactly know what is currently going on with all the social justice warriors in this thread harping about something from last year.

Maybe if you clap your hands really hard and post it enough times on your tumblr you’ll even get Aris himself to apologize.

That’s not simply because she’s a girl, but because her temperament, she seemed pretty shy and sensitive, there are girls who can take that as a joke and keep on with the game, but she didn’t. And that Aris pig was not even able to see that. That’s being plain insensitive, and also he was a mysogynistic bully because it was not a coincidence he acted that way to her, not to any other player of the room.
When you talk that way to a guy, it’s very clear you’re joking (most of the times, it’s a sense of humour men commonly share), but when you make those kinds of dirty sexual jokes directly aimed to a girl, that’s not always a joke, and in this case, it was VERY clear Miranda wasn’t enjoying it at all, or even slightly amused by his so-called ‘humour’. It was terrible sexual accosting.
Now he even had the guts to do that on public, he seriously needs to have his brain checked.

Maybe they won’t act that way like Aris did, but I still see many people come defending what he did. That’s pretty disheartening, to say the least (indignating, would be the adjective I would use). And like I said, I’m not talking about the FG Community, but the gamer community as a whole.

I don’t want Aris to apologyze. I know he’s already and irredemiably doomed. But for the others, if you’re sensitive and rational beings, please think a little and don’t get on his train. Don’t imitate him. Don’t defend him. Don’t think his behaviour can be acceptable in any possible situation. For human dignity and for God’s sake.

See ya.

I don’t know why so many people are defending that fucking Viking.

Apologies if my posts seemed OT, but in my eyes the whole Aris hate is indicative of the larger sexism accusations being levied at the FGC right now. Yes, he’s insensitive. But he’s like that to everyone, and to change his way of acting cos he’s talking to someone with a vagina would be in itself a form of sexism. I don’t like any form if discrimination which is why the links in the original post, pointing out issues with the whole of the FGC because of a few notable examples of douchery, pissed me off so much.

Oh god the amount of white knighting going on here is hilarious, sorry to burst your bubble but you guys are not going to get laid by Sherry Jenix or anybody else you think you’re doing a favor for here trying to defend them or the female gender in general.

@d3v can you just lock this thread already please?

Awww yeah, we’re defending women only because we want to have sex with them. No. We’re defending them because they’re people. Just imagine your mom in that kind of situation, or whatever.

I agree the thread should be locked. You’re just making it even worse.

meanwhile in the depths of SRK, rare footage of random people not knowing what they are talking about and just parrot what the masses say because they are too retarded to come to conclusions themselves

I think the entirety of Cross Assault, including the poor planning, awkward moments, and overall amateurishness of the show were more of an embarrassment and detriment to the “community” than anything Aris did

Not trying to change anyone, but that doesn’t make what they say okay in the slightest.

You refer to women as bitches bro, that isn’t cool.

Most forms of oppression are unseen, much like racism of today. Simply because a community doesn’t say “No Women” doesn’t mean women are welcome. Cue comments of a woman’s appearance when she plays on stream, pro hoes comments, solid 4 comments and the like.

You’re right, people act differently online than in person, no arguments there.

“Sexism is everywhere and Women aren’t the victims of it.” True, which is why we should all work together to stop it. Saying that it’s everywhere doesn’t mean we should ignore it.

Your comment says two things:

  1. You see Women only as objects to have sex with.

  2. You cannot comprehend a male being a feminist without want sex.

Strong stuff, impressive.

Join date arguments.

We’re lifting this discussion into philosophical heights.

I am sorry but that is the most bitch nigga post I have ever read. Goddamn, Unbrockable and Dramatix are laughing at you b