Did Someone Say Chimichanga? - Deadpool Thread Reloaded!

Realpolitix, nice Deadpool play in game 4 against Killer Kai’s Zero.

Strider is boring and sucks without xfactor. I can’t use xfactor to kill problem characters and then still have any use for Strider.
My team is boring and frankly I’m not going through the garbage that I’ve had to go through thus far to get my team to work.
Going back to Doom missiles and picking up Taskmaster for my anchor and playing pure zoning now as opposed to my semi-zoning-semi-rushdown style I previously used. Should be fun :slight_smile:

I feel that Deadpool’s movement significantly limits him when retreating backwards. There are two problems.
[]His backdash is very slow. It seems like it has a bunch of startup frames before Deadpool actually moves. Then when he does move he does so slowly. In fact, according to thrilla, the startup is so bad that if it’s plinked fast enough Deadpool doesn’t actually move.[1]
]His jump back is very floaty and doesn’t have enough horizontal movement to escape backwards from, say, Wolverine relentlessly dashing in or Hulk Gamma Charging from 1 or 2 character lengths away. (this has been my experience).
This leaves Deadpool with one good option when he’s being rushed down, jump back then try to double jump over the opponent. Kind of a use their momentum against them in order to escape sort of thing. For moves with big hitboxes like Gamma Charge or Vergil’s normals I believe Deadpool is at a disadvantage when trying to double jump over the opponent.

If Deadpool can clear the opponent with his double jump he has options in order to land safely and restart his zoning game. He can call an assist, throw shoryukens, shoot L/M guns, or even go for a falling j.S in the right matchup.

An important thing to note about Deadpool’s slow backward movement is that it requires him to get some space against strong rushdown characters before he can safely harass with one of the staples of his offense, jump back M guns.

What do you think about this evaluation of Deadpool’s backward movement? Are there any matchups you think this applies to especially or any assists you think are especially good at helping Deadpool retreat safely?

Edit: Zero’s backwards movement provides a stark contrast to Deadpool’s. Zero can be played similarly to Deadpool, transitioning between zoning and rushdown when the time is right. Zero’s jump back is less floaty and covers horizontal distance faster. Zero’s also got his quick back airdash to lean on. As a result, Zero can get away to fullscreen much faster than Deadpool. Take a look at the Zero footsies @ 2:54:59 in this video of Flux vs RayRay from Big Two #46. I think Zero’s ability to dart in and out of the fight by quickly moving backwards really highlights what Deadpool lacks in his backward department. I’m not trying to draw an overall comparison between Deadpool and Zero, I’m talking only about backward movement. Deadpool would probably be broken if he could move back as quickly as Zero.

New to Marvel, is Deadpool a good zoning character? Does we work well as a battery?

Deadpool’s backward movement is pretty awful against good rushdown characters. His backdash is like a backwards somersault, and I can confirm for a fact that plink backdashing with him causes him to end up in nearly the same place as he started. If you delay it a bit he moves slightly backwards, but I’m talking a difference of centimeters, not sufficient for escape. I’ve actually found Deadpool’s backwards momentum to be my main issue lately. Characters like Zero and Spencer take advantage of Deadpool’s poor backwards momentum and Deadpool has no answer to it. I usually get forced to super jump backwards, but then that gives the opponent time to set up landing traps.
It’s actually caused a bit of a character crisis for me, because I think I need a better get-off-me assist which Wesker and Strider can’t provide. I’ve honestly been contemplating Deadpool(a)/Dante(a)/Doom(b) quite a bit. I took a break from ultimate for about a week or two and was screwing around in mvc and mvc2, and playing team scrub refreshed my memory on how effective captain corridor was in getting opponents off of you.
I’m all for other assist suggestions, but really Dante is feeling like my last hope in this character crisis i’ve been having since early ultimate.

Deadpool is a fantastic zoning character, but a team normally needs to be build pretty much around him to succeed, unlike in vanilla when he was a dhc glitch setup character. Deadpool/Doom, Deadpool/Dante, and Deadpool/Strider are among some of the more optimal zoning teams for him, with select assists allowing him to keep the opponent in blockstun for significant amounts of time and locking them down for either chip damage or teleport mixups.
I wouldn’t suggest using Deadpool as a battery. He has pretty mediocre health and the majority of his combos are meter negative, although I did find a meterless 615k combo that builds 1.2 meters with him; however it’s not exactly the easiest and most practical combo to pull off if you’re just looking for meter gain.

Hey Deadpool players. So I made a Marvel practice guide on Evernote that’s basically just a list of things to run through with my characters when I do training mode. I have pages for Iron Man and Haggar but nothing for Deadpool yet. Besides his bnb, what essential combos should be practiced, and what essential mixups? Basically what do you guys feel is important enough to his game to practice?

I probably should have:
BnB combo
Overhead combo
Mixups and hit confirms with Unibeam
c.H (slide) confirms
Teleport reset combos

I’d also ask what kind of resets you use with Deadpool when you aren’t able to kill off his bnb. The bnb is pretty damaging doing over 750k and around 780k off a j.S, but sometimes you don’t have the resources to spend that extra meter. If I don’t have another meter to DHC into Proton Cannon and do 970k damage I’m usually not killing, so I’m looking for some stuff in this area.

I’m playing Deadpool/Dante/Akuma because Jam Session and Tatsu are both great get off me assists, not to mention the many other things they’re good at. Jump back + Tatsu/Jam Session is pretty good at clearing out some space. However, without a strong zoning assist like Plasma Beam it’s very easy for Deadpool to lose the fullscreen zoning battle or have to resort to stuff like superjump shoryukens when at fullscreen. I’ve found that jumping back with Deadpool and calling the get off me assist creates space but is not the best plan for my team.

With Jam Session Deadpool really wants to be standing inside the assist while it’s active. From there he can confirm on hit with his overhead or go for a mixup on block. This means jumping forward and calling Jam Session or jumping back, calling Jam Session, then double jumping forward. The jump back, assist, jump forward thing is also a very solid technique when you want to get someone off of you. If they land a hit on Dante just hit them with some shoryukens or even cancel into air HHT.

With Tatsu Deadpool really wants to be following it in. Three plinked dashes after a Tatsu call leaves him in position to either start a mixup or hitconfirm with S. For Deadpool this is a much stronger position than allowing Tatsu to push them fullscreen where the best he can do is tack on some M guns and try to zone.

I think Deadpool has tools to harass and run away at fullscreen but with the right assists the place he really shines is midscreen. His regular zoning is good but it can get cleanly beaten by something like Disruptor spam + beam assist. You also have to be really cautious about sniffing out superjumps while you zone with him. He can easily dash under them and resume zoning on the other side of the screen, you just have to not get caught in the middle of grounded guns or a jump back M guns. I feel like he’s annoying at fullscreen but at midscreen he can apply some tough pressure and ultimately that’s where he’s going to have to be in order to get a kill. He’s not going to kill anyone via chip from fullscreen.

You should practice doing M/L guns xx teleport, pressing L a few times then going into combo/overhead/mixup. Practice this on block and on hit.
You should also practice tossing out a grenade from slightly further than midscreen, teleporting in after it, and going for a mixup.

For resets a decent one is s.H xx teleport after katanarama chimichangas in the corner. It knocks them across the screen then you pop up behind them and air throw. It could be much stronger if you called a lockdown assist as you went for the throw to catch a tech attempt.

Another technique for resets is to end your combos with air HHT so that the opponent ground techs. If your spacing is good you can catch any ground tech direction with a meaty L guns into teleport.

From anywhere on the screen (even at full), you can also do a qcf.L or qcf.M guns after Katanarama/Chimichangas to force the air tech, which you can then follow up with a teleport to try for the same thing/catch them as they land. Pair that with an assist as well, and it’s pretty deadly.

Oh yeah I forgot about that one. You can add a bolo in there too. katanarama chimichangas, bolo, L guns, teleport.

Dren when you were playing Deadpool with Iron Man did you find anything nasty with Unibeam assist for Deadpool? Its really effective for frame traps with L or M Quick Work teleport mixups, basic Quick Work + Unibeam, c.H, S incoming mixup (really useful if its on the last character and you have Iron Man’s infinite down as if you tag them its a guaranteed kill with a TAC infinite) as well as giving you an option to inflict a lot of blockstun when they block s.H (s.H, c.H + Unibeam xx Ninja Gift L or M) but I feel like there is synergy is here I am missing. Maybe you used Repulsor though, I can’t remember.

The nastiest thing you can do with unibeam is switch it out for plasma beam.

Why you gotta do me like that man ):

I only ever used it to make blockstrings/hitconfirms. You can call unibeam as part of your blockstring so that you’re safe on block or you confirm on hit. Other than that you could use it for anything doom beam is good for. Unibeam is easier to combo off of.

Either beam is nice because they make deadpool’s fullscreen zoning a real threat and give cover for him to teleport.

Also, I bet you can call unibeam before the failed teleport otg to get all the hits from hht.


Calling Unibeam with HHT is something I’ve done to get a bit more damage, I bet that would work.

I based my team off my friend Steeler’s team of Haggar/Deadpool/Doom, but I use Haggar/Deadpool/Iron Man. Although I will not dispute for a second Doom is a much, much better anchor (and character, obviously) than Iron Man, for my team Iron Man does have benefits. For example his THC with Proton Cannon does a tremendous amount more damage than Doom’s, adding 200-300k more damage off the same confirms and Unibeam adds more damage when used as a combo extender near the end of Haggar combos (I know because after Wedge made that post, I tried all my combos and confirms with Plasma Beam, lol).

Wedge and Realpolitix you guys played Strider with Deadpool. Did either of you ever, after katanarama chimis, call vajra + s.H xx teleport for a mixup? It’s pretty god damn dirty.

I have been debating keeping this to myself but it’s so completely ridiculous that no one will block it even if they know about it. And I won’t get the credit for it anyway since I never play on stream. With Deadpool/Vajra end a combo with chimichangas then do:
dash + :a2:, :s:, :d::db::b::ub:+:m:

You jump cancel the launcher then cancel the prejump frames into Quick Work M. The jump cancel is necessary since the :s: cannot be special, hyper, or THC canceled. You could also do Quick Work L. It’s a very hard to see L/R reset that does not use a teleport.

You’re all welcome.

It would be very useful to develop an overhead combo that saves the wallbounce for the end to use with the Vajra reset. This would work:
:f:+:m:, :f::d::df:+:h:, :s:, j.:h::d::df::f:+:h::h:, :d::db::b:+:h::h: then Vajra reset

PS - The overhead combo I mentioned in the combo thread before:
:f:+:m:, :f::d::df:+:h::h:, dash :s:, j.:h::d::df::f:+:h:, :d::db::b:+:h:, dash :s:, j.:h:j.:s:
Is spacing sensitive and the first dash :s: won’t connect sometimes. For this combo to work you have to either be in the middle of the screen or toward your opponent’s edge. It will not work near your edge of the screen. To be clear, I’m not talking about the edge of the stage. I’m talking about the edge of the screen as defined by the current camera position.

The other overhead combo works everywhere but the corner:
:f:+:m:, :f::d::df:+:h::h:, :d::df::f:+:h::h:, :d::db::b:+:h:, dash :s:, j.:h:j.:s:

Traded a TE stick that I won and don’t use (I play on all AGE 360 pads) for a nearly new HDPVR and recording equipment today. This means I’m finally getting started on my Deadpool guide.
Just letting people know :slight_smile:

Godlike. Been looking to level up my Deadpool and this will be a great help.

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Welp, it looks like I’m going back to strider. Dante bores me, and anchor Doom gets bodied by dormammu or hawkeye. I started calling vajra on incoming with deadpool and doing a QCB+H as a mixup. If they try to double jump, strider forces them down and the opponent’s DJ input forces them to block high so I can slice up those ankles. If I time it early, DP crosses up the opponent on incoming and the vajra hits them to the ground. If they hit the ground before the vajra hits but don’t block low, the QW hits them up into vajra and I can get a kata/chimi into whatever off of it. And if they block everything perfectly fine, I teleport behind them while they’re still in blockstun and mix them up.
If they don’t get hit by anything, either I messed up, or they’ve got blocks like JWong. I’ll just have to work to build more meter before it comes down to strider.

I was thinking if you were gonna run Dante you would need Plasma Beam instead of Missiles for mixup potential. The issue here is how much Strider brings to Deadpool and then to Doom as an assist(free combo), I haven’t found a character that benefits both Wade and Vick as much as Vajra. I think I’ll to work out that incoming mix-up and see how that works out.